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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒. 瞧,寄居蟹正背着自己漂亮的“房子”在炫耀呢!. Hermit Crabs. Can you carry your house on your back? Of course not! But a hermit crab can.
第3版 Mini-world 万花筒
瞧,寄居蟹正背着自己漂亮的“房子”在炫耀呢!瞧,寄居蟹正背着自己漂亮的“房子”在炫耀呢! Hermit Crabs Can you carry your house on your back? Of course not! But a hermit crab can. A hermit crab lives in an old shell. It carries the shell on its back. Why? Because the abdomen of a hermit crab is very soft. Living in a hard shell can protect the tender part of its body.
First, a hermit crab looks for an empty shell that is just the right size. Then it moves in! When it outgrows its shell, what does it do? The same thing people do! It looks for a bigger new house and moves once again. Sometimes, some hermit crabs will even compete for shells that are already in use by another hermit crab!
这款时钟日历精确地显示出了年、月、日、分、秒的流逝。这款时钟日历精确地显示出了年、月、日、分、秒的流逝。 Have a Nice Year The calendar shows year, month, date, day, hour and second—the time movement of a year—in the one page!
Word Bank 超纲词汇 carry /'k7rI/ v. 携带,搬运 abdomen /'7bd=m=n/ n. 腹部 just /d32st/ adv.正好,恰好 outgrow /;aUt'Gr=U/ v. 长大而不适于 even /'i:vn/ adv.甚至 already /6:l'redI/ adv.已经 calendar /'k7lInd=/ n. 日历
hour /'aU=/ n. 小时 hermit crab 寄居蟹 protect the tender part of the body 保护身体的娇嫩部位 once again 再一次 compete for 争夺 time movement 时间流逝
第4-5版 Super Classroom 超级课堂
最爱元宵风光,月色婵娟,灯火辉煌。 Yuanxiao ABC enjoy beautiful lanterns 赏花灯 eat glutinous rice balls/yuanxiao 吃元宵
watch lion/dragon dances 看舞龙/舞狮 guess lantern riddles 猜灯谜
play couplets game 对对联 watch fireworks show 看焰火
从前,有一位宫女思念家人而不得见。 The Yuanxiao Festival
The 15th day of the first lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival. It is called Yuanxiao, too, and it falls on February 14 this year. There are many stories about the origin of Yuanxiao. One of them tells about a young woman who lives in the emperor’s palace. The young woman wanted to see her family during the New Year celebrations, but that was not allowed. So she came up with a clever plan.
She told the emperor that the God of Fire wanted to burn down the city. “Make the city look like it is already on fire, then the God of Fire will go away,” she said. Hearing that, the emperor asked people to light lanterns and set off firecrackers in the city. And the young woman got away to have a happy reunion with her family!
何谓“元”,又何谓“宵”? More about Yuanxiao ● In Chinese, Yuan means “first,” while Xiao refers to “night.” Yuanxiao is the first time we see the full moon after New Year’s Day. ● New Year’s Day is the end of winter and the beginning of spring, while Yuanxiao marks the return of the light and warmth of the sun.
● People make lanterns and hang them outside their house to keep off evil spirits. ● Ancient Chinese women went across bridges at Yuanxiao. They believed this would help them stay healthy in the next year.
