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NOW IS YOUR TIME TO CHOOSE. The next stage in your journey through the KEY STAGES of your education!. AT KEY STAGE 2:. AT KEY STAGE 3:. Art Citizenship Drama English Geography History ICT. Maths Modern Foreign Languages Physical Education RE Science Technology.

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  2. The next stage in your journey through the KEY STAGES of your education!

  3. AT KEY STAGE 2:

  4. AT KEY STAGE 3: Art Citizenship Drama English Geography History ICT Maths Modern Foreign Languages Physical Education RE Science Technology All students in Year 9 have taken these 13 subjects for three years

  5. AT KEY STAGE 4:

  6. English Higher (Language & Literature) English Maths (Higher / Foundation / EL) Science (Separate Sciences / Dual Award / BTEC/EL) Computing (OCR Nationals) Humanities (GCSE / RE&PSE) PE (Practical Options)

  7. Art Art Textiles Business Studies Child Development Computing Creative I Media Dance Drama ELBS Food French Geography Graphic Products Health & Social Care History Italian Leisure and Tourism Media Music PE Prof Catering RE Resistant Materials Textiles

  8. Environment and Land Based Science Construction Sport Motor Vehicle L1 Hair / Beauty L1

  9. These are :- • Work related subjects that suit students who are ready to learn useful skills for the type of work they might want to do • Practical courses that allow you to develop general skills • Assessed through a mix of exams and collecting evidence of your skills • A mixture of BTEC Level 2 courses and Level 1 Courses

  10. YOUR ROUTE THROUGH KEY STAGE 4 • Your Tutor will help guide you through the choices and Core Subjects in the coming month. • There will be some important factors to consider alongside just choosing your favourite subjects.

  11. ENGLISH BACCALAUREATE • In 2010 the secretary of state for Education announced the introduction of the English Baccalaureate. This will be awarded to any student achieving A* - C in five separate GCSE awards: • English • Maths • Science x2 • Geography or History • French or Italian

  12. ENGLISH AND MATHS • Yes, the first aim at the end of Year 11 has always been to achieve 5+ GCSE grades at A*-C ! • English and Maths are a necessityif you want a promising job, career and life so 5+ GCSE passes at A*-C including E & M is a key target. • So remember whatever you choose to do with your life you really need toachieve English and Maths • The English and Maths Department will highly recommend English and Maths Plus to those students that they feel are at risk of not achieving a C grade.

  13. DO CHOOSE A COURSE BECAUSE: • It fits your interests and abilities • You are good at it and think you will enjoy it • It goes well with your other choices • It links to a career plan or idea • You think you might want to continue studying it post 16 • It will help you meet the entry requirements for the post-16 option that interest you • It will help to give you plenty of choice post 16

  14. DON’T CHOOSE A COURSE BECAUSE: • Your friends have chosen it • You think it will be easy • Someone else thinks that it is a good idea for you to do it • You like the teacher you have now

  15. WHAT’S NEXT? Work with your Tutor on your route through the options! Attend options evening (Tues 14th January) Start to research courses ! Speak to older students that you know. Find out what you need for your plans at 16+ Talk to your subject teachers !

  16. 1 v 1 Interviews These start with your Form Tutor next week and will be a regular part of each week to December when we will print your route tickets.

  17. Your Course Research


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