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Unit 2

Unit 2. (formerly Unit 8). Unit 2. Acrimonious Bovine Consternation Corpulent Disavow Dispassionate Dissension Dissipate Expurgate Gauntlet. Hypothetical Ignoble Impugn Intemperate Odium Perfidy Relegate Squeamish Subservient Susceptible . Unit 2.

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Unit 2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unit 2 (formerly Unit 8)

  2. Unit 2 • Acrimonious • Bovine • Consternation • Corpulent • Disavow • Dispassionate • Dissension • Dissipate • Expurgate • Gauntlet • Hypothetical • Ignoble • Impugn • Intemperate • Odium • Perfidy • Relegate • Squeamish • Subservient • Susceptible

  3. Unit 2 1. Acrimonious (adj.): stinging, bitter in temper or tone 2. Bovine (adj.): sluggish, unresponsive 3.Consternation (n.): dismay, confusion 4. Corpulent (adj.): having a large, bulky body 5. Disavow (v.): to deny responsibility for or connection with 6. Dispassionate(adj.): impartial 7.Dissension (n.): disagreement, sharp difference of opinion 8. Dissipate (v.): to scatter, dispel 9. Expurgate (v.): to cleanse, purify 10. Gauntlet (n.): a challenge to combat

  4. Unit 2 • Hypothetical (adj.): based on an assumption or guess • Ignoble (adj.): inferior, unworthy, dishonorable • Impugn (v.): attack as false • Intemperate (adj.): immoderate, lacking in self-control • Odium (n.): hatred, contempt • Perfidy (n.): faithlessness, treachery • Relegate (v.): to place in a lower position • Squeamish (adj.): easily shocked or upset • Subservient (adj.): subordinate in capacity or role • Susceptible (adj.): easily influenced

  5. acrimonious bovine corpulent ignoble • On land, the walrus seems clumsy and slow, but in the water, this _____ animal moves with grace. • Israeli-Palestinian relations turned ever more _____ after a suicide bombing in a busy market that sparked even greater unrest on both sides. • The bus driver always maintains a _____ air as he follows his daily routine, but I always wonder what he’s really thinking about. • Though lofty ideals led Brutus to slay Julius Caesar, the motives of the other conspirators were a good deal more _____.

  6. intemperate squeamish subservient susceptible • You may say I’m _____, but I refuse to watch a movie in which the villain is ultimately devoured by red ants. • Ted was offered a job as janitor at the local high school, but he refused to settle for a(n) _____ position. • After a government review, it was determined that the chemical plant was _____ to a terrorist attack, and new security regulations were implemented. • Those _____ remarks about soccer moms may well have cost him the election in the suburban voting districts.

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