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Shakespeare's Macbeth

Shakespeare's Macbeth. By: Ryan Hickey. The Play. Was commissioned by King James I of England. King James wrote book on witchcraft called, “ Daemononlogie ”. King James also claimed to be a decendent of Banquo. Shakespeare used this information in the play. Gunpowder Plot of 1605.

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Shakespeare's Macbeth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Shakespeare's Macbeth By: Ryan Hickey

  2. The Play • Was commissioned by King James I of England. • King James wrote book on witchcraft called, “Daemononlogie”. • King James also claimed to be a decendent of Banquo. • Shakespeare used this information in the play.

  3. Gunpowder Plot of 1605 • Group of Catholic men planned to blow up parliament while King James spoke. • Were caught at the last minute. • Conspirators were disemboweled and beheaded. • King James commissioned a medal be made of a snake hiding amongst flowers.

  4. Does that sound familiar? • “Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t” Lady Macbeth Act 1, Scene 5.

  5. Daemonologie and the King • Published in 1597. • Argument in the belief in witchcraft. • King James participated in numerous witchcraft trials. • King James wrote of witches giving deveptive and double-meaning prophecies. Back

  6. The Real Macbeth • Respected for strong leadership. • Actually ruled successfully for 17 years. • Defeated Duncan for the throne. • Duncan’s son Malcolm really did kill Macbeth. • Historically Banquo helped Macbeth kill Duncan. Picture of actual Macbeth

  7. Dramatic Interpretation of Macbeth’s Death. • From student film I made 4 years ago.

  8. Any other connections to reality? • The changing of Banquo’s character so as to not upset the king? • Involvement of the witches? • Especially in predicting King James I becoming King.

  9. Shakespeare’s Other Tragedies • Click here.

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