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Finland's Path to Becoming number 1 in 5G

Explore how Finland became a global leader in 5G technology and discover sector-specific challenges and advancements in sectors like industry, healthcare, smart cities, and more in the 5G Momentum ecosystem.

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Finland's Path to Becoming number 1 in 5G

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  1. Dr Heidi Himmanen 2019 ITS 5G Mobility Workshop March 28th 2019 Ottawa, Canada Finland'sPath to Becomingnumber 1 in 5G

  2. Finland among the best in the world Finland is the best country in the world in a comparison of human wellbeing.Sustainable Society Index, Main results 2016 Finland has the best governance in the world.Legatum Institute, The Legatum Prosperity Index 2018: Finland Finns' trust in other people is the highest in Europe.European Commission, Fairness, inequality and inter-generational mobility: Social Capital: Trust in people The air in Finland is the cleanest in the world.Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland tops WHO air quality statistics Finland is the third most gender equal country in the world.World Economic Forum, Global Gender Gap Index 2017 Finland has the third best economic environment for business growth.Grant Thornton, Global Dynamism Index 2015 Finland is the most literate country in the world.J. W. Miller and M. C. McKenna, World's Most Literate Nations: Rank Breakdown Finns drink most coffee per person in the world.International Coffee Organization, Coffee Trade Statistics Finns use most mobile data per subscription.OECD, Digital Economy Outlook 2017 Finland is the happiest country in the world!Sustainable Development Solutions Network, World Happiness Report 2018 (also 2019) Source: http://www.stat.fi/tup/satavuotias-suomi/suomi-maailman-karjessa_en.html

  3. Broadband in Finland today Digital InfrastructureStrategy 2025 5G Momentumecosystem Content

  4. Three natiowideteleoperators Morefrequencies for mobile broadbandthanelsewhere in Europe relative to population • Total ca1200 MHz New spectrummorequickly in usethan in otherEuropeancountries • Cheaper to build, easier to plan, lesscongestion, morecapacity Unlimited data, inexpensiveprices, developednetworks, goodcoverage • 450 MHz • 700 MHz • 800 MHz • 900 MHz • 1800 MHz • 2,6 GHz • 3,5 GHz • 26 GHz (y 2020) • 2 GHz Finland today – mobile broadband 5G Momentum

  5. Finnsusemost mobile data in the world per subscription 4G covers99% of homes 5G Momentum

  6. The construction of optical fibre connections has progressed quite slowly in Finland Fast fixed connection providing 100 Mbit/s • Available: 50 % of households • In use: 20 % of households Optical fibre providing > 1 Gbit/s • Available: 17 % of households • In use: 2 % of households (FTTH) Construction of new optical fibre connections are important also for the development of 5G Finland today – fixedbroadband 5G Momentum

  7. Finland given an important recognition for forward-looking communications policy • Act on Transport Services • Transport as a Service, smoothtravelchains • opening of the data concerning transport services and the requirement for the compatibility of systems play a central role in the Act • Forward-looking frequency policy • Finland will be among the first countries, where 5G frequencies are available 5G Momentum

  8. PublishedbyMinistry of Transport and Communications in October 2018 Availablein English: http://julkaisut.valtioneuvosto.fi/handle/10024/161434 Turning Finland into the world leader in communications networks – Digital infrastructure strategy 2025

  9. Strategic measures • Spectrumpolicy (3,5 GHz and 26 GHz) • Promotecost-effective and fastconstruction of networks • Ensureadequateinvestment and financing • Promotemarketfunctionality • Supportingresearch and innovation • Support the development of intelligent transport and transport automationthroughnetworkpolicy

  10. For more info: www.traficom.fi • Promotes by trials new services and innovations based on 5G technology to make Finland #1 in 5G • Brings together the needs and ideas of different actors and encourages cooperation • Network coordinated by Traficom. Developes Finnish digital society and makes Finnish 5G-knowledge visible 5G Momentum

  11. 5G World Water supply Smart health care Smart homes Entertainment Electricity grid Satellites Automation robotics Smart clothing Traffic systems Safety and surveillance Intelligent Traffic Transport of people and goods 5G Momentum

  12. Discoverobslacles to introduction of 5G Increasevisibility of research and innovation 5G Momentum ecosystem helps Finland becoming #1 in 5G 5G Momentum

  13. Industry Media Critical infra Transport& logistics Healthcare Energy Smartcities Drones Harbours ITS New services Data Telecom/mobile networks Regulation 5G Momentum

  14. Sectorspecificchallenges • Drones: enablingwidespreaduse • promoteuse of 4G/5G, UTM(U-SpaceTraffic Management), weatherforecasts for drones • Maritime: smartsearoutes and automation • Benefits of 5G / servicescenarios, maritime 5G connectivity, satellitevs. terrestrial • Intelligent transport systems and logistics • Benefits of 5G / servicescenarios, business model, whobuilds 5G for transport? • Smartcities • Role of the city, neutralhostmodel • Industry and harbours: localneeds • Requiredfeatures, reliability, 5G networks for localneeds, private5G networks • Agriculture and forestry, health and wellbeing • Benefits of 5G, requiredfeatures and coverage 5G Momentum

  15. Drones • Demonstrationsof traffic management: cross-boarderflights, parceldelivery, air taxi, etc. • Droneweather Smartcities: Construction of future 5G networks Industry and harbours (fundinggranted) Communicationnetworks • Reliability of 5G • 5G testnetwork Plannedprojects • Maritimeautomation • 5G roadsafety • Neutralhost / Smartcities • Media & entertainment • Critical communications • Supportletter for severalplanned international 5G projects Trials and projects 5G Momentum

  16. 5G TestNetwork Finland (research & trials) 5G Finland (operatordriven) TrafficLab (leadby Traficom) One Sea (autonomousmaritime) ArcticDroneLabs DroneFinland Research Alliance for Autonomous Systems Business Finland (funding) Closeco-operation with otherecosystems 5G Momentum

  17. heidi.himmanen@@traficom.fi @HimmanenHeidi www.traficom.fi @TraficomFinland Thankyou!Welcome to Finland!

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