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RomoRobot. Feras Khateeb Yousef Azem supervisors Dr.Raed Al- Qade Dr.Lui Malhis. RomoRobot| >>. O utline. Introduction . System Parts. applications. Problems Recommendations for Future Work. RomoRobot| >>. What is Romo robot.
RomoRobot FerasKhateebYousefAzem supervisors Dr.Raed Al-Qade Dr.LuiMalhis
RomoRobot|>> Outline Introduction. System Parts. applications. Problems Recommendations for Future Work
RomoRobot|>> What is Romo robot social robot for Android. uses Android phone combined with a mobile smartphone cradle robot and custom controller software to make a cool, mobile and flexible communication device.
RomoRobot|>> Why Romo robot • Simple design. • Low power consumption. • Easy to control (locally or remotely) • Easy to upgrade and add sensors
RomoRobot|>> System Parts Hardware consists of a PIC 18 Controller and we have more than 5 sensors accelerometer, xbee, Bluetooth, IR sensor, Color sensor and also we have android mobile. Software Android application , PHP, C# , and PIC C .
RomoRobot|>> Controller- PIC18F PIC controller provides many features USB interface, safe operating, small size, design. Contains 5 Ports , ADC ,PWM , interrupt and serial interface. comes with powerful compiler.
RomoRobot|>> ROBOT Design Our Robot contains Model 2 motors with Gear Controller circuit Sensors circuit Motors circuit
RomoRobot|>> Controller circuit
RomoRobot|>> Sensors circuit
RomoRobot|>> Motors circuit
RomoRobot|>> Power management Power management The power sources divided into two types • This separation for several reasons protection. Provide different current/volt values reduce the internal resistance.
RomoRobot|>> ROBOT Design Optocoupler used to do the separation. Completely isolate input from output
RomoRobot|>> Motor Driving We have two of DC motors that connected to the gear. Need a good current sufficient to move the robot easily. We must chose a good power values to make the robot movement with good torque and moderate speed without damage the gear.
RomoRobot|>> Motor Driving We build a driving circuit that consists of the H-Bridgeto drive the DC motors. Input from the Optocoupler The output with high current to the DC motor
RomoRobot|>> Wireless Shield The main component in the wireless shield is the Xbee module. • It connected serially and powered from the Basic Circuit. • It's a very sensitive and any increase or defect in the power supply it can lead to damage.
RomoRobot|>> Bluetooth The main component in the Bluetooth connection is the RN_42 module. • It connected serially and powered from the Basic Circuit. • It's a very sensitive and any increase or defect in the power supply it can lead to damage.
RomoRobot|>> LCD LCD displayed screen sensor output will
RomoRobot|>> The Sensors We have some plug sensors IR sensor. Color sensor accelerometer
RomoRobot|>> The Android Mobile Android mobile used for video Call
RomoRobot|>> The
RomoRobot|>> Software Implementation We have 4 parts of software PIC C C# PHP Android CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
RomoRobot|>> Software Implementation PIC C This using for Pic programming PMW for motor speed ADC for IR, color and accelerometer CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
RomoRobot|>> Software Implementation For locally connection via Xbee C# CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
RomoRobot|>> Software Implementation Xbee CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
RomoRobot|>> Software Implementation Web application for sender PHP CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
RomoRobot|>> Software Implementation Sender CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
RomoRobot|>> Software Implementation Android Android application receiver CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
RomoRobot|>> Software Implementation Receiver CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
RomoRobot|>> Software Implementation Applications CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
RomoRobot|>> Applications • video calls and video conferencing CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
RomoRobot|>> Applications Visiting a place, while you are still at home
RomoRobot|>> Applications Robot Programming >IR.Run() >Acceleormeter.X() >Acceleormeter.Y()
RomoRobot|>> Problems Spike of motor Motors provide spike current that reset the basic circuit Solution circuits separation via Optocoupler CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
RomoRobot|>> Problems Problem of distance Xbee provide us short distance 100 meter not more Solution connection over Internet CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
RomoRobot|>> Problems PWM We have just 2 PWM Solution speed of car just on Forward CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO