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Real Numbers. Chapter 1 (1). Chapter Objectives. Study Skills for Success in Mathematics Problem Solving Fractions The Real Number System Inequalities Addition of Real Numbers Subtraction of Real Numbers Multiplication & Division of Real Numbers
Real Numbers Chapter 1 (1)
Chapter Objectives Study Skills for Success in Mathematics Problem Solving Fractions The Real Number System Inequalities Addition of Real Numbers Subtraction of Real Numbers Multiplication & Division of Real Numbers Exponents, Parentheses, and the Order of Operations Properties of the Real Number System
Copies of the Slides I have printed out the first set of slides, using the “handout” option in PowerPoint. From now on, if you want them you can print them yourself. They will be on my website faculty.mccneb.edu/jcallaghan NOTE: no www in front On the left side of the page, click on 0910. There will be a list of sections listed, click on the section(s) desired and have them printed out.
Study Skills for Success in Mathematics Section 1.1 (2)
Section Objectives(2) Understand the goals of this text Learn proper study skills Prepare for and take exams Learn to manage time Purchase a calculator Wait for Math 1310
IMPORTANT The prime purpose of this section is to make you more comfortable with math by giving you hints on how to learn the proper skills to prepare for class, how to study math, how to manage your time, and how to psych yourself that math is not beyond your comprehension. Just try to keep an open mind and don’t be afraid to ask questions during or after class.
1.1 Understand the Text Goals(2) Review traditional algebraic topics Prepare for advanced topics Build your comfort zone for math Apply and improve your reasoning skills Realize that math skills are used in real-life Learn to translate real-life problems into math equations and be able to solve them
1.2 Learn Proper Study Skills(3) We start at the basics. Just because you can quickly answer some initial real-life problems almost like magic (e.g. cost for a couple of Whoppers and a large drink), learn to do it systematically. Learn how to write down (legibly) what you know, what you need to know, and how you can get what you need. That is true on tests as well as real-life.
Have a Positive Attitude Or at least a neutral attitude. If you tell yourself that you can’t do anything, it will make it really make it exceptionally hard to accomplish it. Think of things you “couldn’t” do, but you can now. Maybe, using Windows Vista, driving a motorcycle, using wood tools, flirting with gals/guys, being assertive with your boss. Anything, within reason, is possible. Even math.
Prepare for Class - 1 A building will easily fall down if it is built on a weak foundation. Math is just like a building. Being able to use the basics is the foundation. The way to learn the basics are to do the homework. Skimping on the homework weakens your foundation. Review the homework you did earlier in the chapter. It will help you, if you legibly and logically wrote the work for the assignment and kept it.
Prepare for Class - 2 There are assignments that will be assigned at the end of each section. There will also be exercises identified with “TURNIN” that will be handed in at the beginning of the class after the section was covered. These will be evaluated by the teacher to assist you with your problem areas. The TURNIN assignments will count 10% of your test grade.
Attend Class - 1 Use your eyes and ears to try and understand what your instructor is trying to impart to you. Feel free to ask the instructor questions when things aren’t clear. There is no such thing as a dumb question. If a topic is bothering you, you’ll worry about it and miss the next six topics. Write down things that are of value. You can’t remember everything.
Attend Class - 2 Guess what, you can’t do the previous if you are not in class. If you are unable to attend, e-mail me at jcallaghan@mccneb.edu and explain why you can’t attend. In a class that meets weekly, more than 2 unexcused absences will lower your grade. In a class that meets twice a week, more than 3 unexcused absences will lower your grade.
Attend Class - 3 On tests, it is strictly you. But it is good to have a study buddy. You can work together on homework. That does not mean, one does all the work and the other{s) copy. They are also useful for getting missed notes. I will try and keep up creating my notes as slide shows and making them available on my web page faculty.mccneb.edu/jcallaghan (click on 0920 on left side) for as long as I can.
Read the Text – 1 There is not enough time for the instructor to cover the whole text. Of course you need the text for the exercises. After the lecture on a section, read the text for it. A couple of areas that are helpful are “Avoiding Common Errors” and “Helpful Hints”. The text also has the answers for the odd number exercises and all chapter review problems and end of chapter tests.
