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The RIS exercise. RIS Lithuania - Innpulse 18/10/05 Vilnius Andrea Di Anselmo. The Re g ions are the most efficient framework to address issues like innovative performance, application of new knowledge and competitiveness. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to have :
The RIS exercise RIS Lithuania - Innpulse 18/10/05 Vilnius Andrea Di Anselmo
The Regions are the most efficient framework to address issues like innovative performance, application of new knowledge and competitiveness. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to have : Environment conducive to innovation (business support services, networks, education and training, RTD) Strategic thinking Capacity for Policy making Better development of human factor Innovation culture ■ R1S/RITTS mechanism
Create innovation policies at regional level Develop innovation systems using a mentoring approach Strengthen co-operation across Europe Enhance learning process for human resources ■ Prepare regions better to absorb EU funding more efficiently Foster regional and economic cohesion RIS
2004 call for proposals 33 proposals favorably evaluated/out of 50 Contracts started June 1st 2005 RIS/RITTS in New Member States and Eastern Europe
Helped regional decision makers to become aware of the importance of innovation in the economic growth process Supported the regions to clarify the scene of innovation support infrastructure and to develop actions increasing the visibility of this infrastructure Helped to widen the concept of innovation and strengthen its position within the regional policy agenda Created a remarkable mobilization effect of all local actors, opening an impressive regional dialogue on innovation Brought in a much needed move towards strategic thinking for innovation-oriented regional development Focused regional public expenditure towards a set of key issues better addressing the needs of the business community Ris impact in the regions
Not a study but an action a dynamic process Involve decision makers, all the economic actors, SME’s and their associations Look for discussion and debate Lessons learnt (1)
Innovation different from research and technology Subsidiarity matters (EU – Nations – Regions – ….) Innovation has a lot to do with knowledge and again not only with technology Polarize v/s differentiate Structural funding is a key ingredient Key Aspects (1)
Presence of expertise (knowledge basins) Identification of priorities Formulation of a strategy (and building consensus) Availability of resources (and proper instrumentations) Unbending willingness to carry out Still NOT sufficient to insure success Key Aspects (2)
It is not difficult to learn new things but to quit old habits Thank you for listening a.dianselmo@meta-group.com