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Variance to 20 ft. Street Side Setback 1 Windsor Place APP. NO. 2596. Site Location/Aerial. City of Palm Coast Drainage System. FLU Map and Zoning Map Designations. Lot Site Plan. Variance Criteria. ULDC Chapter 2 Part II Section 2.05.05 In conflict with the public interest?
Variance to 20 ft. Street Side Setback1 Windsor PlaceAPP. NO. 2596
Site Location/Aerial City of Palm Coast Drainage System
Variance Criteria ULDC Chapter 2 Part II Section 2.05.05 • In conflict with the public interest? No, allows use of property typical within district. B. Development consistent with the Comprehensive Plan? Yes, single family residential use. C. Significant financial liability or hardship for the City? No changes required to Comprehensive Plan CIE or CIP D. Creating a hazard, nuisance or threat? None are anticipated. Site visibility maintained on Wynnfield Drive; no adjacent neighbors. E. Compliance with other criteria? If the variance is granted, a fence permit is required.A permit will also be required for the existing shed on the property.
Variance Criteria ULDC Chapter 2, Section 2.12.03 • Special conditions and circumstances peculiar to the land, use, or building and not applicable to others in the same district- Yes, the special circumstances that are peculiar to this lot are: • Due to the curve of Wynnfield Drive, the front property line is wider than the rear property line by approximately 9 feet, which places the corner side yard setback further into the lot that would be found on a rectangular shaped lot. • No additional property is available to “square off” the lot because it is bound by City of Palm Coast drainage facilities. • There is less rear yard than typically found because the front of the house was positioned parallel with the front and interior lot lines. • Special conditions and circumstances are not self imposed- No, at the time the lot was platted the front and rear lot lines were not equal and the abutting drainage facilities were created. The applicant is not the original owner of the house and did not participate in its layout on the lot.
Variance Criteria 3. Application of the land development code standards to the property creates an unnecessary hardship & depravation of rights- Yes, compliance with the 20 foot corner side setback would place the setback within 1.8 ft. of the screen room and would reduce the use of the rear yard in comparison to other properties in the same district. 4. Variance is the minimum relief necessary- Yes, the greatest degree of variance occurs where the corner side setback meets the rear yard setback. There are no adjacent properties that will be fenced, so there is no potential “joining of fences”. 5. Granting of the variance is in harmony with the public health, safety and welfare and is not detrimental to the area- The visual impact to the area is minimal provided the fence follows the curvature of the road.
Recommendation Approve the grant of variance to reduce the street setback from 20 feet to 13 feet, a variance of 7.0 feet, subject to: • Shed permit obtained. • Fence installed within 1 year or variance is void.