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Grid servisi prilago đ eni korisnicima i digitalni identitet istra ž iva č a Services oriented towards grid users and researchers' digital identity Branko Marovi ć , Marina Vermezov ić Belgrade University Computing Center , Serbia branko @rcub.bg.ac.rs. National level
Grid servisi prilagođeni korisnicima i digitalni identitet istraživača Services oriented towards grid users and researchers' digital identity Branko Marović, Marina Vermezović Belgrade University Computing Center, Serbia branko@rcub.bg.ac.rs
National level GridPP– UK, particle physicists D-Grid INFN Grid - Italy AustrianGrid OSG – US Open Science Grid AEGIS … Regional SEE-GRID BalticGrid NorduGrid … European level EGEE Deisa - HPC … Worldwide WLCG - Worldwide LHC Computing Grid … e-Science infrastructure
The reality for the user Many application domains start using Grid infrastructures But… Grid technology is complex Different systems are used Middleware (Unicore, gLite, Globus) Installation (rpm, tar, Quattor, …) Monitoring Different programming paradigms Batch type systems vs. service oriented systems Many programming languages The threshold is too high for the “standard” user!
Grid project Replica Manager Resource Broker Programming languages Computing Storage Applications Infrastructure Grid project Domain services Batch apps Infrastructure Providers Policies Interactive apps Virtual Organisations Service Providers Workflows Members Web services Roles
A. Gap. User Applications using Grid Application Users User Applications Grid Applications Application Developers (Grid) Middleware Resource Providers Resources
Barriers to adoption Gap between the resource providers and the application developers Infrastructure perspective - not a user perspective Grid applications instead of User applications that use a Grid Tooling is necessary! Wizards, Editors, … Hide the complexity Agile and Rapid development Rapid assembly of content and functionality Stable, Open 3rd party Familiar and reliable abstraction Grid Web portals do not fulfill all above requrements
Can we learn from others? Are there other distributed systems supported by different middleware systems? J2EE Web services Based on specifications Implemented by different Vendors Customers don’t want to be vendor dependent Use a generic middleware independent development tools Use vendor neutral APIs
Grid and SOA Web Perpetual Beta Cloud content and functionality Services, standards, protocols, .. Mash-ups: wikis, blogs, communities, Google Earth Service Oriented Architectures and Web Service Loose coupling Directly and immediately useable Deliver high level services to the user Facilitate automation & advanced functionality. Grid and Services OGSA - Open Grid Service Architecture Better abstractions Loose coupling - there are still grids stacks “gLite is a collection of web services” Development platforms Lightweight programming models Front end simple API access to data and jobs Standard interfaces
The g-Eclipse project EC STREP, 24 months, 2 M€, 6 Partners http://www.geclipse.eu • Eclipse based framework for other EC Grid projects and • Using EGEE infrastructure • Middlewares • gLite • GRIA • Amazon cloud Webservices (AWS): Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), the Simple, Storage Service (S3), SimpleDB and the Simple QueueService (SQS) • UNICORE, Globus Toolkit? • Open for contributions - integration support for third party developments • Fostering an open source project within the Eclipse community
Screenshots I Grid project view Cheat Sheets Editor Auth Token View Glue Info view VOMS Web view
GumTree ISEE Integrated Scientific Experiment Environment concept Single virtual environment for users to access all aspect of a scientific experiment Consistent look & feel reduce user error / support Centralised control to a complex system Application level data flow between different domains The basic Eclipse workbench provides Tomcat based Help System Cheatsheets Online Update Manager Wizard API Abstract File System Text Editor Built-in Browser ActiveX / OLE (win32 only) Application Scripting Graphical Editing Framework
TeraGrid Science Gateways Desktop application Web portal Grid-bridging gateway Grid Portal Server TeraGrid Gateway Services Proxy Certificate Server / vault User Metadata Catalog Application Workflow Application Deployment Application Events Resource Broker App. Resource catalogs Replica Mgmt Core Grid Services Security Notification Service Resource Allocation Grid Orchestration Data Management Service Accounting Service Policy Reservations And Scheduling Administration & Monitoring Courtesy Jay Boisseau Web Services Resource Framework – Web Services Notification Physical Resource Layer Users Desktop
DGI D-Grid Middleware Infrastructure Generic Grid infrastructure for German research communities User Application Development and User Access GAT API GridSphere Plug-In UNICORE Nutzer High-levelGrid Services SchedulingWorkflow Management Monitoring LCG/gLite Data management Basic Grid Services AccountingBilling User/VO-Mngt Globus 4.0.1 Security Resourcesin D-Grid DistributedCompute Resources NetworkInfrastructur DistributedData Archive Data/Software
SEEGRID-SCI JRA1 Capture commonalities across scientific fields in terms of application requirements on Grid middleware Define development areas for middleware plug-ins and application-level services to cater to application demands and provide improvements to current infrastructure services Implement application-specific services and middleware extensions Coordinated by .RS partner
AMRES AAI and IdM Academic Network of Serbia (AMRES) has moved its focal point of interest from infrastructure to user services development Operation of several attractive services relies on AAI (Authentication & Authorisation Infrastructure) and reliable Identity Management as its core part Current situation AEGIS CA for AEGIS Grid community in operation since 2007 IdP and IdM (identity providing and management) decentralized between four AMRES service centers All service centers already have AAA in different levels of development Belgrade University service center has largest end-user community AEGIS 2008 Annual Assembly
Vision of AMRES AAI Establish IdM in AMRES Belgrade University (BU) service centre Share experiences and gained knowledge with other service centres Establish federation policies between AMRES service centers Current efforts Reliable and accurate database of AMRES users Make this process as automatic as possible AAA federation between AMRES service centers Deploy AMRES CA Join eduroam infrastructure Later Full decentralization of AAI Many services using AMRES AAI
Deployment of AMRES CA Development of several user services depends on AAI and certification authority Only CA that is being used among AMRES user community is AEGIS CA deployed for Grid users and infrastructure Good practice is not to use GRID CA, but to deploy AMRES dedicated CA AEGIS CA policies will probably be more restrictive than those in AMRES CA AMRES certificates could be accepted by AEGIS infrastructure AEGIS certificates could be accepted by AMRES services
AMRES and eduroam One of motivation factors for establishing AAI in AMRES is to become equal member of GN3 community The European eduroam Service Activity (SA) is a GN2 service, launched in September 2007 eduroam (EDUcation ROAMing) is the roaming infrastructure used by the international research and education community eduroam paradigm: open your laptop and be online Being part of eduroam allows users to access a wireless network at a visited institution simply using the same credentials the users would use if they were at their home institution