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THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE WEATHER INITIATIVE (A FOLLOW-ON TO THE INTERNATIONAL HELIOPHYSICAL YEAR) February 2007-2009. May 2009. Joseph Davila, Barbara Thompson, Nat Gopalswamy (GSFC) Tom Bogdan (NOAA-SWPC), and Mike Hapgood (RAL). IHY Objectives.
THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE WEATHER INITIATIVE(A FOLLOW-ON TO THE INTERNATIONAL HELIOPHYSICAL YEAR)February 2007-2009 May 2009 Joseph Davila, Barbara Thompson, Nat Gopalswamy (GSFC) Tom Bogdan (NOAA-SWPC), and Mike Hapgood (RAL)
IHY Objectives • Develop the basic science of heliophysics through cross-disciplinary studies of universal processes. • Determine the response of terrestrial and planetary magnetospheres and atmospheres to external drivers. • Promote research on the Sun-heliosphere system outward to the local interstellar medium - the new frontier. • Foster international scientific cooperation in the study of heliophysical phenomena now and in the future. • Preserve the history and legacy of the IGY on its 50th Anniversary. • Communicate unique IHY results to the scientific community and the general public. IHY (http://ihy2007.org)
IHY Participation • 71 countries with National committees IHY (http://ihy2007.org)
IHY Participation • UNBSS • 17 Distributed instrument observatory programs • 5 New data analysis programs for space data IHY (http://ihy2007.org)
IHY Research Participation • 200 Observatories • 65 Coordinated Investigation Plans (CIPs) • Thousands of scientists IHY (http://ihy2007.org)
Science Four Elements of the IHY Program • Science of Universal Processes • Coordinated Investigation Programs (CIPs)Scientific Research • Distributed small instrument program • New observational capability • Education, outreach • Promoting space science • IGY History preservation • Preserving the history of space physics Distributed Instruments Outreach History See website at http://ihy2007.org for more information. IHY (http://ihy2007.org)
Public Outreach • Documentary released on historic US-Libya eclipse collaboration • “Science Eclipses Politics” (EOS) and other articles published • Open Doors day • Traveling exhibits in Germany and France • Summer schools in US, Europe, Asia, South America IHY (http://ihy2007.org)
IHY Gold Preserving the history of the IGY • 197 IHY Gold Certificates have been handed out to IGY participants • Recipients include Alan Shapley, James Van Allen • And Prince Philip in the UK • Special meeting organized in India IHY (http://ihy2007.org)
ISWI Objectives • Develop the scientific insight necessary to understand the science, and to reconstruct and forecast near-Earth space weather • Instrumentation and data analysis • Expand and continue deployment of new and existing instrument arrays • Expand data analysis effort for instrument arrays and existing data bases • Coordinate data products to provide input for physical modeling (Joint with other more extensive modeling efforts) • Input instrument array data into physical models of heliospheric processes • Develop data products that reconstruct past conditions in order to facilitate assessment of problems attributed to space weather effects • Coordinate data products to allow predictive relationships to be developed(Joint with Space Weather prediction organizations) • Develop data products to allow predictive relationships that enable the forecasting of Space Weather to be established • Develop data products that can easily be assimilated into real-time or near real-time predictive models • Education • University and Graduate Schools • Encourage and support space science courses and curricula in Universities that provide instrument support • Public Outreach • Develop public outreach materials unique to the ISWI, and coordinate the distribution
Principles of the Instrument Program • The lead scientist or principle investigator funded by his/her country provides instrumentation (or fabrication plans) and data distribution • The host country provides the workforce, facilities, and operational support typically at a local university. • Host scientists become part of science team • All data and data analysis activity is shared • All scientists participate in publications and scientific meetings where possible
What is Unique about ISWI? • UN Endorsement • Opens new opportunities for collaboration in countries with little/no Space Physics by involving governments and Universities or National Labs • Encourages governmental response • Allows broad dissemination of information in 6 languages to 192 countries of the UN • State Department involvement • Helps with import/export and technology issues • Help with Visas, security, logistics, etc.
Scientific Benefits • By observing in new geographical regions, a more global picture of Earth’s response to various inputs can be obtained • New and interesting global phenomena along the DIP equator and in other regions can be studied for the first time • Arrays provide 3D information that can be used in tomographic reconstructions • Long term these networks will provide real-time data valuable for forecasting and nowcasting
Summary “… science is the most powerful means we have for the unification of knowledge, and a main obligation of its future must be to deal with problems which cut across boundaries, whether boundaries between the sciences, boundaries between nations, or boundaries between man’s scientific and his humane concern.” -- John F. Kennedy In: A Century of Scientific Conquest by John F. Kennedy, in The Scientific Endeavor, Centennial Celebration of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 1963. IHY (http://ihy2007.org)