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Understanding US and NC Government Structure

Explore the breakdown of the US and NC government structure, including the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, as well as different political parties and systems. Learn about elections, parties, voting procedures, and the electoral college.

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Understanding US and NC Government Structure

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  1. Create a chart either showing the breakdown of the US government or the NC government structure (some words may be used for either one). Be sure to use: executive branch, judicial branch, legislative branch, President, Governor, General Assembly, Supreme Court, Congress, House of Representatives, Senate

  2. Objectives 4.01 • Examine the structure and organization of political parties.

  3. Party Systems • One-Party System: One political party runs the government and no other party is allowed to select candidates for election. • Two-Party System:Two major parties dominate government and elections. • Multi-Party System: numerous political parties hold government seats.

  4. Democrats Republicans Liberal: tend to favor active government Believe government should help provide for the physical needs, education, & monetary security of citizens. Conservative: favor small, less involved governments. Believe the government should simply provide law & order & the opportunity for success but not guarantee it. Moderates Beliefs fall somewhere in the middle.

  5. Others? • Third Parties: arise when the other two parties are not meeting the needs of a certain group. • Can split the vote • Or get reforms passed • Independents: Those who are not associated with any party.

  6. Functions of Political Parties • Nominate candidates • Structure/limit voting choice • Establish party platforms • Policies the party stands for • Planks are individual policies

  7. National Convention • Every four years • Delegates from every state • Nominate candidate for president

  8. Coalitions • Banding together of different groups for the purpose of achieving political success. • Radical groups advocate massive government reforms or extreme government control • Reactionary groups form as a response to often radical changes or movements

  9. Political Machines • Exist both at state and local levels. • Chose party candidates then used them as puppets to influence government reforms. • Often bought votes for assurance of certain positions

  10. Objective 4.02 • Describe the election process & the qualifications & procedures for voting.

  11. Primary Elections/Caucus • Held a few months before general elections • Choose between candidates in a single party • Party members choose delegates • Delegates vote at national convention

  12. General Elections • Normal elections at federal, state, local • Held every 4 years

  13. Partisan/Nonpartisan • The party a person belongs to is clearly stated on the ballot. • The party a person belongs to is not clearly stated on the ballot.

  14. Recall Election • Determines if voters want to remove a person from office before their time is up.

  15. Electoral College • 1 vote for each of the states Senators and Representatives in Congress. • Electoral votes win the election not necessarily popular votes.

  16. Campaigns • Strategy for winning elections • PAC’s • Political Action Committee’s • Make sure that candidates that back their issues get into office. • Contribute money & gain support • Private Resources • Public Funding • Canvassing • Going door-to-door to gain support for candidate. • Political Endorsements

  17. Propaganda • Means of influencing voters toward or against a specific candidate. • Stacking the Cards • Image molding • “Just plain folk” • Positive • Glittering Generalities • Saying things that are popular to win votes

  18. Voting Process • Polling Places • Schools, churches, community centers determined by the voting district & precinct they live in. • Voting District • Who people can vote for • Precincts • Where they can vote • Voter Registration • Make sure only qualified citizens vote. • Done before voting day • Exit Polls • Taken when people leave the voting place • Means of trying to determine who won the election by taking a proportion of the votes

  19. Duties are more important than rights. • The heart is as good a guide as the head. • Organize religion serves a very important role in society. • I think that there should be fraternities & sororities in college. • You can not change human nature. • The world is too complicated to be understood by anyone but experts. • People are getting soft & week from so much babying, coddling, & not accepting responsibilities for themselves. • No matter what the people think, a few people will always run things anyway. • I believe that all people who have acquired titles should be addressed by the title. • I doubt that gov’t has capacity to give men more liberty. • The gov’t should spend more money on education & welfare & less on the military. • People should not be allowed to criticize the gov’t during a time of crisis like war.

  20. A woman should be allowed to have an abortion if she wants to. • The US should stop giving money to foreign nations. • If people can’t find work, the gov’t should step in & provide them with jobs. • Students in public schools need more discipline. There should be dress codes. • Capital punishment should be abolished because it is unfair to the poor. • If the US is to grow & prosper, it will have to conserve energy & not build power plants because they are too dangerous. • The gov’t should help the poor. • If the US suspected another country was going to attack it, it should try to negotiate peace with that country before it tries any military action. • Prisons should be improved upon so that prisoners can be rehabilitated. • Child care should be provided to all families that need it. • Americans should increase foreign aid to poor countries. • Premarital sex is acceptable. • Marijuana should be legalized.

  21. Greater efforts should be made by the gov’t to eliminate sex discrimination. • More money should be spent on public schools. • People should be free to join whatever religious cult they want. • People should receive enough welfare to lead a decent life. • The US needs a system of national health insurance. • The gov’t should spend more money the needs of people. • Rich people should pay a higher proportion of their income in taxes. • The best way to help the poor is to give them adequate benefits & a good education. • There should be laws to protect the environment from pollution. • The gov’t should promote more integration, affirmative action, civil rights, & busing to help minorities. • The gov’t should build more housing for the poor. • People are not responsible for their own behavior. They are products of their environment. • The gov’t should protect consumers from shaddy producers & unfair practices. • The poor should pay no taxes.

  22. The most important occupation a person can hold is… • A. Scientist B. Farmer C. Engineer D. Minister. • In general I feel that a class system is… • Good Bad • Which is more important? • Self Control Self Expression • In general I am a • Optimist Pessimist • If I had a country music group, I would name them • The Strangers The Buckaroos The Blue Boys The Southerners • If I were given the opportunity to go on a vacation I would go to… • Civil War battle fields Las Vegas Mississippi River Cruise Daytona Beach • If I were to build a home, I would prefer it to be • A modern brick ranch style renovated farm house apartment no preference • The most important teacher is a teacher of… • Math Natural Science Literature Philosophy • Which are more important? • Individual Rights Community Rights

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