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Exploring Biochemical Essentials: Proteins, Lipids, & Nucleic Acids

Delve into the fundamental building blocks of life including proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, their structures, functions, and significance in biological processes. Learn about amino acids, fatty acids, DNA, RNA, enzymes, and cell biology.

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Exploring Biochemical Essentials: Proteins, Lipids, & Nucleic Acids

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  1. Atoms and Bonds I. Atoms II. Bonds III. Biologically Important Molecules A. Water B. Carbohydrates C. Proteins

  2. C. Proteins 1. Structure monomer = amino acid

  3. C. Proteins 1. Structure monomer = amino acid

  4. C. Proteins 1. Structure monomer = amino acid polymer = polypeptide - chain 100-300 amino acids long linked together by dehydration synthesis reactions

  5. C. Proteins 1. Structure monomer = amino acid polymer = polypeptide - chain 100-300 amino acids long linked together by dehydration synthesis reactions VARIABLE... 20 "letters" can make a very diverse "language" of words...

  6. C. Proteins 1. Structure 2. Functions a. energy storage... but since they probably do other things, these are metabolized last... b. structure - after water, animals are mostly protein collagen, elastin, actin, myosin, etc... c. metabolic - enzymes d. transport - in the cell membrane - hemoglobin and other transport proteins e. immunity: antibodies are proteins

  7. Atoms and Bonds I. Atoms II. Bonds III. Biologically Important Molecules A. Water B. Carbohydrates C. Proteins D. Lipids

  8. D. Lipids 1. Structure monomer = fatty acid

  9. D. Lipids 1. Structure monomer = fatty acid Mammal, bird, reptile fats - saturated - solid at room temp Plants, fish - often unsaturated - liquid at room temp. Unsaturated fats can be 'hydrogenated' (peanut butter)

  10. D. Lipids 1. Structure transfats associated with atherosclerosis

  11. D. Lipids 1. Structure polymer = fat (triglyceride)

  12. D. Lipids 1. Structure polymer = fat (triglyceride) phospholipid

  13. D. Lipids 1. Structure 2. Function a. energy storage - long term - densely packed bonds b. Cell membranes c. insulation d. homones and cholesterol derivatives

  14. Atoms and Bonds I. Atoms II. Bonds III. Biologically Important Molecules A. Water B. Carbohydrates C. Proteins D. Lipids E. Nucleic Acids

  15. E. Nucleic Acids 1. DNA and RNA Structure a. Monomer = nucleotide - sugar: Ribose in RNA Deoxyribose in DNA

  16. E. Nucleic Acids 1. DNA and RNA Structure a. Monomer = nucleotide - sugar: : Ribose in RNA Deoxyribose in DNA - Phosphate group (PO4)

  17. E. Nucleic Acids 1. DNA and RNA Structure a. Monomer = nucleotide - sugar: Ribose in RNA Deoxyribose in DNA - Phosphate group (PO4) - Nitrogenous Base DNA = (A, C, G, T) RNA = (A, C, G, U)

  18. E. Nucleic Acids 1. DNA and RNA Structure a. Monomer = nucleotide

  19. E. Nucleic Acids 1. DNA and RNA Structure 2. DNA and RNA Function a. Information Storage - these nucleic acids are recipes for proteins... the linear sequence of A, T, C, and G's in these molecules determines the linear sequence of amino acids that will be linked together to form a protein.

  20. E. Nucleic Acids 1. DNA and RNA Structure 2. DNA and RNA Function a. Information Storage - these nucleic acids are recipes for proteins... the linear sequence of A, T, C, and G's in these molecules determines the linear sequence of amino acids that will be linked together to form a protein. b. Catalytic Action - some RNA molecules catalyze reactions; they act like proteinaceous enzymes. (Ribozymes)

  21. E. Nucleic Acids 1. DNA and RNA Structure 2. DNA and RNA Function a. Information Storage - these nucleic acids are recipes for proteins... the linear sequence of A, T, C, and G's in these molecules determines the linear sequence of amino acids that will be linked together to form a protein. b. Catalytic Action - some RNA molecules catalyze reactions; they act like proteinaceous enzymes. (Ribozymes) c. Some RNA molecules bind to RNA or RNA and regulate the expression of these molecules, turning them off.

