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The implementation of the HMPID DCS in the PVSS-JCOP Framework. The Liquid Circulation and High Voltage Subsystems: design, implementation and integration of the Device Units into the JCOP-Framework environment HV Subsystem First prototype results. The Liquid Circulation sub-system
The implementation of the HMPID DCS in the PVSS-JCOP Framework • The Liquid Circulation and High Voltage Subsystems: design, implementation and integration of the Device Units into the JCOP-Framework environment • HV Subsystem First prototype results
The Liquid Circulation sub-system design and integration of the Device Unit into the JCOP-Framework environment LCS: the bubble chart representation • For the Liquid Circulation Sub-system: • The requirement list of the LC sub-system has been written, • Then the functional states of the system have been defined, • A State / Transition chart has been drawn. • Then a control system representation by the Grafcet language has also been done, • Finally a complete Control Program has been coded as a Siemens STEP7 instruction list with an Object Oriented approach …
The LC sub-system : the PLC control program as a Finite State Machine • A devoted interface running into the Control Program stored into the PLC performs the encapsulation of the entire Liquid Circulation System, it exports, to upper DCS layers, one input COMMAND variable and one output STATUS variable. • This variables are communicated by means of the OPC/DCOM protocol. • Other two service variables perform the role of carriers for Configuration Parameters and Messages. • Due to the fact that the operative mode “expert” and “debug” requires more detailed access to the system, the LCS object also export all the internal variables in order to make visible the entire machine parameters. • The Control Program executes also the signal conditioning and filter and the Engineering Units conversion
The LCS Control System: the integration into the JCOP Framework environment FSM Device Units Main Rack FSM Device Units FSM DP FSM DP Modules Siemens S300 PLC Pressure Pressure Purify & Analisys Valves Temperature Pump Station LC SubSystem Domain Control Unit • The Action / State variables of PLC control program are linked, by OPC server, to a PVSS DataPoint by means of Framework configuration tools • This DataPoint is defined as Logic Device that became the interface point for the FSM Device Unit • Some Configuration/Monitoring panels are created into the Framework environment • For each Device Unit an associated FSM has been defined by means of FSM-Framework tools • Finally a Liquid Circulation Domain Control Unit has been created with the relative SMI++ control program • NO additional software required for the Framework integration !! DCOM/OPC connection DCOM/OPC connection
The HV sub-system design and integration of the Device Unit into the JCOP-Framework environment STATUS OFF : The HV Sub System is OFF, Power Supply is switched OFF ACTIONS Standby : Itloads the module configuration and it brings the system on STANDBY status CONFIG : The Functional parameters are loaded and set into the PVSS Data points, if the module is enabled go into STANDBY else into the DISABLED state HVon : It switch ON all the configured HV channels HVoff : It switch OFF all the configured HV channels STANDBY : The system is ready to power on the HMPID HV segments Reset : To exit from the Error Status RAMPUP : TheHV segments are switched ON Off : go to the OFF status. READY : The HV sub system is ready for Physics RAMPDOWN : The HV segments are switched OFF • The requirement list of the HV sub-system has been drawn • Then the functional states of the system are defined • A State / Transition chart has been implemented for the HV Modules, HV Power Supply units and the HV Sub-System
