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Facility Design-Week 9 Computerized Layout Planning. By Anastasia L. Maukar. Computerized Layout Planning. Focus on how computers can aid the facility layout process.
Facility Design-Week 9Computerized Layout Planning By Anastasia L. Maukar
Computerized Layout Planning • Focus on how computers can aid the facility layout process. • Designer must interact with multiple design databases and provide the integration between them to translate information and ensure consistency.
Computerized Layout Planning • Concentrate on decision aids for block layout planning. • Information required • Common elements • “Classical” layout programs • Craft, Corelap, Aldep, and Planet • “Newer” layout programs • M-Craft, LayOpt, FactoryPlan
Computerized Layout Planning • Information in layout planning • Numeric information • Space required for an activity • Total flow between two activities • Logic information • Preferences of the designer, i.e., activity relationship chart • Graphical information • Drawing of the block plan
Computerized Layout Planning • Key element of computerized layout planning is the representation and manipulation of these three types of information. • Graphical representation is most challenging. A method suitable for display is not suitable for manipulation and vice-versa.
Computerized Layout Tech’ • Computerized Layout Technique • A Layout Construction Procedure: ALDEP, CORELAP • A Layout Improvement Procedure, CRAFT • Distance Between Two Departments • Total Distance Traveled • Savings and a Sample Computation • Improvement Procedure • Exact Centroids
Computerized Layout Technique • Suppose that we are given some space for some departments. How shall we arrange the departments within the given space? • We shall assume that the given space is rectangular shaped and every department is either rectangular shaped or composed of rectangular pieces. • We shall discuss • a layout improvement procedure, CRAFT, that attempts to find a better layout by pair-wise interchanges when a layout is given and • a layout construction procedure, ALDEP/CORELAP, that constructs a layout when there is no layout given.
ALDEPAutomated Layout Design Program • ALDEP is a construction procedure. • ALDEP does not need any initial layout. ALDEP constructs a layout when there is none. • Given • Size of the facility • The departments • Size of the departments • Proximity relationships (activity relationship chart) and • A sweep width (defined later)
ALDEP • Use: vertical scanning pattern • 2 disadvantages: scoring method and the fixed values assigned to the closeness ratings. • The size of the facility and the size of the departments are expressed in terms of blocks. • Score is determined using the numerical values assigned to the closeness rating). A = 43 = 64 I = 41 = 4 U = 0 E = 42 = 16 O = 40 = 1 X = –45 = –1.024
Production area O A Office rooms U I O Storage E A A X Dock area U U U O O Locker room U Tool room ALDEP A: absolutely necessary E: especially important I: important O: ordinarily important U: unimportant X: undesirable Figure 1. ARC
ALDEP • The procedure will be explained with an example. Suppose that the facility is 8 blocks (horizontal) 6 block (vertical). • The departments and the required number of blocks are: • Production area (P) 14 blocks • Office rooms (O) 10 • Storage area (S) 8 • Dock area (D) 8 • Locker room (L) 4 • Tool room (T) 4
ALDEP • The proximity relationships are shown as figure 1. • ALDEP starts to allocate the departments from the upper left corner of the facility. The first department is chosen at random. • By starting with a different department, ALDEP can find a different layout for the same problem.
ALDEP • Let’s start with dock rooms (D). On the upper left corner 8 blocks must be allocated for the dock area. • The sweep width defines the width in number of blocks. Let sweep width = 2. Then, dock area will be allocated 2 4 = 8 blocks.
ALDEP • To find the next department to allocate, find the department that has the highest proximity rating with the dock area (D). Storage area (S) has the highest proximity rating A with the dock area. • So, the storage area will be allocated next. The storage area also needs 8 blocks.
ALDEP • There are only 2 2 = 4 blocks, remaining below dock area (D). After allocating 4 blocks, the down wall is hit after which further allocation will be made on the adjacent 2 (=sweep width) columns and moving upwards.
ALDEP • See carefully that the allocation started from the upper left corner and started to move downward with an width of 2 (=sweep width) blocks. • After the down wall is hit, the allocation continues on the adjacent 2 (=sweep width) columns on the right side and starts moving up. • This zig-zag pattern will continue. • Next time, when the top wall will be hit, the allocation will continue on the adjacent 2 (=sweep width) columns on the right side and starts moving down.
ALDEP • To find the next department to allocate, find the department that has the highest proximity rating with storage area. Production area (P) has the highest proximity rating A with the storage area. • The production area (P) needs 14 blocks. • After allocating 8 blocks, the top wall is hit and the remaining 6 blocks are allocated on the adjacent 2 (=sweep width) columns moving downward.
ALDEP • To find the next department to allocate, find the department that has the highest proximity rating with production area.Tool room (T) has the highest proximity rating A with the production area. • The tool room needs 4 blocks. • Next, there is a tie, both locker room (L) and office room (O) has the same proximity rating of U with the tool room. • Ties are broken at random. So, any of the locker room or the office room can be allocated next.
ALDEP • Let’s choose locker room (L) room at random. Then, the last department must be office room (O). The resulting layout is shown below. • Note that since the ALDEP chooses the first department at random and since the ties are broken at random, ALDEP can give many solutions to the same problem. • Using the layout, the adjacency relationships and the proximity ratings, we can find an overall rating of each layout. Then, the layout with the highest overall rating is selected.
