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Malware Incident Response - Static Analysis

Explore the evolution of malware, static analysis techniques, types of malware, and response strategies in the cybersecurity landscape.

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Malware Incident Response - Static Analysis

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  1. Malware Incident Response - Static Analysis CIS 6395, Incident Response Technologies Fall 2016, Dr. Cliff Zou

  2. Aknowledgement • Many slides come from Dr. Lang’s previous teaching of this class • https://zeltser.com • CS155: Computer and Network Security (Stanford Univ.) • https://crypto.stanford.edu/cs155old/cs155-spring09/lectures/10-malware.ppt

  3. Malware • Malware - Short for “malicious software” is software designed to harm or surreptitiously access a computer system without the owner’s informed consent • Types of malware: • Computer viruses - a computer program that can replicate itself and spread from one computer to another through human intervention • Worms- a program that actively transmits itself over a network to infect other computers without human intervension • Trojan horses - malicious programs disguised as something innocuous or desirable • Spyware /keylogger • Dishonest adware • Backdoor • Rootkits - malicious program installed on a system which stays concealed to avoid detection and disinfection • Other malicious or unwanted software or programs

  4. Some History • Malware’s most common pathway from attacker to victim is through the Internet via e-mail and the Web • “Elk Cloner” (1981) is one of the first known microcomputer viruses that spread "in the wild," – outside the computer system or lab in which it was written. • Designed as a boot sector virus that infected Apple II operating systems and spread from disk to disk • Fred Cohen from the University of Southern California wrote his paper "Computer Viruses - Theory and Experiments“ in 1984 that was the first paper to explicitly call a self-reproducing program a "virus" • The first mobile phone virus, Cabir, appeared in 2004. • In Sept. 2001, Code Red worm started a new phase of malware fast and world-wide automatic spreading • In 2004, Bagle mass-mailing worm formed Bagle botnet to facilitate spam email proxy/relay

  5. What to Infect by Malware • Executable • Interpreted file • Kernel • Service • Master Boot Record (MBR) • Hypervisor

  6. Overwriting malware Targeted Executable Malware Malware

  7. prepending malware Malware Targeted Executable Infected host Executable Malware

  8. appending malware Targeted Executable Infected host Executable Malware Malware

  9. Cavity malware Targeted Executable Infected host Executable Malware Malware

  10. Multi-Cavity malware Targeted Executable Malware Malware Malware Malware

  11. Packers Payload Packer Malware Infected host Executable

  12. Packer functionalities • Compress • Encrypt • Randomize (polymorphism) • Anti-debug technique (int / fake jmp) • Add-junk • Anti-VM • Virtualization

  13. Cheat Sheet for Analyzing Malicious Software • https://zeltser.com/reverse-malware-cheat-sheet/ • General Approach • Set up a controlled, isolated laboratory in which to examine the malware specimen. • Perform behavioral analysis to examine the specimen’s interactions with its environment. • Perform static code analysis to further understand the specimen’s inner-workings. • Perform dynamic code analysis to understand the more difficult aspects of the code. • If necessary, unpack the specimen. • Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 (order may vary) until sufficient analysis objectives are met. • Document findings and clean-up the laboratory for future analysis.

  14. Types of Computer Code • Source Code - text written in a particular high-level computer language (e.g., C++, Java) • Compiled, object, or binary machine code - code a computer can directly read and execute • e.g., executable files of extension .exe on Windows • Shell scripts, batch files, or code written in a scripting language such as Python, Perl, Ruby; scripts are typically in human-readable format and “interpreted” when they are run, not “compiled” into machine code in advance (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scripting_language)

  15. What is Static Analysis? • Analysis of malware performed without actually executing the rogue code • Analysis can be performed on any platform because you are not intending to run the malware which may be platform specific (e. g., a Win32 executable) • Some questions to be answered include: • What type of file is this (batch file, shell script, Windows executable, Linux ELF, Javascript, etc.) • What does it do? • Does it spread itself via physical media or network resources? • Does it steal, alter, or delete information?

  16. General Procedures • Determine the type of file you are examining, its internal structures (sections and headers) • Review the ASCII and Unicode strings contained within the binary file • Submit the code to a virus program or online scanner such as http://www.virustotal.com; signature analysis may help determine the name and functionality of the malware • Perform additional online research to determine the malware’s purpose and capabilities

  17. Where to Get Malware Samples for Analysis? • https://zeltser.com/malware-sample-sources/ • http://www.tekdefense.com/downloads/malware-samples/ • http://thezoo.morirt.com/ • It contains close to 100 malware binary and source codes. • http://openmalware.org/ • You can search to find the malware binary code you want

  18. File Analysis Techniques and Tools • File (Unix/Linux command) - Used to determine the file type • command: file <program name> • “/usr/share/file/magic.mgc” file offers approximately 5,000 different file types that Linux will recognize with the file command • Hex Editor – Be.HexEditor (GUI-based, Free): • https://sourceforge.net/projects/hexbox/files/hexbox/Be.HexEditor%201.6.0/ • Strings (Windows & Unix) - find the printable strings in an object or other binary file • command: strings -a <program name> • -a - this option causes strings to look for strings in all sections of the object file • BinText (Windows) - Finds ASCII, Unicode and Resource strings in a file, http://www.mcafee.com/us/downloads/free-tools/bintext.aspx

  19. Windows Portable Executable (PE) Analysis Tools • Five PE Analysis Tools Worth Looking At • https://blog.malwarebytes.com/threat-analysis/2014/05/five-pe-analysis-tools-worth-looking-at/ • PE Studio (free version available, portable) • https://www.winitor.com/ • ExeinfoPE - view detailed information about an Windows exe file including packers used • http://exeinfo.atwebpages.com/ • PEBrowseProfessional: static-analysis and disassembler for Win32/Win64 executables • http://www.smidgeonsoft.prohosting.com/pebrowse-pro-file-viewer.html

  20. PE File Format • The Portable Executable (PE) format is a file format for executables, object code, and DLLs, used in 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows operating systems. • The main competitors to PE are ELF (used in Linux and most other versions of Unix) and Mach-O (used in Mac OS X). • A PE file consists of a number of headers and sections that tell the dynamic linker how to map the file into memory

  21. PE File’s Headers and Sections • Headers: • IMAGE_DOS_HEADER (contains signature “MZ”) • IMAGE_FILE_HEADER (contains signature “PE”) • IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER • IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER .text • IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER .rdata • IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER .data • IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER .tls • IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER .rsrc • IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER .reloc • IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER .debug • Sections: • SECTION .text (holds program code) • SECTION .rdata (holds IMPORTs and EXPORTs) • SECTION .data (holds global variables) • SECTION .tls (holds info about thread local storage) • SECTION .rsrc (holds info about version, icon) • SECTION .reloc (holds a table of base relocations to adjust for variables’ actual loaded places) • SECTION .debug (holds debug info, e.g., about the source file) High address Low address “Peering Inside the PE: A Tour of the Win32 Portable Executable File Format,” http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ms809762.aspx

  22. Windows EXE vs. DLL Files • Differences between EXE and DLL files (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic-link_library#Symbol_resolution_and_binding) • Dynamic-link library, or DLL, is Microsoft's implementation of the shared library concept in the Microsoft Windows and OS/2 operating systems • DLLs provide a mechanism for shared code and data, allowing a developer of shared code/data to upgrade functionality without requiring applications to be re-linked or re-compiled • The code in a DLL is usually shared among all the processes that use the DLL. However, the data sections of a DLL are usually private; that is, each process using the DLL has its own copy of all the DLL's data. • It is not possible to directly execute a DLL, since it requires an EXE for the operating system to load it through an entry point • An EXE file uses an import address table (IAT) to list all referenced DLLs and, at run-time, the IAT is filled with appropriate addresses that each point directly to a function of the separately loaded DLL.

  23. Malware Static Analysis: A Case Study CodeRed.2 downloaded from http://openmalware.org • The executable file is compressed with password of “infected” • When unzipping, it might trigger anti-virus alert and stop your unzipping action • unzip it under your Win7 VM (or any Win VM) since it has no anti-virus software to prevent this unzipping • The malware PE code is named “malware.exe”, but don’t execute the malware code! • In Linux, unzip it by “unzip -P infected zipFileName” • Suppose we rename malware.exe as codeRed2.exe

  24. Code Red 2 • The first Internet-wide fast spreading worm • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_Red_II • Incident: Aug. 4th, 2001 • Exploit a buffer overflow hole in Windows IIS server • Appear in Web server log as:

  25. Malware Static Analysis: ASCII Strings contained in the Malcode • In Win7, you can run PE studio, check “strings” tab:

  26. Malware Static Analysis: Submit to Virustotal.com for Scanning • To determine if it is a known malware

  27. Malware Static Analysis: PE Headers and Sections • It turned out the codeRed2.exe is not a Windows Executable Code • It is in fact an HTTP request with long URL, which contains the buffer overflow code

  28. Other Analysis on Code Red II • http://www.unixwiz.net/techtips/CodeRedII.html • https://www.grc.com/codered/coderedii.htm

  29. Malware Static Analysis: A Case Study Worm.MyDoom.I downloaded from http://openmalware.org • The executable file is compressed with password of “infected” • When unzipping, it might trigger anti-virus alert and stop your unzipping action • unzip it under your Win7 VM (or any Win VM) since it has no anti-virus software to prevent this unzipping • The malware PE code is named “malware.exe”, but don’t execute the malware code! • In Linux, unzip it by “unzip -P infected zipFileName” • Suppose we rename malware.exe as myDoom.exe

  30. Malware Static Analysis: ASCII Strings contained in the Malcode • In Kali Linux, run “strings myDoom.exe” • In Win7, you can run PE studio, check “strings” tab: 10 strings are black-listed

  31. Malware Static Analysis: Submit to Virustotal.com for Scanning • To determine if it is a known malware

  32. Malware Static Analysis: PE Headers and Sections • It turned out the myDoom.exe does not show up normal section headers and section contents

  33. Malware Static Analysis: PE Headers and Sections • Only .rsrc section shows up, but the code section, global variable section not shown • Has two sections: UPX0, UPX1 • Try Exeinfo PE tool (it shows packers used) • So we can use “upx.exe -d” to unpack the code

  34. Malware Static Analysis: Unpack a Malcode • Exeinfo PE tells us to find upx.exe from http://upx.sf.net • Executable packer commonly used by virus writers • Can compress wide range of files • Windows PE executables, DOS executables, DOS COM files, and many more • To unpack: upx.exe -d -o dest.exe source.exe • Listing of executable packers - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_compression

  35. In Windows command line, run “upx -d myDoom.exe” • We name the unpacked one as myDoom-unpacked.exe” • Now we can see the code section of the malcode!

  36. Malware Static Analysis: Unpack a Malcode • And, unpacked code has more strings that are black-listed (85 black-listed)

  37. Malware Static Analysis: Headers and Sections of Windows Executable • DOS Header: executable starts with “MZ” • File Header: executable starts with “PE”

  38. Malware Static Analysis: Headers and Sections of Windows Executable • Code Section: .text • In PEBrowse Professional, you need to double-click an entry to display its content

  39. Malware Static Analysis: Headers and Sections of Windows Executable • Imports: import address table (IAT) • used as a lookup table when the application is calling a function in a different module. • For more info on PE: • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Executable

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