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The FAIR SSC Workpackage P.Malzacher@gsi.de EGEE'09, Barcelona, September 23th, 2009. FAIR will be located in Darmstadt, Germany, adjacent to the existing GSI facility. GSI is the German heavy ion research centre operated by the Federation and the State of Hesse
The FAIR SSC Workpackage P.Malzacher@gsi.de EGEE'09, Barcelona, September 23th, 2009
FAIR will be located in Darmstadt, Germany, adjacent to the existing GSI facility GSI is the German heavy ion research centre operated by the Federation and the State of Hesse under the umbrella of Helmholtz. Budget: roughly 70M€ / year Darmstadt lies in the German province called "State of Hesse" and is located near Frankfurt – just 20 minutes from the airport www.gsi.de www.gsi.de/fair/index_e.html
FAIR will push the intensity frontier orders of magnitude ahead Primary beams • 1012/s; 1.5-2 GeV/u; 238U28+ • Factor 100-1000 over present intensity • 2(4)x1013/s 30 GeV protons • 1010/s 238U92+ up to 35 GeV/u • up to 90 GeV protons SIS 100/300 SIS FRS CBM HADES Secondary beams ESR • Broad range of radioactive beams up to 1.5 - 2 GeV/u; up to factor 10 000 in • intensity over present intensities • Antiprotons 0 - 15 GeV Super FRS HESR FLAIR CR Storage and cooler rings RESR NESR • Radioactive beams • e- – A (or Antiproton-A) collider • 1011 stored and cooled 0.8 - 14.5 GeV antiprotons • Polarised antiprotons (?) • Key features • Cooled beams • Rapidly cycling superconducting magnets
Heavy ion physics ~6PB raw/year CBM Hadron physics ~ 3PB raw/year PANDA Nuclear structure and astrophysics (NUSTAR) ~2PB raw/year Super-FRS HISPEC / DESPEC MATS LASPEC R3B ILIMA AIC Two HEP like experiments: CBM & PANDA, two research fields with a lot of smaller experiments Atomic physics, plasma physics and applied physics (APPA) ~1PB raw/year • SPARC • FLAIR • HEDgeHOB • WDM • BIOMAT Each collaboration may involve a few dozen or a few hundred scientists. Some experiment set-ups are small, others will cost ca. one hundred million euros. • ELISe • EXL
First ideas in the 1990s GSI researchers began discussions together with the outside users Elaboration of design in 2001 GSI had drawn up the Conceptual Design Report (CDR) for the new facility Definition of "The Project" in 2006 2500 authors submit the "FAIR Baseline Technical Report" (FBTR) which defines the project www.gsi.de/fair/reports/btr.html Start of civil construction 2010 First year of operation 2016 Timeline The FAIR project is a true "bottom-up" project developed by thousands of scientists
FAIR partners FAIR – will be built by an international collaboration, it costs ~1.2 billion € (75% Germany, 25% partner, partly in kind)
Triggerless detector read-out: 1TB/s into an event filter farm with ~60k cores, 1GB/s to archive • The current paradigm for ICT-based data analysis in high-energy physics relies on trigger systems. • Trigger systems use simple criteria to rapidly decide which "interesting" events in a particle detector to transport to further data processing and archiving stages. Trigger systems were necessary due to real-world limitations in data transport and processing bandwidth. • At FAIR a novel triggerless detector read-out will be implemented without conventional first-level hardware triggers, relying exclusively on event filters. • This new approach allows to address more complicated physics signatures which require complex algorithms, like a full track reconstruction, or information from many detectors systems for evaluation → more flexibility, more discovery potential. • The first layer of the system constitutes the first-level event selector (FLES). The FLES implements a combination of specialized processing elements such as GPUs, CELL or FPGAs in combination with COTS computers, connected by an efficient high-speed network. After the FLES the data stream fans out into an archival system and into the next distributed processing layers, which can be off-site.
ICT challenges: Data storage and access We plan a combined tier0/1 centre for FAIR located at GSI and the university of Frankfurt direct coupling between Uni Frankfurt and GSI ~100Gb/s; new CC Frankfurt new CC GSI ~ 30 km Data archive in the same order as LHC
Geant3 ROOT G3VMC Geant4 G4VMC Geometry Virtual MC FlukaVMC FLUKA Root files Hits, Digits, Tracks Cuts, processes Application IO Manager Track propagation Run Manager RTDataBase Event Display Root files Conf, Par, Geo Magnetic Field Event Generator Detector base Tasks STS Hit Producers Hit Producers STT Dipole Map Dipole Map Pluto DPM TOF TOF Solenoid Map Active Map Oracle Conf, Par, Geo ECAL EMC const. field digitizers digitizers Urqmd EVT TRD MUO const. field MVD MVD Track finding Track finding ASCII ASCII ZDC TPC MUCH DIRC CBM Code Panda Code RICH DCH The FairRoot framework is used by CBM, PANDA and parts of NUSTAR Close contact common developments Always in close contact
Remote accesstodataandcomputing via theGrid: example PANDA GridwithAliEn
Objectives SA.HEP.2 = FAIR SSC Partner GSI: Create a central hub forthe FAIR gridactivities: Providing a single entry point for the grid infrastructure of the FAIR experiments. User and application support, especially for detector simulations and data/service challenges. Support for the integration of the FAIR computing framework in the grid infrastructure. Development of the FAIR grid computing strategy. Effort: 144 PM = 1FTE per FAIR community: 2 funded 2 unfunded
Workplan SA.HEP.2 = FAIR SSC Partner GSI: Create a central hub forthe FAIR gridactivities: Providing the core VO services for the FAIR experiments. A series of increasingly complex simulations, data challenges and prototypes of analysis on the grid, in close collaboration with the FairRoot team. Raising the grid awareness especially of NUSTAR and APPA. Support in using their applications on the grid. Most large partner institutes of FAIR are partner of WLCG too, there is a lot of synergy.
Deliverables SA.HEP.2 = FAIR SSC Partner GSI: Create a central hub forthe FAIR gridactivities: