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Psychology 181 Dr. Anagnostaras Drugs and Behavior Winter 2008 UCSD. http://web.mac.com/sanagnos/Courses/Psyc181.html. Psychology 181: Drugs & Behavior. Instructor: Stephan Anagnostaras Office: 2503 Mandler Hall (McGill Annex) Tue 12:30-1:30 pm or by appt
Psychology 181Dr. AnagnostarasDrugs and BehaviorWinter 2008UCSD http://web.mac.com/sanagnos/Courses/Psyc181.html
Psychology 181: Drugs & Behavior Instructor: Stephan Anagnostaras Office: 2503 Mandler Hall (McGill Annex) Tue 12:30-1:30 pm or by appt Course email: ucsdpsyc181@gmail.com
Psychology 181: Drugs & Behavior Teaching Assistants: Graduate Laura Mickes (lmickes@ucsd.edu) Office hours: Thu 12:30 - 1:30 pm McGill Hall 4321 Tristan Shuman (tshuman@ucsd.edu) Office hours: Wed 4 - 5 pm McGill 3334 Undergraduate Emily Johnson (emjohnso@ucsd.edu) Office hours: Wed 10 - 11 am, McGill 4321 Yvonne Kwan (ykwan@ucsd.edu) Office hours: Tue 3:30 - 4:30 pm, Café Espresso Roma (Price Ctr) Marisa Wagner (mwagner@ucsd.edu) Office hours: Tue 10 - 11 am, Café Espresso Roma (Price Ctr) AS Lecture Note Taker: Lindsey Ong (liong@ucsd.edu) – only with specific issues related to AS lecture notes
Psychology 181: Drugs & Behavior Optional Text:Psychopharmacology: Drugs, the Brain and Behavior by Meyer & Quenzer, 2004 Reading assignments are by chapter on the syllabus
Neuropsychopharmacology • Highly interdisciplinary field • pharmacology • behavioral neuroscience • abnormal psychology and psychiatry • Most prescription drugs are psychotherapeutics • Big money involved • Very highly political • Lines between addictive drugs and prescribed drugs often vague
Should you be here? Prerequisites: Introductory Biopsychology or Neuroscience and an interest in biological explanations of brain-behavior relationsIntroductory Biology and/or Chemistry helpful, not required
Powerpoint lecture outlines Available on our webpage • http://web.mac.com/sanagnos/Courses/Psyc181.html Print Powerpoint files (3 slides/page) and bring notes to lecture or use the pdf files Grades and announcements will be on the course blog page
Readings Follow reading assignments on syllabus as an adjunct to lecture You will be tested only on Lectures The optional book is a study aid only
Exams and Grading Four exams Jan 24, Midterm 1, 40 multiple choice noncumulative Feb 12, Midterm 2, 40 multiple choice noncumulative Feb 28, Midterm 3, 40 multiple choice noncumulative March 20, 3 – 6 pm, Final Exam, 80 points – 30 noncumulative, and 25 cumulative worth 2 points each Sample questions and review sheets will be on the website
Extra Credit (1) http://experimetrix2.com/ucsd/ Up to 3 experiments for 2 points each. (2) Major project Must earn A– or better on Exam 1. Groups of up to 3 Produce a video (15 min) or survey. Present for 15 min on the last day of class. Must be approved by instructor. Worth up to a full letter grade.
Bring one of these and a #2 pencil to each exam (buy 2 now) PINK PARSCORE FORM FROM THE BOOKSTORE
Lecture Topic & Schedule 1. History and Introduction to Psychopharmacology 2. Introduction to Synaptic Transmission 3. Neuropsychopharmacology of Selected Drugs and Therapeutic Strategies for Selected Disorders 4. Theories of Addiction