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In addition to being written in JavaScript, AngularJS is also distributed as a JavaScript file. It can be embedded into a web page directly through the script tag. Also, it allows developers to express various components of a web application by extending HTML with three ng-directives - ng-app, ng-model and ng-bind. The web developers can even use AngularJS expressions to bind AngularJS data to HTML without writing additional code.<br>
AngularJS For Web Development
➢ Extends HTML Syntax In Inaddition additionto tobeing be beembedded embeddedinto various variouscomponents componentsof ofa aweb ng ng- -model model and and ng ng- -bind AngularJS AngularJSdata datato toHTML ➢ Implements MVC Pattern Differently beingwritten writtenin inJavaScript, intoa aweb webpage pagedirectly webapplication bind.. The The web HTMLwithout withoutwriting JavaScript,AngularJS directlythrough throughthe applicationby byextending web developers developers can writingadditional additionalcode AngularJSis isalso thescript scripttag extendingHTML can even alsodistributed distributedas asa aJavaScript tag..Also, Also,it itallows allowsdevelopers HTMLwith withthree threeng ng- -directives even use use AngularJS AngularJS expressions code.. JavaScriptfile developersto toexpress directives- -ng ng- -app, expressions to to bind file..It Itcan express can app, bind Model Model- -view applications applications by by keeping AngularJS AngularJSimplements implementsMVC distinct distinctimplementation implementationof ofMVC view- -controllers controllers enable keeping their enable developers developers to to simplify their user user interface interface and MVCpattern patternin ina adistinct MVCpattern patternas asmodel simplify development development of of large and business business logic logic separated distinctway way..The TheAngularJS AngularJSteam model- -view view- -whatever whatever.. large web separated.. But teamcalls callsthe web But the
➢ Supports Two Way Data Binding In In addition addition to to implementing data data binding binding.. The components components without without putting application's application's frontend frontend each and and view view automatically, automatically, the ➢ Improves Server Communication implementing MVC The feature feature helps putting extra each time the developers MVC architecture architecture differently, helps developers developers to to synchronize extra effort effort.. AngularJS time its its backend backend changes developers are are not differently, AngularJS synchronize the AngularJS automatically automatically updates changes.. As As AngularJS AngularJS synchronizes not required required to to implement implement DOM AngularJS also the data data between also supports supports two between model model and updates the synchronizes the DOM manipulation manipulation.. two- -way and view the web the model model way view web AngularJS AngularJS reduces built built- -in in services communication communication.. The backend backendsystems systemsand to to make make reduces web services provided The services andsolutions the the data data web server server load provided by by AngularJS services further further make solutions..Also, Also,the return return load significantly significantly by by supporting AngularJS help make it it easier easier for for web thedevelopers developerscan asynchronously asynchronously supporting caching help developers developers to to improve web developers developers to to work cantake takeadvantage advantageof ofthe without without caching.. At At the the same same time, improve client work with thebuilt built- -in inservices writing writing complex complex time, the client- -server with various various services the server code code..
➢ Implements Client-Side Form Validation The The web AngularJS AngularJS further state stateof ofthe theform of of the the form form or or input HTML HTML5 5attributes attributes..AngularJS ➢ Keeps the Code Maintainable and Testable web developers developers can further helps formas aswell can create create a a variety helps developers developers to to implement wellas asindividual individualtext input fields fields.. The The developers developerscan AngularJSeven evenallow variety of of forms implement client textfields fields..It Iteven can easily allowthem themto towrite forms by by combining combining HTML, client- -side side form evennotifies notifiesusers easily validate validatethe writeand anduse HTML, CSS form validation validation.. It It monitors usersabout aboutthe the form form input input using usecustom customvalidation validationfunctions CSS and and AngularJS AngularJS.. monitors the thecurrent currentstate using standard standard functions.. the state AngularJS AngularJS helps syntax syntax..In Inaddition custom custom HTML HTML syntax programmers programmers to to use plain plainJavaScript JavaScriptobjects helps developers developers to to write additionto toextending extendingexisting syntax.. At At the use plan plan JavaScript objects.. write readable readable and existingHTML HTMLtags, the same same time, time, the JavaScript objects objects.. The and maintainable maintainable code tags,the thedevelopers developerscan the framework framework keeps The models models in in AngularJS code by by extending extending HTML canuse usedirective directiveto tocreate keeps the the code code testable testable by by allowing AngularJS are are also HTML create allowing designed as as also designed
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