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POLDER, CERES, GERB flux comparisons and information on AMMA and MeghaTropiques Michel Viollier Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, IPSL/CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau, France with technical support by Sylvain Lassaut. Outline. Information: AMMA, Megha-Tropiques
POLDER, CERES, GERB flux comparisons and information on AMMA and MeghaTropiques Michel Viollier Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, IPSL/CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau, France with technical support by Sylvain Lassaut GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
Outline • Information: AMMA, Megha-Tropiques • CERES, POLDER nadir comparison • CERES, GERB flux comparison (January to March 2004) • Monthly diurnal cycles from GERB GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
AMMA (1/3) African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses(http://medias.obs-mip.fr/amma/index.en.html) multidisciplinary project on the West African Monsoon and its impacts Atmospheric Dynamics, Continental Water Cycle, Atmospheric Chemistry, Oceanic and Continental Surface Conditions. Participation: France, Germany, UK, USA, Africa,…French Agencies: CNES, CNRS/INSU, IRD, and Meteo-France GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
AMMA (2/3) Long Term Observation Period : … 2009 Special Observing Period (SOP): various key stages of the rainy season during three periods in 2006: (i) monsoon onset, (ii) peak monsoon and (iii) late monsoon AMMA-SAT : the satellite data component of AMMA http://ammasat.lmd.polytechnique.fr/WelcomeE.html In this project : we promote CERES and GERB data and plan to incorporate their main parameters in the AMMA-SAT database GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
AMMA-SAT (3/3) • data-set with multiple satellite products and data • netcdf format with standard grid, organization and documentation (tools: ferret, live access server) • GERB data in AMMA-SAT:- link to GERB archive system?- mirroring the GERB site?- hdf to netcdf transformation (of main parameters)? Amma-sat regions (globe for coarse grid) GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
ScaRaB-3 on - Tropiques (Megha-Tropiques) • Joint project between France and India • Stopped last year (CNES budget cuts) • New green signal on 2004 • End of B phase: 2004 • Start of C phase: 2005 • Planned to be launched on 2009 GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
Basic Megha-Tropiques Instruments GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
Megha-Tropiques Orbits GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
June 2003 – Reflectance vza<20°POLDER minus CERESgrid box method (0.5°) Narrow-to-Broadband ConversionValidation with CERES. (Reflectances multiplied by 100) GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
POLDER-CERES along trackand nearest ‘pixel’ method Collocated POLDER triplets and CERES data (DT < 5 mn DD <2km) for June 2003 (1, 4, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 24, 27, and 30 ) GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
POLDER CERES :radianceand fluxcomparison at nadir GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
GERB/CERES flux comparisons • GERB data: ex. G2_SEV1_L20S_20031223_130000_V002.hdf • CERES : ES8 • 3 periods: Jan 1-5, Feb 15-19, Mar 21-25 2004 • average data over 2.5 x 2.5° regions (and also 1° x 1°) • keep regions with more than 80 (CERES) and 20 (GERB) observations for 2.5 x 2.5° regions • compare GERB and CERES flux regional means, coincident ± 2 minutes (however, in the present version, we approximate UTC to the half quarter, i.e. 00:07:30, 00:22:30,..) GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
March 2004, 21 - flux 2.5° grid filled with GERB data CERES GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
GERB-CERES co-registration GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
Jan. 2004, 1 to 5 – CERES/Terra GERB SW LW day LW night GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
stat 2.5 (1.0) degree grid Difference in sampling ? GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
CERES/GERB flux intercomparison presented at GIST 21 LW day LW night SW mean difference < ~2%, (preliminary result for 2003 Dec 23,approximate GERB observation time= 00:07:30, 00:22:30,.. ) GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
Jan. 2004, 1 to 5 – CERES/Aqua GERB SW LW day LW night GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
Feb. 2004, 15 to 20 – CERES/Terra GERB SW LW day LW night GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
Feb. 2004, 15 to 20 – CERES/Aqua GERB SW LW day LW night GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
March 2004, 21 to 25 – CERES/Terra GERB SW LW day LW night GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
March 2004, 21 to 25 – CERES/Aqua GERB SW LW day LW night GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
Same (March, Aqua) but 1° grid SW LW day LW night GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
Diurnal variations using GERB (preliminary) – 2004, January Ocean, clear and partly cloudy GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
Diurnal variations using GERB (preliminary) – 2004, January Land (S. Africa), clear and partly cloudy GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
Diurnal variations using GERB (preliminary) – 2004, January Convective Clouds Area GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
Diurnal variations using GERB (preliminary) – 2004, January Check our local time and SZA computation Land (East Africa), clear and partly cloudy GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
Diurnal variations using GERB (preliminary) – 2004, January Valencia, 2.5° area GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier
Conclusion • In a first glance : • Mean GERB SW and LW fluxes ~ 1 to 3 % low / ES8 CERES (Terra and Aqua) • No noticeable gap or anomaly in the diurnal cycles • Future works: • Compare with SSF fluxes • Evaluation of the POLDER nb-bb conversion with GERB SW radiances (availability of 2003 data ?, April to October) • Study the n2b conversion of HRI*SEVERI/GERB and the impact of GEO combination on the CERES Terra monthly means computations • AMMA, A-train, ScaRaB/Megha-Tropiques, EarthCARE GIST 22, Brussels , LMD, M. Viollier