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FHEO. Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. Briefing for Georgia Elected Officials February 1, 2007 Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center FAIR HOUSING! IT’S NOT AN OPTION. IT’S THE LAW!!. Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO).
FHEO Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Briefing for Georgia Elected Officials February 1, 2007 Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center FAIR HOUSING! IT’S NOT AN OPTION. IT’S THE LAW!!
Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) • Enforces the Fair Housing Act and other civil rights laws • Ensures the right to equal housing opportunity and fair housing choice without discrimination • Promotes & ensures equal opportunity in all HUD-assisted programs
FHEO’s Mission Our enforcement of the law covers most housing transaction in the United States
FHEO MISSION • Investigate complaints of housing discrimination/ initiate enforcement • Promote fair housing education and outreach • Monitor recipients of Federal financial assistance • Ensure compliance with civil rights laws
Federal Financial Assistance • Includes grants, loans, and advances of Federal funds • Any Federal agreement, arrangement, or other contract that intends, as one of its purposes, to provide assistance. • NOTE: Does not include Tenant-Based Section 8 voucher (subsidy tied to tenant)
FHAP • Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) reimburses State & local agencies that enforce laws substantially equivalent to the Fair Housing Act. • There are 103 FHAP Agencies (That includes 36 States,including the District of Columbia, and 67 localities).
Georgia Commission on Equal Opportunity Gordon Joyner, Executive Director/AdministratorMartin Luther King Jr., DriveAtlanta, Georgia 30303Tele: ( 800)673-4736
FHIP • Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP) provides funding to nonprofits, community groups, & faith-based organizations to carry out private enforcement & education. • In 2006, $20.3 million was awarded to 113 Grantees across the country.
Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP) • provides funding to FHAPs, other local gov’t agencies, and private entities carrying out programs to prevent or eliminate discriminatory housing practices.
FHIP Activities • Conduct education and outreach • Conduct preliminary investigation of allegations of housing discrimination • File Fair Housing complaints with HUD • Testing • Represent Complainants
JC Vision and Associates, Inc. Dana Ingram, Executive Director135-C East Martin Luther King Jr., DriveP.O. Box 1972Hinesville, Georgia 31310Tele: (912) 877-4243Fax: (912) 877-4274
Savannah-Chatham County Fair Housing Council David Wayne Dawson, Executive Director7 Drayton Street, Suite #206Savannah, Georgia 31401Tele: (912) 651-3136Fax: (912) 651-3137Toll Free: (888) 570-5082
FHEO Organizational Structure • 10 Regional Offices • Regional FHEO Office located in Atlanta • Receives all housing discrimination inquiries • 3 FHEO Centers: Atlanta, Miami, & Louisville. • 12 Local HUD Offices (Miami, Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa, Puerto Rico, Knoxville, Memphis, Columbia, Greensboro, Jackson, Birmingham, Louisville) • Investigate cases involving Respondents receiving Federal financial assistance and reactivated • HUD Partners: FHAP & FHIP Agencies
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 • prohibits housing discrimination because of in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance • File within 180 days of the alleged act • Race • Color • National Origin
Race Color Religion Sex Handicap (disability) Familial status National Origin Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended by the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 (the Fair Housing Act) • prohibits housing discrimination because of: • File within 365 days of the alleged act
Section 109 of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 • No person shall be excluded from participation in, denied benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving community development fundsbecause of • File within 180 days of the alleged act • Race • Color • Religion • Sex • National Origin
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 • No qualified individual with a disability shall be excluded from participation in, denied benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any program receiving HUD funds • File within 180 days of the alleged act
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) • Prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability by public entities • Applies to all services, programs, and activities provided or made available by public entities* • Includes all activities of State and local governments whether or not they receive Federal funds • File within 180 days of the alleged act **Private entities such as hotels, restaurants, theaters, retail stores, doctors’ offices, recreation facilities, etc. are covered by title III of the ADA
Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 • Ensure that economic opportunities (Jobs, training, & contracts) resulting from HUD financial assistance will be directed to low and very low-income persons - particularly those receiving government assistance for housing. • File within 180 days of the alleged act
Conciliations: • 82 conciliated cases provided monetary relief for the complainant for a total of $382K; • 53 cases withdrawn with a settlement - complainants received monetary relief for a total amount of $19,100
Public interest Settlements. ØBishop v. Fifth Third Bank, the Respondent provided in loans, grants and other financial support to improve the participation of minority borrowers. ØIn Gouisha, Medester v. Kentucky Housing Corporation, $4,000,000 over a two year period for victims of domestic violence and homeless families. • O’Neill v. Astralis Condo Association, a $1,000,000 bond in support of the design and construction improvements.
Questions?? Contacts • JCVision, (912) 877-4243 (FHIP) • Savannah Chatham FHC, 888-570-5082 (FHIP) • Georgia Commission on Equal Opportunity, 800-473-6736 (FHAP) • US HUD NATIONAL DISCRIMINATION HOTLINE: 800-669-9777 • HUD REGION IV Discrimination Hotline 800-440-8091