ALDEP • After a layout is obtained, a score for the layout is computed with the following conversion of proximity relationships: • A = 43 = 64, E = 42 = 16 • I = 41 = 4, O = 40 = 1 • U = 0, X = -45 = -1024 • If two departments are adjacent in the layout then the weight corresponding to the rating between the two departments is added to the score.
ALDEP • Let’s compute the overall rating of the layout constructed. • Make a list every pair of adjacent departments. • For each pair, a letter rating will be obtained from the activity relationship chart (see figure 1) • Convert the score into a numeric score using the conversion scheme on the previous slide.
ALDEP • Adjacent departments: • (D,S) (D,P) • (S,P) (S,T) • (S,L) (P,T) • (P,O) (T,L) • (T,O) (L,O)
ALDEP • The process is repeated several times and the layout with the highest score is chosen. • Notice the large negative weight associated with X ratings. • If the departments which cannot be next to each other, are adjacent in a layout, then the layout score reduces significantly. • This is important because ALDEP also uses a cut-off score (if not specified by the user this cut-off is zero) to eliminate any layout which has a layout score less than the cut-off score.
CORELAP • Uses Relationship Chart as input (REL) • Requires users to assign weights to the alphabetic ratings in the REL chart . (Closeness Ratings) • Computes the total closeness ratings (TCR) for each department by summing all the CR associated with that department. • Values selected for ratings are important
Value Closeness Line code Numerical weights A Absolutely necessary 32 E Especially important 26 I Important 8 O Ordinary closeness OK 4 U Unimportant 2 X Undesirable -32 CORELAPImportance of Closeness
CORELAP - STEPS • Selection Procedure • Placement and Evaluation Procedure
CORELAP – STEP 1 • First department: Where: • Second department: • X-relation “last placed department” • A-relation with first. If none E-relation with first, etcetera
CORELAP – Tie Breaker Rules • Highest TCR • Largest Area • Lowest Dept. Number (random)
CORELAP – STEP 2 • Department areas are converted into grid squares. • CORELAP does not take the building shape into account. • The final shape of the facility created by CORELAP depends on the placement of departments it has selected.
CORELAP – STEP 2 • Place the first department in the center of the layout • Subsequent department is placed abutting already placed departments in the position that gives the best placement rating • After the layout is completed CORELAP calculates a numerical score for the layout
2 3 4 8 1 7 6 5 2nd 1st CORELAP – STEP 2
2 1 4 850 3 (c) 3 4 2 2 1 2 1 3 3 3 3 4 3 650 4 2 800 (a) (b) Example of Dept Placements Contoh: Dept. 1, 2, 3 sudah diletakkan di layout dan dept. 4 akan diletakkan. Weighted Rating: (assigned by the user) A = 600 E = 200 I = 50 O = 10 U = 0 X = –200 1 - 4: A 2 – 4: E 3 – 4: I
8 6 7 0 1 5 2 3 4 Procedure to Place Departments • Assume that a department is placed in the middle (position 0). Then, if another department is placed in position 1, 3, 5 or 7, it is “fully adjacent” with the first one. It is placed in position 2, 4, 6 or 8, it is “partially adjacent”.
8 6 7 0 1 5 2 3 4 Procedure to Place Departments • For each position, Weighted Placement (WP) is the sum of the numerical values for all pairs of adjacent departments. • The placement of departments is based on the following steps: • 1. The first department selected is placed in the middle. • 2. The placement of a department is determined by evaluating all possible locations around the current layout in counterclockwise order beginning at the “western edge”. • 3. The new department is located based on the greatest WP value.
1. Receiving 2. Shipping 3. Raw Materials Storage 4. Finished Goods Storage 5. Manufacturing 6. Work-In-Process Storage 7. Assembly 8. Offices 9. Maintenance 1. Receiving 2. Shipping 3. Raw Materials Storage 4. Finished Goods Storage 5. Manufacturing 6. Work-In-Process Storage 7. Assembly 8. Offices 9. Maintenance A A E E A O E U U A U O E U A U O E O U A U A E A A E A U O A O X O A X Example - CORELAP CV values: V(A) = 125 V(E) = 25 V(I) = 5 V(O) = 1 V(U) = 0 V(X) = -125 Partial adjacency: = 0.5
62.5 187.5 187.5 62.5 125 62.5 62.5 5 7 7 125 125 125 125 62.5 125 62.5 62.5 187.5 187.5 62.5 62.5 125.5 63.5 1 0 62.5 125 62.5 0 5 7 3 5 7 125 0 0 187.5 9 9 62.5 126.5 1.5 0 0 187.5 187.5 0.5 1 0.5 62.5 125 62.5 Example (cont.)
12.5 37.5 100 137.5 62.5 12.5 25 12.5 0 0 3 5 7 3 5 7 37.5 125 87.5 62.5 1 9 4 1 9 37.5 137.5 62.5 137.5 125 12.5 25 12.5 0 62.5 125 125 125 62.5 0 62.5 125 188 62.5 3 5 7 0.5 1 125 2 1 9 4 1 63.5 0.5 1 1 1.5 1.5 0.5 Example (cont.)
0.5 0.5 1 0.5 6 6 12.5 25.5 -60.5 -61.5 3 5 7 8 3 5 7 12.5 112.5 -112 2 1 9 4 2 1 9 4 25 -37.5 12.5 87.5 75 -62.5 -37.5 12.5 Example (cont.)