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Goals for Frost PBS 2007-2008. Increase academic time for students by reducing the tardies.Create a school-wide Social Skills Program to be taught with direct instruction.Increase the amount of data and information shared with staff and community.Continue with school-wide positive behaviors. ie:
1. Robert Frost ElementaryPBS Team 2007-2008
Dona Harris, Elizabeth Camero, Allison Peterson, Vanessa Eyre, Kim Bailey,
JoAnn Heaton, Diane Unsworth
2. Goals for Frost PBS 2007-2008 Increase academic time for students by reducing the tardies.
Create a school-wide Social Skills Program to be taught with direct instruction.
Increase the amount of data and information shared with staff and community.
Continue with school-wide positive behaviors. ie: Principal’s 200 Club, Eagle Tickets, Staff Recognition, and Leveled Behavior System.
3. #1: RATIONALE for reducing the tardies: During our first year as a PBS School we focused on decreasing tardies by implementing a Tardy Tower school-wide and showed improvement.
The data showed a decrease in the number of tardies in the 06-07 year in comparison with the previous 2 years.
When staff was surveyed tardies were considered to be one of the most problematic issues facing our students.
4. #1: IMPLEMENTED PROGRAMS for reducing the tardies: We continued using the school-wide Tardy Tower Program to recognized classes with no tardies daily.
The Granite District Discovery Program and School Counselor identified students/families with chronic tardy problems and set them up on a check in system and created specific plans to decrease tardies.
Helped implement classroom-wide incentives for no tardies..
5. Tardy Tower
6. #1: DATA on reducing the tardies: Tardies for the overall year are looking to be lower than previous years.
Tardies fluctuate throughout the year which leads us to the belief that we need more intensive, strategic interventions for students with chronic tardies.
7. #1: PLANS FOR ADJUSTMENT on reducing the tardies: Consider a BEP or contract program for students with chronic tardy problems.
School Counselor will expand and continue dialogue with families with chronically tardy students.
Implement monthly “No Tardy Parties”.
8. #2: GOAL and RATIONALE for school-wide Social Skills Program A school-wide set of norms and expectations to be taught via explicit instruction in each classroom.
We are hoping to see a decrease in the number of office discipline referrals.
9. #2: IMPLEMENTATION for school-wide Social Skills Program Create monthly Social Skills lesson plans, posters, and reinforcement for knowing the social skill.
Publicize the social skill and create a desire to understand and perform the social skill.
10. Social Skills
11. #2: FINAL INFORMATION and FUTURE PLANS for school-wide Social Skills Program Initially went well and teachers found the lesson plans easy to teach.
Students were willing and motivated to perform the social skills.
Upon completion of this year, we will survey teachers and students to determine their view of importance in social skills and base next years skills off of that information.
12. #3: GOAL and RATIONALE for increasing the amount of data and information shared with staff and community. Keeping everyone informed on the goals and workings of the PBS team keeps everyone working toward the same goal with the same focus.
The information and data provide reinforcement for the staff’s great work and keeps them motivated to keep working toward the PBS goals.
Everyone is able to use the same information and verbage when referring to PBS projects.
13. #3: IMPLEMENTED ACTIVITIES for increasing the amount of data and information shared with staff and community. Shared information with the staff at bimonthly faculty meetings.
Created a bulletin board in the faculty lounge with data and information.
Offer trainings on PBS programs.
14. #3: FINAL INFORMATION on increasing the amount of data and information shared with staff and community. We will be running surveys and questionnaires to determine the effectiveness of the public postings as well as the faculty meeting presentations.
15. #4: Continuing with Principal’s 200 Club, Eagle Tickets, Faculty Recognition and Leveled Discipline System. The data from the previous year suggested that these interventions were effective in decreasing ODRs as well as increasing moral among all in the school.
When staff and students were surveyed it was requested that these programs continue and expand if possible.
16. #4: GOAL and RATIONALE for continuing with Principal’s 200 Club, Eagle Tickets, Faculty Recognition and Leveled Discipline System. Continue implementing the programs/interventions that were established in the first year as a PBS school.
These interventions were effective in decreasing ODRs as well as increasing moral among all in the school, therefore creating a more positive, rewarding environment.
17. #4: DATA on continuing with Principal’s 200 Club, Eagle Tickets and Leveled Discipline System.
18. #4: DATA on continuing with Principal’s 200 Club, Eagle Tickets and Leveled Discipline System.
19. Principal’s 200 Club
20. Leveled Discipline Systems Level 1: Classroom Discipline
Behaviors are minor rule violations that are brief, non-serious, low in intensity, yet inappropriate.
Examples of Level 1 Behaviors: defiance/disrespect/non-compliance, disruption,
physical contact, inappropriate verbal language, property misuse.
Examples of Consequences for Level 1 Behaviors: verbal correction, name in behavior log, seat away, loss of privileges, clean-up duty, or apology.
21. Leveled Discipline Systems Level 2:
Behaviors are more serious and deliberate in nature based upon the frequency and intensity of the behavior.
Examples of Level 2 Behaviors: chronic level 1 behavior, defiance/disrespect/non-compliance, disruption, physical contact, inappropriate verbal language, property misuse, other.
Examples of Consequences for Level 2 Behaviors: verbal correction, name in behavior log, seat away, cross-grade time out, loss of privileges, clean-up duty, or apology.
22. Level 2 Office Discipline Referrals for 2007-2008
23. Leveled Discipline Systems Level 3:
Behaviors are serious fighting, harassment, and verbal abuse that violates the dignity, well being, and safety of another person. These behaviors will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate referral to the Principal.
Examples of Level 3 Behaviors: chronic level 2 behavior, defiance/disrespect/insubordination, extreme disruption, physical aggression/fighting, abusive language/profanity, property damage, harassment/intimidation, truancy, forgery/theft, weapons or illegal substance.
Examples of Consequences for Level 3 Behaviors:. Parental contact, detention, suspension in or out of school, restitution/community service, parental escort/supervision, Multidisciplinary Team referral, Safe School referral, police referral.
24. Level 3 Major Office Discipline Referals for 2007-2008
25. Improving Staff “Buy In” We continued FROST (Faculty Recognizing Outstanding Service To Others) Tickets. Tickets were drawn at faculty meetings for prizes.
Bimonthy events to celebrate staff’s efforts with our PBS programs, e.g. popcorn parties, a chocolate fountain, supplies.
26. Discussion: Several interventions have been implemented and are currently proving to have an effect on the overall school climate. Therefore, we will go full force with the programs we have in place.
We plan to continue and improve upon the interventions currently in place.
In addition, the Frost PBS team will be helping to refine cross-grade time outs with the “Think Time” program through training and planning with all Frost staff. We will also offer trainings on “One Minute Skill Builders.”