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Health How well are we doing?. The Learning Disability Partnership Board have 7 things about health in their plan for 2011 and 2012. Today, we are going to tell you about the work that has been done on the plan so far. We will also tell you about other
Health How well are we doing?
The Learning Disability Partnership Board have 7 things about health in their plan for 2011 and 2012. Today, we are going to tell you about the work that has been done on the plan so far. We will also tell you about other good things that are happening.
1.1 The Big Health Check The Board Plan says: The 3rd Big Health Check will happen and lots of people will be able to say what they think and make a difference to the Better Healthcare Plan
How well are we doing? The Government asked all health services to check how well they are doing again. They gave us 26 actions or things to do to make sure access to healthcare gets better for people with learning disabilities. We have just finished checking how well we are doing in Northamptonshire.
How well are we doing? We asked people with learning disabilities, parents and carers to tell us what they thought about the health services they use. We did this by: • Having a Big Health Day on 12th July • Asking questions at the Local Partnership Groups
How well are we doing? This was how people voted on the Big Health Day: People thought Northampton General had got better People thought Kettering General had got better People thought health services in their community had got better People thought specialist learning disability services had got better
How well are we doing? This was how people voted on the Big Health Day: People thought Mental health Services had stayed the same People thought transition, had stayed the same. Transition means the move from children’s to adult services, People thought services for people with autism were bad
1.2 The Better Health Care Plan The Board Plan says: The Better Healthcare Plan will be working and everything that is written on it will have happened (if it was due to be finished by March 2012)
How well are we doing? The Better Healthcare Plan has been written and updated. The Plan finishes in December 2012. The One Health Group have been meeting to: • make sure that the Better Healthcare plan happens • make sure people are doing the work that is needed
1.3 Health Checks and Health Action Plans The Board Plan says: All people who are registered with a doctor will have had an annual health check and will be offered a Health Action Plan. We will also be able to check how good the health checks were.
Health Check Reviewer The big bosses gave us money to: • Make sure health action plans happen • Make sure annual health checks are of good quality • We have 2 people in post who will be doing this work • They are called Health Check Reviewers
How well are we doing? Health Check Reviewers are: • Working with 4 doctor’s surgeries to get things right • They will then work with lots more doctor’s surgeries • There is now a Health Action Plan for doctor’s to use • Work has started but might not be finished by March 2012
1.4 Training The Board Plan says: All people will be supported by healthcare staff who know about and have skills in working with people with learning disabilities
How well are we doing? We have trained 29 primary care staff in April and May 2011. 50 more people are going to be trained in September 2011. We have trained individual teams such as the Health Trainers and the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Team . All nurses and doctors on the cervical screening training always have a learning disability awareness session too. This happened since 2007.
24 staff have attended half day workshops run by Marianne and a co-trainer with learning disabilities 85 people have had training in smaller groups, on the wards where people with learning disabilities most often go There are different types of training happening at KGH to help staff learn how to care for people with learning disabilities:- Every Thursday Chris, the project worker, visits staff on different wards to tell them all about the Learning Disability resource pack
1.4 Northampton General are looking in to different types of training:- Induction - all new staff will attend this when they begin to work at the hospital. When nurses finish their training and become qualified. Training with teams on wards that people with learning disabilities go mostly.
1.5 Information The Board Plan says: Health organisations will have more information about the needs of people with a learning disability in the county
How well are we doing? We have been collecting information about people’s health from doctors computers. Information such as the number of people who have epilepsy or diabetes. At the end of August, 55 out of 81 surgeries had given us their information. Soon we should have information from all the surgeries.
How well are we doing? We now have a system set up on the computer which will in the future: • Have a list of everyone with a learning disability • Give us lots of information about the health of people The information will come from the Health Checks and Health Action Plans. The Health Check reviewer will put the information onto the computer.
How well are we doing? We have written a draft of what we think ‘complex needs’ means. We have asked people from health and social care to tell us what they think. Work has started on improving information about the health of people but it will not be finished by March 2012
1.6 People will get good support from mental health services • The specialist foundation trust reported in February 2011 to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on how well they were doing • The Trust reported that they were green on the 12 questions the Care Quality Commission asked • Future reports need to show how services are getting better for individuals
Better support for your Mental Health A Train the Trainer session for the Mental Wellbeing Course for Carers was carried out in May Staff from the Community Learning Disability and Mental Health Teams have become trainers A carers course is planned for October 2011
1.7 People with complex needs and specialist services The Board Plan says: People with complex needs can stay in the county if they choose, with better support and access to local specialist health services
How well are we doing? • A company called IAC (Independent Assessment and Consultancy) will be working with health services in the county • A plan has been written • A project group has been set up • Work has started but may not be finished by March 2012
What has been happening at KGH? The pathways for the Accident and Emergency department and medical admissions are still going well, people have said they have had a better experience than in the past Staff can now add an ‘LD alert’ to a patients name on the hospital computer to show that they have a learning disability If a person with an ‘LD alert’ comes into hospital, nurses will know that they need to use a special checklist to make sure they are getting the right care
KGH wants to know what people with learning disabilities think about the care they get in hospital Patients with learning disability are now being asked to fill in an ‘easy read’ questionnaire just before they leave hospital Chris, the Learning Disability Project Worker has been visiting patients with learning disabilities on the wards and asking them some simple questions about their hospital stay
What has been happening at NGH? There is a pathway in the Accident and Emergency Department for patients with learning disabilities that make sure the hospital supports them in the best way. Debbie (Learning disability nurse) now works at the hospital full-time which means she can now help more staff to support people with a learning disability. There is a Patient Experience Tracker (P.E.T.) so that people with learning disabilities can tell us about their care in Northampton General Hospital.
We had a visit from the Care Quality Commission (the team that make sure we are providing good care). They told us we need to do better in making sure that all staff know how patients communicate their needs. We are looking at the ‘Helping Me in Hospital’ book to see if we need to change it.
Has anyone got any questions they would like to ask us