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UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE NUEVO LEÓN Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Colegio de Ciencias del Lenguaje

UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE NUEVO LEÓN Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Colegio de Ciencias del Lenguaje. Diplomado en Didáctica del Idioma Inglés Módulo: Enseñanza de Contenidos en Inglés. Mtro. Oscar Eduardo Sandoval Villa. Content Teaching. 1st Favorite Animal 2nd Favorite Animal. Definition.

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UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE NUEVO LEÓN Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Colegio de Ciencias del Lenguaje

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  1. UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE NUEVO LEÓNFacultad de Filosofía y LetrasColegio de Ciencias del Lenguaje Diplomado en Didáctica del Idioma InglésMódulo: Enseñanza de Contenidos en Inglés Mtro. Oscar Eduardo Sandoval Villa

  2. Content Teaching • 1st Favorite Animal • 2nd Favorite Animal

  3. Definition Content Teaching: It refers to an approach to second language teaching in which teaching is organized around the content or information that students will acquire, rather than around a linguistic or other type of syllabus. (Richards and Rodgers, 2001) It is the teaching of content or information in the language being learned with little or no direct or explicit effort to teach the language itself separately from the content being taught. (Krahnke,1987)

  4. Approach of Content Based Instruction: Central Principles: 1. People learn a second language more successfully when they use the language as a means of acquiring information, rather than as an end in itself. 2. Content-Based Instruction better reflects learners´needs for learning a second language.

  5. Models • Language across the Curriculum • Immersion Education • Development of a high level of proficiency • Development of a positive attitude • Development of Foreign Language Skills • Development of designated skills and knowledge in the content areas of the curriculum

  6. Immigrant On-Arrival Programs • Programs for Students with Limited English Proficiency (SLEP) • Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) • LSP has focused on English for Science and Technology (EST) • Subfields ESP, EOP and EAP (Rodgers, 2001)

  7. Content-Based Teacher Essential Skills: • Varying the format of classroom instruction • Using group work and team-building techniques • Defining the background knowledge and Language Skills required for student success. • Helping students develop coping strategies • Using process approaches to writing • Using appropriate error correction techniques • Developing and maintaining high levels of student esteem. (Rodgers, 2001)

  8. Guidelines for Teaching Content • Provide hands-on and cooperative experiences. • Start by linking the lesson topic to student´s prior knowledge. • Teach and have student learning styles: use visual, auditory, and kinesthetic means. • Follow a general overview of the lesson or unit with new information in chunks; include active practice. • Show students how to ask and answer higher-level questions about content. • Monitor student´s comprehension on an on-going basis. • Teach students how to “know when they don´t know”- and what action to take. • Show students how to use graphic organizers to identify prior knowledge, prepare study guides, and restructure prior knowledge. • Provide books, articles, and other resources on content topics; teach students how to use them. • Provide explicit instruction in learning strategies for understanding, remembering, and using content.

  9. Developmental Characteristics of Children Ages 5-10

  10. Observation Sheet Subject _____________________ Students Age ____________ Grade __________________ Main Techniques used by the professor ________________________ ________________________________________________________ Students Features _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Physical Emotional Cognitive ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

  11. LearningStrategiesfor Social StudiesMetacognitiveStrategies: • Selective Attention • Self – monitoring • Self – assessment • Organizational Planning

  12. Cognitive Strategies • Resourcing • Elaborating Prior Knowledge • Making Inferences • Summarizing • Using Imagery

  13. Social / Affective Strategies • Questioning for Clarification • Cooperating • Self - talk

  14. Learning Strategies for Science MetacognitiveStrategies • AdvanceOrganization • SelectiveAttention • OrganizationalPlanning • Self - assessment

  15. Cognitive Strategies • Elaborating Prior Knowledge • Resourcing • Making Inferences • Using Images

  16. Social / Affective Strategies • Questioning for Clarification • Cooperating • Self - Talk

  17. Lesson Plan LESSON PLAN FORMAT: INTEGRATED INSTRUCTION THEME: LESSON TOPIC: OBJECTIVES Language Skills Speaking / Listening: Reading / Writing: Structures: Content Skills: Thinking/Study Skills: Key Vocabulary: LITERATURE: MATERIALS: ----------------------------------------------------------------- MOTIVATION: PRESENTATION: PRACTICE / APPLICATION: REVIEW / EVALUATION: EXTENSION:

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