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Full Time Timesheets & Absence Request Forms.
Reminders are sent through email every payperiod with the due date and any other special reminders about holidays, emergency close, etc. Blank forms as well as the Payroll Schedule are attached to the reminders for your convenience. Please check your email daily to catch any reminders or to respond to questions we may have regarding your timesheet and/or Absence Request form. • Never use pencil. • Employee and supervisor should both initial all corrections made to the timesheet • Hours should be reported in .25 hour increments. • .25 = 15 minutes • .50 = 30 minutes • .75 = 45 minutes • If your timesheet will be late or you have any questions or need help completing your timesheet, please contact payroll, Pam Hamm or Cindy Carman. • Only hours worked count towards 40 hours needed before HOT hours are recorded. • Timesheets should match the date and number of hours recorded on your Absence Request forms. • In the event overtime is needed to complete a job, employee should make request to their supervisor in advance. Repeated situations of working overtime without approval could lead to disciplinary actions. • Likewise, Vacation should be approved in advance before taking. • It is the responsibility of both the employee and supervisor to ensure that the hours are reported accurately on the timesheet before submitting to payroll. • Supervisors should be forwarding the timesheets to the payroll office after they sign.
EARN CODES EXPLAINED • REG record hours worked during your regular schedule • VAC record vacation hours(prior approval needed) • SIC record sick leave hours • HOL record holiday hours not worked • HLFrecord hours worked during the holiday • EMC record emergency close hours when the college closes for emergency weather or other catastrophes • IC record institutional close (extra days received during the December break) • BRV record funeral leave • VL record voting leave for official voting dates (refer to policies) • JD record jury duty (Attach excuse slip from court showing days reported for duty. This is different from the summons to serve) • OVT record hours worked above your regular weekly hours required even if the regular weekly hours were recorded as leave time. It is best to wait until the end of the workweek (Sunday through Saturday) to record overtime. • HOT record hours above 40 (only hours physically worked count toward 40). It is best to wait until the end of the week to record HOT. If hours are recorded at the beginning of the week and the week is split between payperiods, it will be held until the following payperiod to verify hours worked for the rest of the week. • LWO record leave without pay (must contact Human Resources before this code is used)
Absence Request Form Explained • Complete the Absence Request form when you are going to be on the following leaves: • Vacation (must be approved in advance) • Sick (must be completed immediately upon return or in advance for appointments) • Funeral (refer to policy) • Jury Duty (must attach excuse slip from court) • Leave without pay (must contact Human Resources in advance) • Enter Name, Employee ID and payperiod Begin and End date at the top of the form • Enter the From Date and exact time the leave begins as well as the To Date and exact time leave ends and the total number of hours the leave is for. (Do not include your lunch time) • Example for one full day: • From 2/23/2011 8:00am To 2/23/2011 4:30pm for 7.5 hours • Example for one full week: • From 3/07/2011 8:00am To 3/11/2011 4:30pm for 37.5 hours • (do not include the number of hours for holidays that fall in the week) • If you will be on leave for one full week that is split between two payperids (ex. dates between 30th and 1st or 14th and 16th) you will be required to complete two separate forms to be processed on two separate payperiods.