讲学指导 元宵节习俗 农历正月十五是中国的元宵节,又称上元节,是春节后第一个重要的节日。下面就是元宵的几项重要民间习俗。 “吃元宵” 各地元宵的做法不同,但其代表的意义却一致,即为:团团圆圆、和和美美。因此,元宵节一定要和家人同吃“元宵”。 “送花灯” “送花灯”简称“送灯”,又名“送孩儿灯”。过去,在元宵节前,娘家会送花灯给新嫁女儿,以求添丁吉兆。
“舞狮子” 狮子在中国人心目中为瑞兽,象征着吉祥如意。舞狮活动寄托着民众消灾除害、求吉纳福的美好意愿。 “猜灯谜” 每逢元宵节,各地灯会都会挂出灯谜。由于猜谜语活动既能启迪智慧又富有趣味,所以深受社会各阶层的欢迎。 “走百病” “走百病”,也叫“游百病”,“走桥”等,是一项求消灾祈健康的活动。在过去,妇女会相约出游,结伴而行,见桥必过,认为这样能祛病延年。
周周练 请根据本版文章的内容判断对错。 1. The 15th day of the first lunar month is the Mid-Autumn Festival. ( ) 2. The emperor asked people to light lanterns and off firecrackers. ( ) 3. In Chinese, Yuan means “round,” while Xiao refers to “night.” ( ) 4. People make lanterns and hang them outside their house for fun. ( ) T F F F
Word Bank 超纲词汇 lantern /'l7nt=n/ n.灯笼 origin /'^rId3In/ n.起源 emperor /'emp=r=/ n. 皇帝 palace /'p7lIs/ n.宫殿 allow /=‘laU/ v. 允许, 文中 be allowed 为被动语态。 plan /pl7n/ n.计划,打算 already /6:l'redI/ adv.已经
reunion /ri:'ju:nj=n/ n. 团圆,重聚 more /m6:/ pron.更多 mean /mi:n/ v.意思是 while /waIl/ conj. 而(引出与主句相对比的从句) ancient /'eI5=nt/ adj. 古代的 Yuanxiao/the Yuanxiao Festival/the Lantern Festival 元宵节 the 15th day of the first lunar month 农历一月十五
during the New Year celebrations 庆祝新年之际 come up with 想出,提出 the God of Fire 火神 burn down the city 烧毁城市 set off 燃放(烟花爆竹等) refer to 指的是 the end/beginning of ... ……的结束/开始 mark the return of the light and warmth of the sun 标志太阳光热的回归
hang sth. outside ... 把某物挂在……外面 keep off evil spirits 避邪 stay healthy 保持健康
第6版 Playground 英语操练场
小朋友们,你有哪些兴趣爱好呢? My Hobby Jimmy: I like sports. I enjoy playing football and basketball every weekend. Cindy: I really go for music. I’m learning to play the piano now. Tom: Collecting stamps is my favourite thing to do.
Sophie: I like watching cartoons. And I find great pleasure in drawing cartoons. Kevin: I have a passion for movies. I’ve watched a lot of movies. Lucy: I’m really fond of travelling. I want to travel around the world some day.
Doctor Foster Doctor Foster went to Gloucester In a shower of rain. He stepped in a puddle, Right up to his middle, And never went there again.
That can’t be. 这句话直译为“那不可能”的意思,表示你对听到或看到的事不大敢相信,但没有 “That’s impossible.”那么坚决。下次当你对一件事表示将信将疑时,就可以使用这句话。 Henry: Larry failed (不及格) in the final exam (期末考试). Mary: That can’t be! He’s such a good student.
Word Bank 超纲词汇 collect /k='lekt/ v.收集,收藏 cartoon /k1:'tu:n/ n. 漫画,动画片 passion /'p75n/ n.酷爱,热爱 movie /'mu:vI/ n.电影(=film) travel /'tr7vl/ v. 旅行 step /step/ v.迈步,踩,踏 puddle /'p2dl/ n.水洼,(尤指)雨水坑
middle /'mIdl/ n.(口语)腰部 go for 喜爱 be fond of 喜欢 travel around the world 环游世界 some day (未来)某一天 a shower of rain 一场阵雨 right up to ... 直到……
第7版 Story Zone 故事地带
Word Bank 核心词汇 square /skwe=/ n.广场,名词 square 还表示 “正方形”的意思
很久以前,在意大利卡拉布莱亚的一个小镇上,住着一位法力高深的“巫婆奶奶”。很久以前,在意大利卡拉布莱亚的一个小镇上,住着一位法力高深的“巫婆奶奶”。 Strega Nona (I) A long time ago, in a town in Calabria, there lived an old lady. People called her “Strega Nona”—it meant “Grandma Witch.”
When people had troubles, they all went to see Strega Nona, because she really had magic. But Strega Nona was getting old, and she needed someone to keep her little house and garden. So she put up a sign in the town square. And Big Anthony went to see her. “Anthony,” said Strega Nona. “You must sweep the house and pick the vegetables in the garden. But you must never touch my pasta pot. It is very valuable and I don’t let anyone touch it!” “Oh, yes,” said Big Anthony.
Word Bank 超纲词汇 mean /mi:n/ v. 意思是,meant是mean的过去式 witch /wIt5/n.女巫,巫婆 trouble /'tr2bl/ n.麻烦,困难 magic /‘m7d3Ik/ n.魔法,巫术 pasta /'p7st=/ n.意大利面食 pot /p^t/ n.锅 valuable /'v7ljU=bl/ adj.贵重的,宝贵的
a long time ago 很久以前 put up 张贴