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DTSTEP: Development of an Integer Time Step Algorithm. George L Mesina INL David L Aumiller BMPC. September 2010. Outline. Background and issues Integer time step Solutions and implementation Testing Conversion. Background: PVM Coupling Time Step Methods.
DTSTEP:Development of an Integer Time Step Algorithm George L Mesina INL David L Aumiller BMPC September 2010
Outline • Background and issues • Integer time step • Solutions and implementation • Testing • Conversion
Background: PVM Coupling Time Step Methods • Synchronous coupling requires all coupled codes to use the same dt. • All codes suggest dt to the Executive every time step • The Executive limits dt based on the halving/doubling scheme • dt = DTMAX(Exec)/2k where dt <= smallest suggested dt. • Asynchronous coupling only requires codes to arrive at an Executive mandated time target. Can use own dt, DTMAX, DTMIN, etc. • ParallelAsynch, each code marches independently to target • SequentialAsynch, one code marches to target, sends data to other; other marches to target.
Background: PVM Coupling Thermal-Hydraulic Methods • Explicit coupling exchanges data at each coupling time. • Simple method that is numerically unstable for many situations. • Semi-implicit coupling exchanges extra data at each time step to add stability. • Only certain combinations of time step methods and thermal-hydraulic methods are permissible.
Principal Issue: Time Step Inaccuracy Issue • With 64-bit floating point variables on an Opteron chip • Accurate to approximately 14 digits • The final value of timehy = 1005.0000000745, not 1005.0 exactly. • This is inaccurate in the 12 digit. • Inaccuracy builds up with longer time intervals. • Such inaccuracy caused PVM-coupled codes to deadlock (hang). • For example, one code would hit a time target and send the proper message while the other would step past it and eventually send a totally different message to the first code. • Often these hangs were caused by special cases, e.g. velocity flip-flop. • T=1000.0; dt=0.005 • Do 10 j = 1, 1000 • 10 timehy = timehy + dt
Sources of PVM Communication Issues • Asynchronous codes can have different DTMAX and DTMIN. • Can cause time disparity for floating point sums. • Original solution was to create “epsilon-tolerance if-tests” • Synchronous RELAP5-3D • Time targets were supplied, but change of timecard was not. • RELAP5-3D DTSTEP fundamental algorithm required end time to operate correctly. • Both Executive and RELAP5-3D DTSTEP routines calculated synchronous cumulative times and time-based actions. • Produced time discrepancies that deadlocked the machine. • If (abs(timehy – target) <= eps) TAKE ACTION If DTMIN <= eps, can trigger action beforeactual target. If eps too small, can step right overtarget.
Summary of DTSTEP Subroutines and Issues • Floating point inaccuracy caused trouble hitting time-targets exactly • Especially problematic for PVM communications • General solution is integer time step • There were other algorithmic and implementation errors • These will be listed later with individual solutions • DTSTEP did too much for one subprogram • It was very difficult to read and understand • Too many jumps • Logical variables with non-mnemonic names • Too many pre-compiler directives and conditional coding • Almost no internal documentation
Original RELAP DTSTEP Flow (Simplified) PVM Explicit Exchange Parallel or Seq, synch or asynch Initialization Normal &1st time only New Time Targets Optional PVM Semi-imp. rcv, New time targets Output (9 kinds) Screen, plots, minor, major, restart, GUI Abrupt Changes Repeat with same dt, halve/double, terminate transient User Interfaces Time step control dt-stretch, Courant/mass error,dt >= DTMAX/2k Gather Statistics New Advancement End timecard or transient, SS check Time step selection Optional PVM Synch Exch, 105 card handler, advance time, EXIT
Integer Time Step Based upon “Clock-cycle” • RELAP5-3D and PVMEXEC use a timestep halving/doubling scheme that guarantees hitting integer multiples of the user’s DTMAX • Time targets from RELAP5-3D timecards are such multiples • plot, minor, major, restart edits • Special targets, timecard endtimes and PVM targets, need not be. • No step smaller than user’s DTMIN allowed. Smallest allowable dt is: • dtsmall = DTMAX/2n > DTMIN > DTMAX/2n+1. • All normal values of dt = 2k dtsmall, k=0, 1, . . . , n. • Dtsmall is effectively the clock-cycle of RELAP5. Always has been. • To convert to integer time step, use dt = Round(dt/dtsmall) = 2k. • Only within DTSTEP, outside DTSTEP use dt = dt * dtsmall. • dtsmall = DTMAX/2n • dt = Round(dt/dtsmall) = 2k
Integer Time Steps vs. Floating Point Time • Integer arithmetic is infinitely precise for add, subtract and multiply. • The earlier do-loop-10 example creates no summing error. • Error tolerances are eliminated. • Time, T = t * dtsmall, is more exact and slightly different from floating point calculated time. • Most of your RELAP5-3D results will be slightly different. • Integer cumulative time becomes large and requires a 64-bit integer. • 263 = 23 260 = 8(1024)6 > 8x(103)6 = 8x1018. • This is sufficient to represent 109 seconds with DTMIN = 10-9. • Integer Time, t, starts at zero on each successive timecard. • T = t * dtsmall + T(start of timecard) = floating point time. • Required because user can change DTMAX and DTMIN. • T = t * dtsmall + T(start of timecard)
0 0 Comparison of Integer and Real Time Example dtmax=0.004 dtmin=1.0e-7 n = 15 dtsmall=1.220703125e-7 t (seconds) .004 .008 1.00 t (cycles) 32784 65568 819600
Normal vs. Unusual Target Times • Normal time target, T, is an integer multiple of DTMAX • Unusual time target, T, is not integer multiple of DTMAX. • e.g. DTMAX= 0.33, Timecard end = 10.0, Assume no cuts. • At T = 9.9, need dt = 0.1, but 0.1 /= DTMAX/2k. • Unusual times are handled by using a floating point dt, which exactly reaches the unusual time, and a resynch variable. • The resynch variable indicates need to resynch dt and dt. • e.g. Dtmax = 0.004, dtmin = 1.0e-7, dtsmall =1.22e-7, target=1.00021 t2=1.0021 t1 t3 t (seconds) 1.000 1.002 1.004 t(cycles) t1 t2 t3=t1+dtsav
Some Other DTSTEP Errors • Explosive Doubling • When PVM and RELAP5-3D timecards differed • with R5 timecard end time exceeding PVM transient end-time, • The timestep could double on every timestep until the R5 timecard end time was exceeded. • The source was variable, NREPET. • The solution: PVM timecards override the RELAP5-3D timecards. • Penultimate timecard stop • Some asynchronous processes stopped at end-time of second to last timecard. • Cause: an error in resetting variable CURCLM in R-DTSTEP. • This error has been fixed.