Read the Text - 2 Did you think the text was expensive? Frankly I did. Thank goodness, the same text is used for Math 0910. In 0910, we cover most of Chapter 1, all of Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5, and the first part of Chapter 9. There is a Student Solution Manual for your text (ISBN 0321568516). It has all the odd numbered exercises and the all the tests worked.
DO THE HOMEWORK It can’t be emphasized that almost everyone learns by doing. Watching me do exercises helps, but you must work problems to learn the methodology. Don’t just write a few numbers haphazardly on the paper. Identify the problem number and be logical, complete, and NEAT. That is what I am going to look for on your TURNIN homework. You have to discipline yourself to do that.
Study for Class It is best to set up a fixed time to study. Before you start, have everything set up – pencils, book, paper, etc. Anticipate that you will have about two hours homework for every hour of class. Review your notes and text. For areas that you don’t understand, be ready to ask questions the next class. I will normally arrive early before class and stay after class for any topics you need discussed.
1.3 Prepare for and Take Exams(5) In real life you are continually “graded” by your boss, unless you are your own boss and you probably grade yourself even more harshly. They measure how many widgets you assemble, how many lines of code you create, how many square feet of yards you mowed. In class we have tests. It is as objective a form of determining if you have learned the material. It is not perfect.
Methods to Help You Prepare for Exams Reread you class notes Review your assignments Study formulas, definitions, and methods used Reread “Avoiding Mistakes” /“Helpful Hints Read summary at the end of the chapter Rework exercises at end of chapter (TURNIN) Take the end of chapter practice test Ask your instructor about any areas that you do not feel confident
Test Rules NO CALCULATORS Turn your cell phones off. If you think that you may get an emergency call, give me your phone and I’ll answer. Put all books and notebooks away. If you tear sheets from your notebook for worksheets, tear them out before the test. Keep your eyes on your own test If you have questions of the meaning of it, get my attention and ask me. Turn in all your worksheets. Insure they are legible and have the problem number identified.
Taking a Test - 1 Write any formulas you’ll need on scratch paper Peruse test quickly and guess how long it will take Read test directions carefully Work “easy” questions first, return later for others Attempt each problem. No partial credit for nothing Work carefully step by step – watch signs Identify problem number and be legible If you have time, check your work Don’t worry if others finish first, worry about you
Taking a Test - 2 I know you will be tense when you come in to take a test. Try and relax. Take several deep breathes and shake your shoulders and hands If you have prepared for the test, you will do much better. Don’t panic if you come to a problem that scares the shit out of you. Work around it, trying it later may remember the concept required. Check your work to see if your answer is reasonable. Never leave a question completely blank - TRY.
1.4 Learn to Manage Time(6) Schedule when you will do your homework Be organized, get everything together first Bookmark your text, notes, homework at the end of your session Try to treat your education as top priority Try to take only the number of classes you can handle with your other responsibilities
Supplements As stated earlier, if you are weak, get the Student Solution Manual. Check on line at half.com, alibris.com, amazon.com (used books) or any other on-line used book store. Just make sure you get the right text. Use the additional resources you obtained with your book package if there were any. There is a web site on the net that can help you work algebra. http://www.wtamu.edu/academic/anns/mps/math/mathlab/col_algebra/index.htm
Seek Help I don’t have an office; therefore, no office hours. I try to arrive early before each class and I will stay after class as long as anyone has questions. There are Math Help Centers on the South, Fort Omaha, Sarpy, and Elkhorn campuses where you can also get help. Hours and locations can be found at http://www.mccneb.edu/mathcenter/evchours.asp You can also get a tutor.
Calculators As most other 09xx teachers, I do not allow you to use calculators on tests. I suggest you not get in the habit of using one on your homework either. Unless you are going to become an engineer or a scientist, I suggest that when buy a calculator in the future, you get a scientific computer which is solar powered ($10-$15). A scientific calculator has LOG and SIN keys.
Section Objectives(2) Understand the goals of this text Learn proper study skills Prepare for and take exams Learn to manage time Purchase a calculator Wait for Math 1310
Study Skills for Success in Mathematics Section 1.1 (2)