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www.ue.edu.ph. Welcome to. OJT Pre-Enrolment Orientation. www.ue.edu.ph. P R O G R A M M E. Invocation. National Anthem. Acknowledgment of Participants. Opening Remarks. Orientation Proper Prof. MARISSA L. LANUZA OJT Coordinator, Manila Campus. www.ue.edu.ph. OJT Orientation Day.

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  1. www.ue.edu.ph Welcome to OJT Pre-Enrolment Orientation

  2. www.ue.edu.ph P R O G R A M M E Invocation National Anthem Acknowledgment of Participants Opening Remarks • Orientation Proper • Prof. MARISSA L. LANUZA • OJT Coordinator, Manila Campus

  3. www.ue.edu.ph OJT Orientation Day • Curricular Offerings That Require OJT • Objectives of the OJT Program • Definition of Terms • OJT Fees • Overview of General Procedures for OJT • Coordinating Activities for OJT • Requirements for OJT Students • Evaluation of Students and Grading System • Grounds for Receiving Failing/LFR/D marks • Other Matters

  4. www.ue.edu.ph Curricular Offerings That Require OJT • College of Arts and Sciences • Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts • Bachelor Arts in Broadcast Communication • Bachelor of Arts in Journalism • Bachelor Arts in English • Bachelor of Arts in International Studies • Bachelor Science in Library and Information Science • Bachelor of Science in Biological Science • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics • Bachelor of Science in Psychology • Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management • Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

  5. www.ue.edu.ph Curricular Offerings That Require OJT • College of Business Administration • Bachelor of Science in Accountancy • BSBA in Management Accounting • BSBA in Business Economics • BSBA in Marketing Management • BSBA in Financial Management • BSBA in Business Management • Bachelor of Science in EntrepreneurshiP • Bachelor in Business Management • College of Education • Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics

  6. www.ue.edu.ph Curricular Offerings That Require OJT • College of Computer Studies and Systems • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science • Bachelor of Science in Information System • College of Engineering • Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering • Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering • Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering • Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering • Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering • College of Fine Arts • Bachelor of Interior Design

  7. www.ue.edu.ph Objectives of the OJT Program To provide opportunities for the students to apply the theories and principles they have learned in the school to actual work situations; To allow the students to gain first-hand insight and information about the profession/career they are going into; To make the students appreciate the value and importance of hard work;

  8. www.ue.edu.ph Objectives of the OJT Program d. To provide opportunities for the students to gain knowledge, skills, and values that will make them better persons and will give them greater chances for employment; e. To provide opportunities for the students to learn from and network with experienced professionals; f. To provide opportunities for the students to learn how to handle new challenges and complex tasks or problems; g. To help the students identify future career directions.

  9. www.ue.edu.ph Definition of Terms • On-the-Job Trainee. This term refers to the student undergoing on the job training. • OJT Coordinator. This refers to a faculty member designated as the overall coordinator of OJT in the campus who is under the Office of the Chancellor. • Faculty In-charge. This refers to a faculty member assigned by the College or Department to handle an OJT class. • OJT Supervisor/Trainer This refers to an employee of the Cooperating Industry who is assigned to take charge or supervise students undergoing OJT.

  10. www.ue.edu.ph OJT Fees • Reduced Miscellaneous Fees - Students who are enrolled only in OJT are exempted from payment of the following miscellaneous fees: • Library fee, • Publication fee, • Internet fee, • Audio-visual fee, • Sports Development fee, • Cultural fee, and • Energy fee Accident Insurance Coverage - The University shall collect from the OJT students a Group Accident Insurance fee to ensure that the students are well protected while undergoing the OJT.

  11. www.ue.edu.ph Overview of General Procedures for OJT • Stage 1: Pre-enrollment Procedures/Requirements • Submission of OJT Form No.1 Application for OJT with the following attachments: • Computer Generated Evaluation List; • Certification for Completion of OJT Subject Prerequisites Stage 2: Pre-deployment Activities/Requirements 2.1. Submission of Approved OJT Application 2.2. Completion of Pre-OJT Deployment Interview with Resume 2.3. Submission of duly notarized Liability Waiver (permit) signed by student and parents or guardian.