Some Other DTSTEP Errors (continued) • Hang when subroutine HYDRO set variable, FAIL • R5 incorrectly sent a message that the timestep was succesful • Solution: Set PVM success message to repeat (as R5 repeats) • Hang in explicit asynchronous sequential • When follower received go-ahead message from leader, but had to repeat its first advancement. • It returned to “receive go-ahead from leader message” => hang • Solution: Logical variable prevents return to this receive message until time actually advances. • Hang from repeat condition at minimum dt (expl asyn parallel) • In certain cases RELAP5 DTSTEP subroutine incorrectly set dt twice the size of EXEC dt. • Solution: Rewrote/simplified R-DTSTEP code correctly.
Some Other DTSTEP Errors (continued) • Stretch logic error • On a 2-step approach to an unusual time, first step was half the distance, but second step went to multiple of DTMAX, not endtime • Source: one real target time was k*DTMAX, not endtime • Solution: (P- and R-DTSTEP) reset ALL time targets to the unusual endtime when within one DTMAX • Error Messages P-DTSTEP and some PVM diagnostics were improved.
Solutions and Implementation • Replace floating point time with integer based time. • Extra integer variables were created in both R-DTSTEP and P-DTSTEP • Replaced floating point if-tests by integer versions • Created internal subroutines for initializing and calculating integer time from real and vice-versa. • Create unifying mechanisms for quantities and processes shared by both DTSTEPS (next slide) • Shared module
Some Unifying Implementation Features • Isnormal – determines if time is normal or unusual • abs(1-dt/idt*dtsmallest) < 1.0e-10 • Interpretation: dt & idt*dtsmallest agree to 10 places => dt normal. • Calctimehy • Calculate real time from certain integer time variables • Uses quad precision to guarantee correct conversion • idtmod – f95 module • Contains internal subroutines and data common to both P- and R-DTSTEP subroutines • Used by both • Ensures both perform same functions in same way • Reduces coding, increases maintainability
Implementation continued • Simplified and enhanced both RELAP5 DTSTEP and PVMEXEC DTSTEP by moving portions of coding into internal subroutines. • Separated flowchart sections were pulled together. • Create internal subroutines for reused sections of code, e.g. output • Create internal subroutines for most precompiler-protected code • Replace jumps to a section of code with call of internal subroutine • Enhance readability • Determine definitions of all variables and document • Give mnemonic names to logical variables • Implement Outline-style documentation for sections of code • Simplify code and reduce logic paths • Eliminate dead code and unused variables
Implementation continued • Identified and fixed algorithmic and implementation errors • Created new test cases to increase coverage • Especially for failure conditions and PVM coupling • Verified that all test cases run correctly.
DTSTEP Test Matrix • To fully test the relevant logic paths through DTSTEP, a matrix of over 2000 cases was constructed. • BASIC – 17 tests cases that cover normal, special case, and failure case and some combinations. Group A (34) Basic @ normal dt Basic @ minimal dt Group B (102) Group A @ minor edit Group A @ expl exchange Group A @ transient end Group D (2856) Group C R5 standalone Group C R5-R5 expl asynch parallel Group C R5-R5 semi-impl Group C R5-R5-R5 expl & semi-impl Group C R5-R5 expl synch Group C R5-R5 expl asynch sequ Group C R5 controled by Exec Group C (408) Group B w/ normal target Group B w/ unusual time Group B w/ normal then unusual target Group B w/ target every step
Conversion to F95 • The integer algorithm was developed in version 2.4. • These use the old container array (FA) and equivalences. • All R-DTSTEP, P-DTSTEP, and related changes were ported to version 2.9.5 • Merge issues resolved (post-2.4 development and differences in integer time implementation) • Conversion to F95 • Access F95 modules, replace FA variables with module ones • Resolution of variable declarations • Issue with precompiler directive and 32-bit PVM • Verified again that all test cases worked correctly.