The HV Control System: the integration into the JCOP Framework environment FSM Device Units FSM Device Units FSM Device Units FSM DP FSM DP FSM DP HVm1 HVm2 HVm2 HV Channels HV SubSystem Domain Control Unit • All the parameters and variable of the CAEN SY1527 Crate are linked, by OPC server technology, to a set of PVSS DataPoint by means of Framework configuration facilities • Some DataPoint are defined as Logical Device, one for the HV Power Supply Station and 7 for the HV Modules, they will became the interface point for the FSM Device Unit • For each Device Unit an associated FSM has been defined using FSM-Framework tools • A High Voltage Domain Control Unit and the relative SMI++ control program has been created • A devoted Interface Control Scripts Program is requested to convert, all the information coming from the SY1527, into some logical objects that could reproduce an FSM behavior … Interface Program Framework device DPs DCOM/OPC connection CAEN SY1527
The HV Control System: the Interface Control Script Program • When an action is requested to a FSM Device Unit by the Domain Control Program, it changes the value of a DataPoint. • This produces the execution of a subroutine that valuate the situation and modify all the relate DataPoint config. Physical Devices FSM Device Units Event fired by Request Action Command to Devices Jasd j i= 0 If(kjsad) asd asda Jkd askd aksd kaksd as Asdas asd 1 CAEN SY1527 crate Primo [FwSy1527] HVpa1 [hmpidHVPS] HV Power Supply 5 CAEN A1821 boards Primo_board01 [FwCaen1527Board] HV Module 1 Primo_board01 [FwCaen1527Board] Primo_board01 [FwCaen1527Board] Primo_board01 [FwCaen1527Board] Primo_board01 [FwCaen1527Board] HV Module 2 Jasd j i= 0 If(kjsad) asd asda Jkd askd aksd kaksd as Asdas asd 49 CAEN HV channels Primo_board01_ch01 [FwCaenChannel] Primo_board01_ch01 [FwCaenChannel] Primo_board01_ch01 [FwCaenChannel] Primo_board01_ch01 [FwCaenChannel] HVm1 [hmpidHVM] HV Module 3 Primo_board01_ch01 [FwCaenChannel] HVm1 [hmpidHVM] Primo_board01_ch01 [FwCaenChannel] HVm1 [hmpidHVM] Primo_board01_ch01 [FwCaenChannel] HVm1 [hmpidHVM] HVm1 [hmpidHVM] HVm1 [hmpidHVM] HVm1 [hmpidHVM] HV Module 4 Change of Device Status Event fired by values changes HV Module 5 HV Module 6 • When a value of Physical Device parameter will change, the relative DataPoint config value changes. • This starts a subroutine that valuate the new global situation and modify the status of the relevant FSM Device Units HV Module 7
HMPID DCS Prototype: HV monitoring in the FW Device Navigator 1 2 3 A custom panel for the HV module monitoring has been developed. This panel avoids the monitoring of Voltage and Current of each segments ; also the status of channel can be seen. A trend button placed in the rightmost position of segment row , allows to open the trend view of the channel. A push button labeled “Control” open the panel to perform action on the HV module FSM
HMPID DCS Prototype: HV FSM Control Unit session snapshot An example of HV Sub System RAMPUP phase: The control panel opened from Device Editor & Navigator has taken the control of the HV sub-system, as visible into the FSM-Framework panel . The RAMPUP state is reached after that a HVon command is send to the Control Unit. The telnet section on the SY1527 crate allows a real time feedback control The Power Supply Unit is in READY state during all the operations. The modules from 2 to 7 are disabled 2 1 3 5 4
HMPID DCS Prototype: External DB Setting In order to allow the use of a centralized repository of the Experimental parameters settings, a Configuration DB has been created. The parameters are stored as a list of couples (Name,Value) where the name represent a symbolic name of a parameter. Each couple (Name,Value) is converted in the correspondent couple (DataPoint, Value) by means of a Dictionary that performs the translation NameDataPoint. 1 Configuration DB PVSS DB Experiment parameters set #1 Experiment parameters set #1 Experiment parameters set #1 Name1Value Name2Value Dictionary Name1 DP1 DP1 Value Control Script 3 Control Script 2 • Definition : a custom panel added to the FW environment allows the definition of Symbolic Name into the Dictionary. • Store a configuration: a control script program is able to record, into the Configuration DB, all the parameter values of the “Experiment Setup” presented at that time in the PVSS Data Base. This is like a “snapshot” of the actual configuration. • - Load a configuration: a control script program reads all the values of an “Experiment Setup” and by means of the Dictionary writes into the PVSS Data Point Element.
HMPID DCS: External DB Setting first prototype Configuration panel into the FW for the creation of the Dictionary entry. Example of a complex symbolic name. The Load/Store Configuration Setting panel.