  12. www.ue.edu.ph Overview of General Procedures for OJT • Stage 3: Deployment Procedures • 3.1. Presentation of Completed Forms from Stages 1 & 2 • 3.2. Deployment to Cooperating Companies either thru: • 3.2.1. Letter of Recommendation • 3.2.2. Phone call or visit

  13. www.ue.edu.ph Coordinating Activities for OJT • Classroom Meetings - The faculty in-charge shall meet the OJT class within the University campus three times during the entire duration of the OJT program during the term: • Before the students are deployed, for Orientation; • During the mid-term, for general consultation; and • At the end of the OJT program, for submission of reports and grades. Student Observation and Monitoring in the Cooperating Company - The faculty In-charge shall visit the students in the cooperating industry at least twice within the semester and at least once in summer and shall prepare a report about the visit. He/she shall submit a certificate of appearance (OJT Form No. 4) duly signed by an authorized representative of the cooperating industry.

  14. www.ue.edu.ph Coordinating Activities for OJT Arrangement of the Deployment of OJT Students The OJT Coordinator shall arrange the deployment of students through letters, visits, or meetings with the cooperating industries. All communications regarding the deployment of OJT students shall be signed by the OJT Coordinator. A sample letter for the purpose of arranging the deployment of OJT students is downloadable from the yahoogroup and/or at the UE Portal.

  15. www.ue.edu.ph Requirements for OJT Students • I. Completion of Stages 1, 2 & 3 • II. Attendance to OJT Orientation and Prescribed OJT-related activities like General Assembly, Career Talk, Job Fairs, Etc. • III. Submission of Required Final OJT Reports

  16. www.ue.edu.ph Evaluation of Students and Grading System The computation of the final grades of students shall be based on the evaluation of the Industry Training Supervisor (70%) and the faculty-in-charge (30%). The students’ final grade shall be computed using the formula, “Final Grade” 70% = Performance Evaluation by the OJT Supervisor 30% = Evaluation of OJT Requirements by the faculty-in- charge

  17. www.ue.edu.ph Evaluation of Students and Grading System • Ratings from Cooperating Companies (70%) • The following criteria shall be used (OJT Form No.5) by the OJT Supervisor in the evaluation of students’ performance: • 10 points - Quality of work • 10 points - Attitude toward work • 10 points – Judgment • 10 points – Cooperation • 10 points – Dependability • 10 points – Comprehension • 10 points – Creativity • 10 points – Accuracy • 10 points - Communication skills • 10 points - Attendance and Punctuality

  18. www.ue.edu.ph Evaluation of Students and Grading System • Ratings from Faculty-In-Charge (30%) • The following criteria (OJT Form No. 6) shall be used by the faculty-in-charge in the evaluation of OJT requirements: • 30% - Rating from Completion of Attendance to OJT Hours • 10% - Rating from Pre-OJT Deployment Interview • 10% - Rating from observation/physical monitoring • 50% - Final OJT Requirements • 5% - Certificate of Completion from Company • 5% - Pictures at Work • 20% - Professional Development Activities • 20% - Feedback Paper

  19. www.ue.edu.ph Grounds for Receiving Failing/LFR/D marks • “D” mark - Failure to Complete 80% of the Prescribed OJT Training Hours shall automatically received “D” mark; • “LFR” mark - Failure to submit Final Reports and OJT Requirements • “Failing or 5.00” mark – For Final Grade below 75%

  20. www.ue.edu.ph Other Matters • Communication protocol – All OJT matters should be directed raised to students Faculty-In-Charge. • Channels of Communications • OJT Bulletin Board at the OJT Office (SFC201) • Memorandum-Letters to Faculty-In-Charge • OJT Email - ojt.manila@ue.edu.ph • OJT Yahoogroup - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/OJT_UE-Manila • UE Website – Student Portal

  21. www.ue.edu.ph Thank you!

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