Workshop 1 Artists and song choices
Who is streamed more bands or solo artists? • When having this workshop, we looked at the top artists streamed in 2020 and in the top 15 there was only one band (BTS). This research meant that solo artists are more popular with the public...but why?
Why solo artists? • After thinking about why there are less band's we put ourselves into the shoes of a record label going to sign a new artist, a solo artist is less of a risk, less of a gamble. With a solo artist they can be controlled easier, they can have a clear artist image and there is less of a risk of them saying something wrong. Whereas bands have more people which means more liability. This is only one of the reasons, another being that getting a band together requires more work and more time and panning so bands are not being formed as often.
Music video? Band or solo artist? • Even though it's harder for bands to make it big and they are more of a risk, when it comes to filming a music video, they are so much easier to work with that a solo artist, this is because there are more people meaning there is more going on. For example, usually there are bass players and drum players et cetera meaning the performance aspect of the video is self-explanatory and simple. Where-as with a solo artist you need to come up with more ideas of what they could be doing to fill the space and the production costs would get higher and higher as you try to make this one person more interesting.