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Health and Wellness in the Workplace: Improving Employee Wellbeing

Discover the importance of prioritizing employee health and wellness in the workplace. Learn about the impact of health on productivity and explore strategies for implementing wellness programs.

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Health and Wellness in the Workplace: Improving Employee Wellbeing

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  1. Health and wellness in the workplace:Thinking laterally about the health & wellbeing of your staff Dr Sarah Leach – General Manager Health Services Yvette Denning – Health & Wellness Coordinator

  2. Local Government Workforce Profile

  3. Local Government - Workforce Profile Australian Centre for Excellence in Local Government Workforce Survey 2012-13

  4. Local Government – Workcover Injury Claims Data June 2008 Worksafe.vic.gov.au

  5. Council Injury Hotspots: Community Support Services • 2010-11: > $9 million worth of workplace injury claims made in this industry alone. • The average cost per claim: estimated to be $50,000.

  6. Health – An Australia Wide Issue

  7. Why is health my problem?

  8. The Health of Australians Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW)

  9. Preventable Behavioural Risk Factors Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW)

  10. Preventable Biomedical Risk Factors Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Casa.gov,au

  11. Health – why it’s your issue

  12. Impact of Health in the Workplace • Nearly all (96%) working-age people reported one or more risk factors and three-quarters (75%) reported multiple risk factors • Absenteeism for those with at least 1 risk factors was more common than absenteeism for chronic disease when compared to those with no risk factors; and the net annual loss was proportionally greater too • The average Australian absentee rates in 2013 was 8.93 days per employee per annum, at an average cost of $2741 per employee for sick leave costs and lost productivity AIHW 2010

  13. Chronic Disease and Impact on workplaces

  14. The Workplace – ROI

  15. Australian Case Studies (Comcare & HAPIA) • Heart Foundation- 33 per cent decline in absenteeism- 5% decline in voluntary turnover- 42% of workers report being more physically active - 79% report improvement in their health • Tomago Aluminium - Lost 4.5 kilos (up to 20kg)- Lost on average six centimetres waist girth - Improved resting heart rate - Reduced blood pressure. • Boral Australia- Bwell program- ROI approximately 4 to 1- significant drop in all major health risk factors - The number of employees exhibiting 3 or more risk factors has dropped by 37% • QLD Govt Public Works- After 5 years= ROI of $9 for every dollar spent through three interventions (blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose screening). - 27% reduction in Work Cover premiums, and reduction in sickness-related absenteeism. The longer a workplace wellness program is in place the greater the outcomes. Improved morale and improved corporate image can see an improvement within the first year of implementation. Whereas improved health of employees may take several years to establish change (Buck Consultants, 2012).

  16. Workplace health and wellness ROI Smoking Quitting at any age adds years to your employees life. - Quit at 30 and add another 10 years. - Quit at 50 and halve the risk of smoking related death • Increased productivity: reduce sick days related to respiratory illness and reduced time in smoking breaks (5-30min in unofficial smoking breaks per day= $$$$ ) • Decrease early retirement of skilled workers due to ill-health • Lower cleaning and maintenance costs • Enhanced corporate image Healthy eating • There is a correlation between a balanced diet and being more productive at work. With reports of 1-2% increase in productivity exhibited following targeted health programs. Mental health • Every $1 invested in mental health returns $2.30

  17. Solutions – lateral thinking

  18. Private Health Insurance as a resource for good health

  19. The changing role of Private Health Insurance

  20. GMHBA Health Insurance - at the heart of healthy communities Our MissionSupporting the health of our communities for generationsOur VisionAustralia’s leading regionally based health fund most recommended by our communities for the contribution that we make to their health and wellbeing.

  21. GMHBA – The future • Demand for healthcare is clear and growing: • Ageing population • Increased focus on health • Increased preventable - non communicable diseases

  22. GMHBA – disease prevention and management programs

  23. MAV Local Government Employee Health Plan For Local Government and Water Industry Employees in Victoria and Tasmania.

  24. I want more ideas…….

  25. Resources – Mental Health • Heads Up - access to free tools and resources for a mentally healthy workplace - headsup.org.au • Mindspot- free telephone and online service for persons with symptoms of anxiety or depression - mindspot.org.au • Beyond Blue - beyondblue.org.au • Sane Australia -online and free call service, providing information, support and referral to people concerned by Mental Illness sane.org • Black Dog Institute blackdoginstitute.org.au • Mind Health Connect - mindhealthconnect.org.au • MyCompass - is an interactive self-help service that aims to promote resilience and wellbeing for all Australians. mycompass.org.au

  26. Resources – Smoking • Quit- quit.org.au/ • Lung Foundation- Lung Foundation Australia supports all aspects of lung health from asthma to cancer to COPD. - lungfoundation.com.au

  27. Resources – Alcohol • Dry July - is a fundraiser that challenges you to go booze-free for a month to support adults living with cancer. It helps you get healthy and clear your head while also raising funds for an important cause. - https://au.dryjuly.com/ • Australian Drug Foundation- the Australian Drug Foundation is one of Australia's leading bodies committed to preventing alcohol and other drug problems in communities around the nation. - http://www.adf.org.au/ • Turning Point- to provide leadership to the drug and alcohol field in Victoria, Australia. - http://www.turningpoint.org.au/

  28. Resources - Healthy Eating • Shape Up Australia, Australian initiative to reduce waist measurements and improve health and wellbeing - www.shapeup.gov.au • Live Lighter, LiveLighter (WA) aims to encourage Australian adults to lead healthier lifestyles - https://livelighter.com.au • Rethink Sugary Drink, highlighting the amount of sugar in sweetened beverages - http://www.rethinksugarydrink.org.au/ • Food Cents, is an education program that helps families to achieve a healthy diet and to save money on their grocery shop.- http://www.foodcentsprogram.com.au/ • The Parents Jury, online network of parents who are interested in improving the food and physical activity environments of Australian children. – http://www.parentsjury.org.au/

  29. Resources - Physical Activity • My Fitness Pal, https://www.myfitnesspal.com/ • Bicycle Network, We believe physical activity is vital for a happy, healthy life. So we make bike riding part of every day. Our strategy is to make bike riding easy for everyone. - https://www.bicyclenetwork.com.au/ • Just Stand, Stand up for your health! http://www.juststand.org/ • Big Stretch -

  30. Resources - Other • Vic health – app review, free or low cost training • GP2U – app • SISU Wellness – in house health screen (BP, BMI, %fat) • Healthy Together Victoria • Better Health Channel, Better Health Channel has provided health and medical information that is quality assured, reliable, up to date, easy to understand, regularly reviewed and locally relevant. - https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/ • My Dr, myDr is an Australian healthcare website dedicated to providing Australian consumers with the most comprehensive and relevant health information resource in Australia. - http://www.mydr.com.au/ • Victoria Walks, creating walkable communities and increasing the health of Victorians. - http://www.victoriawalks.org.au/ • Man Therapy, online men’s health website talking about all men’s health in men’s speak. - https://www.mantherapy.org.au/ • Healthdirect - http://www.healthdirect.gov.au

  31. GMHBA – practicing what we preach

  32. GMHBA Staff Health Initiatives

  33. Thank you!

  34. For More Information: • Yvette Denning Health & Wellness Coordinator GMHBA Health Insurance 52028860 yvettedenning@gmhba.com.au • John Toone Channel Growth Manager GMHBA Health Insurance 04082777 johntoone@gmhba.com.au • Ian McKenzie Choosewell Corporate (previously Health Link Corporate) Head of Corporate Partnerships ian.mckenzie@choosewell.com.au

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