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Drill 1 23/1/13. 1. List five verbs you know 2. How do you say…. Why? Because I prefer, You prefer Should, must I think I don’t think. Adjectives.
Drill 1 23/1/13 • 1. List five verbs you know • 2. How do you say…. • Why? • Because • I prefer, You prefer • Should, must • I think • I don’t think
Adjectives • In Spanish, most adjectives change form, depending upon whether the word they modify is masculine or feminine. Notice the difference between "the tall boy" and "the tall girl.“ • el chicoaltola chicaalta
Adjectives • Adjectives also change form depending upon whether the word they modify is singular or plural. Notice the difference between "the tall boy" and "the tall boys" ; "the tall girl" and "the tall girls.“ • el chicoaltolos chicosaltos • la chicaaltalaschicasaltas
Adjectives • Many common adjectives end in -o. These adjectives have four forms. The following words all mean "tall": • altoaltaaltosaltas • Can you think of three more examples with a partner?
Adjectives… You Try!! • 1. Carlo es……………………. • 2. Alicia es………………. • 3. Adriana y Lola son…………….. • 4. Felipe y Juan son…………… • 5. Gloria y Juan son……………………
Drill 2 25/1/2013 • 1) Ir means …………… in English. • Conjugate ir (use your chart from Wednesday) • Yo • Tu • List 5 things you can do after school.
Drill 3 29/1/2013 • What is it in English? (Don’t look in your book!!!) When in a sentence do you use al, a la or alas? Ex: El restaurante- restaurante, uses al • 1. el centrocomercial • 2. el campo • 3. lasmontanas (hint- it’s plural!) • 4. el parque • 5. el gimnasio • 6. la leccion de piano • 7. la biblioteca
Drill 4 2/2/2013 • 1. Generalmente, ?tienes mucho tiempolibre? Si o no? • 2. ?Quehaces los fines de semana? (5 sentence and why) • Ex: Voy a la playa porque me gustanadar.
Drill 6 6/2/13 • Quehaces en………….? • 1. Hagoejercicio en…….. • 2. Nado en………….. • 3. Veopeliculas en • 4. Leo libros y revistas en………….. • 5. Voy de compras en……………….. • 6. Como el desayuno en……………….
Drill 7 8/2/13 • Write four questions asking a friend to go somewhere this weekend with you. • EX: Vamos a la playa?
Drill 8 11/2/13 • Write a sentence with the following question words. • 1. De donde • 2. Con quienes • 3. Como • 4. Cuando • 5. Porque
Theme Project • You will create a weekend entertainment guide, featuring the times and locations of six different events as well as an illustration of each event. Then you will present your guide to the class. • 1. Look at an example • 2. Submit a rough sketch of your guide. • 3. Create a layout on construction paper. • 4. Use your guide to invite a partner to one of the events.
Useful words! • El lunes a las 8.00 p.m. (Monday at 8.00 p.m.) • Todos los martesdesdelas 7.00 hastalas (8.00 a.m. Every Tuesday at 7.00 until 8:00.) • Abierto al publico- Open to the public • Vacanteslimitadas- Limited space
Día del amor y la amistad (Day of love and friendship) • Día de San ValentínorDía de los enamorados • Valentine’s day in Spanish is Día del amor y la amistad(The day of love and friendship), Día de San Valentín or Día de los enamorados. Most Spanish-speaking countries celebrate on Feb. 14th • Children love Día del amor y la amistad because it is chance to recognize how important their friends are to them. It is a day for celebrating romantic relationships too, but the appreciation of friendship is a big part of the celebration • To celebrate Día del amor y la amistad, children can make Spanish-language cards to share with their friends. • Brainstorm words about love and friendship in your team.
Useful words • Te quiero mucho – I love you a lot.Me alegras el día – You brighten my day.Me hacesmuyfeliz – You make me happy.Me hacessonreir – You make me smile. • FelizDía de San Valentín - Happy Valentine’s Day • Cúpido - Cupid • El día de San Valentin, El día de los enamorados - Valentine’s Day • besos (m)- kisses • abrazos (m) - hugs • . . . • perder la chavetaporuno (ti) - to have a crush on someone (you) • andaramarteladoporuna (ti) - to have a crush on someone (you) • Eres mi media naranja - You are my soulmate. • . . . • mi amor – my lovebeso – kissvamos – Let’s gobella – beautifulamiga/amigo – frienddulce – sweetTe amo. – I love youhola – himi vida – a term of endearment similar to my darling(literally my life)Llámeme. – Call me.guapo – handsomede nada – You’re welcomepaz – peace • Cariño – Darling, honey • Las rosas son rojas, Roses are red, • Las violetas, azules, Violets are blue, • El azúcaresdulce Sugar is sweet, • Y tambiénerestú. and so are you
Proverbs • El amoresciego. / Love is blind. Spanish proverb • Amor con amor se paga. / Love is paid with love. Spanish proverb • Antes quete cases, mira lo quehaces. / Before you marry, look at what you are doing. (look before you leap
Drill 9 21/2/13 • Name five of your favorite places. • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. • Name five activities that you enjoy. • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Drill 10 22/2/13 • Add to the sentence. • 1. El lunesvoy • 2. El martes vas • 3. El miercolesva • 4. El juevesvais • 5. El viernes van
Repaso 1 26/2/2013 • What do these mean in English? • 1. ?Quieresirconmigo? • 2. El concierto • 3. la fiesta • 4. el baile • 5. el partido • 6. ir de camping • 7. ir de pesca