  22. Cell Biology Van Leeuwenhoek and his microscope Robert Hooke, and his drawing of cells Schleiden and Schwann

  23. Cell Biology • Overview • A. Types of Cells • 1. Prokaryotic Cells • (eubacteria and archaea) • - no nucleus • - no organelles • - binary fission • - small (0.2 – 2.0 um)

  24. Staphyloccocus aureus biofilm • Cell Biology • Overview • A. Types of Cells • 1. Prokaryotic Cells • - biofilms

  25. Cell Biology • Overview • A. Types of Cells • 1. Prokaryotic Cells • 2. Eukaryotic Cells • (protists, plants, • fungi, animals) • - nucleus • - organelles • - mitosis • - larger (10-100 um)

  26. Cell Biology • Overview • A. Types of Cells • 1. Prokaryotic Cells • 2. Eukaryotic Cells • B. How Cells Live • - take stuff in

  27. Cell Biology • Overview • A. Types of Cells • 1. Prokaryotic Cells • 2. Eukaryotic Cells • B. How Cells Live • - take stuff in • - break it down and • harvest energy • (enzymes needed) mitochondria ADP +P ATP

  28. Cell Biology • Overview • A. Types of Cells • 1. Prokaryotic Cells • 2. Eukaryotic Cells • B. How Cells Live • - take stuff in • - break it down and • harvest energy • (enzymes needed) • and • - transform radiant energy • to chemical energy mitochondria chloroplast ADP +P ADP +P ATP ATP

  29. Cell Biology • Overview • A. Types of Cells • 1. Prokaryotic Cells • 2. Eukaryotic Cells • B. How Cells Live • - take stuff in • - break it down and • harvest energy • (enzymes needed) • - use energy to make stuff • (like enzymes and other proteins, • and lipids, polysaccharides, and • nucleic acids) • - DNA determines sequence of amino acids in enzymes and other proteins ADP +P ATP ribosome

  30. ADP +P ATP ribosome

  31. Cell Biology • Overview • II. Membranes – How Things Get in and Out of Cells • A. Membrane Structure • 1. phospholipids

  32. Cell Biology • Overview • II. Membranes – How Things Get in and Out of Cells • A. Membrane Structure • 2. proteins and carbohydrates

  33. Cell Biology • Overview • II. Membranes – How Things Get in and Out of Cells • A. Membrane Structure • B. Membrane Function • 1. semi-permeable barrier Aqueous Solution (outside cell) dissolved ions dissolved polar molecules suspended non-polar (lipid soluble) Aqueous Solution (inside cell) dissolved ions dissolved polar molecules suspended non-polar (lipid soluble)

  34. Cell Biology • Overview • II. Membranes – How Things Get in and Out of Cells • A. Membrane Structure • B. Membrane Function • 1. semi-permeable barrier • 2. transport Net diffusion Net diffusion equilibrium

  35. Cell Biology • Overview • II. Membranes – How Things Get in and Out of Cells • A. Membrane Structure • B. Membrane Function • 1. semi-permeable barrier • 2. transport - diffusion Net diffusion Net diffusion Equilibrium Equilibrium Net diffusion Net diffusion Net diffusion Net diffusion equilibrium

  36. Cell Biology • Overview • II. Membranes – How Things Get in and Out of Cells • A. Membrane Structure • B. Membrane Function • 1. semi-permeable barrier • 2. transport - osmosis

  37. Cell Biology • Overview • II. Membranes – How Things Get in and Out of Cells • A. Membrane Structure • B. Membrane Function • 1. semi-permeable barrier • 2. transport – facilitated diffusion

  38. Cell Biology • Overview • II. Membranes – How Things Get in and Out of Cells • A. Membrane Structure • B. Membrane Function • 1. semi-permeable barrier • 2. transport – active transport

  39. Phosphorylation causes the protein to change its conformation, expelling Na+ to the outside. Na+ binding stimulates phosphorylation by ATP. Cytoplasmic Na+ bonds to the sodium-potassium pump K+ is released and Na+ sites are receptive again; the cycle repeats. Loss of the phosphate restores the protein’s original conformation. Extracellular K+ binds to the protein, triggering release of the phosphate group.

  40. Cell Biology • Overview • II. Membranes – How Things Get in and Out of Cells • A. Membrane Structure • B. Membrane Function • 1. semi-permeable barrier • 2. transport • 3. metabolism (enzymes nested in membrane) • 4. signal transduction

  41. Cell Biology • Overview • II. Membranes – How Things Get in and Out of Cells • A. Membrane Structure • B. Membrane Function • 1. semi-permeable barrier • 2. transport • 3. metabolism (enzymes nested in membrane) • 4. signal transduction • 5. cell-cell binding • 6. cell recognition • 7. cytoskeleton attachment

  42. Cellular Respiration


  44. + Energy Coupled Reaction + Energy

  45. + Energy Coupled Reaction ATP ADP + P + Energy Coupled Reaction + Energy

  46. VII. Cellular Respiration Overview:


  48. VII. Cellular Respiration Overview: Focus on core process… Glucose metabolism GLYCOLYSIS

  49. VII. Cellular Respiration Overview: Focus on core process… Glucose metabolism GLYCOLYSIS Oxygen Present? Oxygen Absent? Aerobic Resp. Anaerobic Resp.

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