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The Roaring 20’s . An era of prosperity, Republican power, and conflict. As the War Ended. Spanish Influenza Epidemic! Most deadly for 20-40 yr. olds Eventually killed 20-50 million worldwide (by contrast, WWI killed approx. 15 million people). Philadelphia – October 1918.
The Roaring 20’s An era of prosperity, Republican power, and conflict
As the War Ended . . . • Spanish Influenza Epidemic! • Most deadly for 20-40 yr. olds • Eventually killed 20-50 million worldwide (by contrast, WWI killed approx. 15 million people)
Presidents During 1920s • Warren G. Harding • Calvin Coolidge • Herbert Hoover
Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)
Foreign Policy *isolationism,avoiding political or economic alliances with foreign countries. The Harding Presidency
Domestic Issues • Normalcy - Harding’s campaign promised a return to pre- WWI peacefulness • Red Scare - American’s fear of communism and other extreme ideas
Palmer Raids • Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer • Driven by fear of Communism • And hopes of one day being president… • Held suspectswithout evidence
Sacco and Vanzetti • Suspected militant anarchists • Convicted of murder • Many felt they did not receive a fair trial because of their political ideas and ethnicity.
More Domestic Issues • Nativism- a movement favoring native-born Americans over immigrants. • Immigration quota- restrict or ban immigrants from certain countries. • Racial tensions . . .
Ku Klux Klan – a reminder • Started in 1866 in South • Experienced it’s greatest growth and popularity after WWI • Three million members mostly in Indiana, Oklahoma, and deep South
Ku Klux Klan, cont. • Discriminated by race, nationality, political beliefs, religion, etc. • Many members were small-business owners, independent professionals, clerical workers, and farmers.
Black Codes: laws that restricted African-American rights • Curfews • Vagrancy laws (not working) • Labor contracts • Land restrictions (forced living on plantations)
Voting Restrictions • Poll Tax: special fee paid to vote • Literacy Tests (read, write, knowledge) • Property ownership
Black Americans in this period continued to live in poverty • sharecropping kept them in de facto slavery • 1915 - boll weevil wiped out the cotton crop • white landowners went bankrupt & forced blacks off their land
Blacks moved north to take advantage of booming wartime industry (= Great Migration) - Black ghettoes began to form, i.e. Harlem • within these ghettoes a distinct Black culture flourished • But both blacks and whites wanted cultural interchange restricted
Marcus Garvey (Jamaican born immigrant) established the Universal Negro Improvement Association • advocated racial segregation b/c of Black superiority • Garvey believed Blacks should return to Africa • attracted many investments: gov't charged him with w/fraud • he was found guilty and eventually deported to Jamaica, but his organization continued to exist
Scandals of the Harding Administration • Mostly related to the company he kept – “the Ohio Gang” there is no evidence that he was directly involved in the scandals • Teapot Dome Scandal – the most infamous
The Teapot Dome Scandal • Secretary of the Interior secretly gave drilling rights to two private oil companies in return for illegal payments (a kickback).
This 1924 cartoon shows the dimensions of the Teapot Dome scandal
Harding dies suddenly (and mysteriously) while still in office and Coolidge becomes president. “Silent Cal” Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929
Coolidge’s Foreign Policy • Continued Isolationism • Kellogg-Briand Pactnations would not use the threat of war during any negotiations. Pact failed, no enforcement.
Domestic Policy • Laissez Faire- Hands Off!! Government should not interfere with the growth of business
President Coolidge ‘s Philosophy • “The business of America is business.” • High Tariffs • No help for farmers
This says it all about Silent Cal! • Both his dry Yankee wit and his frugality with words became legendary. His wife, Grace Goodhue Coolidge, recounted that a young woman sitting next to Coolidge at a dinner party confided to him she had bet she could get at least three words of conversation from him. Without looking at her he quietly retorted, "You lose."
New Freedom for Women - Reminder Although many women held jobs in the 1920s, businesses remained prejudiced against women seeking professional positions. • The Nineteenth Amendment gave women the right to vote in all elections beginning in 1920.
Women in 1900 • Long hair • Long sleeves • Long dresses • Shapely corset
Women in 1920s • Short hair • Short sleeves • Short dresses • No corsets!
Women’s Changing Roles The Flapper Image A type of bold, fun-loving young woman, who came to symbolize a revolution in manners and morals that took place in the 1920s.
Flappers • Flappers challenged conventions of dress, hairstyle, and behavior. • Many Americans disapproved of flappers’ free manners as well as the departure from traditional morals that they represented.
Fads and Crazes In the 1920's several fads and crazes came to being. • dancing marathons • the Charleston • Mah-jongg • flagpole sitting • yo-yo's, • goldfish eating • pogo sticks • roller-skating
AmericanHeroes • Charles Lindbergh • As the first to fly nonstop from New York to Paris, • Hailed as an American hero and a champion of traditional values.
AmericanHeroes Amelia Earhart • Amelia Earhart set records as the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic and the first person to fly solo from Hawaii to California. • She and her navigator mysteriously disappeared while attempting to fly around the world in 1937.
AmericanHeroes • Sports Heroes • Champions in wrestling, football, baseball, boxing and swimming became American heroes. • The most famous was baseball’s George Herman “Babe” Ruth, whose record number of home runs remained unbroken for 40 years.
The Mass Media Helps Form Culture • The popularity of motion pictures grew throughout the 1920s; “talkies,” or movies with sound, were introduced in 1927.
In 1928, Walt Disney released the first cartoon, “Steamboat Willie”
The Mass Media Grows! • Newspapers grew in both size and circulation. • Between 1923 and 1930, 60percent of American families purchased radios
The Jazz Age (2nd name for the 1920s) • Jazz, a style of music that grew out of the African American music of the South, became highly popular during the 1920s.
The Harlem Renaissance • Harlem also emerged as an overall cultural center for African Americans. • A literary awakening took place in Harlem in the 1920s that was known as the Harlem Renaissance.
Expressing the joys and challenges of being African American, writers such as James Weldon Johnson, Zora Neale Hurston, and Langston Hughes enriched African American culture as well as American culture as a whole.