1. Flow Volume Loop
2. Flow Volume Loop
3. Flow Volume Loop
4. Expiratory flow limitation - Choke point
5. Resistance
6. Volume effects on vasculature and airways
7. Tethering
8. Tests of flow limitation FEV1
FEF 25-75
9. Obstruction/Restriction
10. Lung Volumes
11. Lung Volumes
16. Overview of System
17. Pulmonary Circulation
18. Pulmonary Circulation
19. Pulmonary Circulation 1. Gas exchange
2. Fluid exchange
3. Reservoir for LV
4. Nutrition
5. Filter
20. Pulmonary circulation
21. Pulmonary Pressures 1. Absolute intravascular pressure
2. Transmural pressure
3. Driving pressure
4. Relation to pre-load
22. Resistance in pulmonary vasculature
23. Measurements
24. Pulmonary artery catheter
25. Cardiac output
26. Regional flow
27. Regional Flow
28. WEST Zones
29. WEST Zones
30. Volume effects on vasculature
31. Volume effects on vasculature
35. Zones for real
36. Hypoxic effects
37. Fluid balance
38. Starling relations Qf = Kf [(Pmv-Ppmv)-?(?mv-?pmv)]
39. Pulmonary Edema high vs low pressure
40. Overview of System
41. Oxygen Transport
42. Blood
43. Oxygen content
44. Oxygen content CaO2 = (0.003 PO2 )+ (1.34xHgbxSat)
45. Oxy-Hgb Saturation Curve
47. Fick Principle O2 use = Flow x (O2 upstream - O2 downstream)
48. Carbon Dioxide
49. Haldane effect