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Gruppe „Atmosphärenchemie“ am IMK-ASF

TTL. Josef Weppner, Detlev Sprung, Christoph Dyroff, Andreas Zahn. Gruppe „Atmosphärenchemie“ am IMK-ASF. Spurengasbudgets der (oberen) Troposphäre / unteren Stratosphäre (OTUS) momentan von Ozon, Wasserdampf (Wolken), organischen Verbindungen. PTR-MS. O 3. H 2 O. CARIBIC II Container.

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Gruppe „Atmosphärenchemie“ am IMK-ASF

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TTL Josef Weppner, Detlev Sprung, Christoph Dyroff, Andreas Zahn Gruppe „Atmosphärenchemie“ am IMK-ASF Spurengasbudgets der (oberen) Troposphäre / unteren Stratosphäre (OTUS) momentan von Ozon, Wasserdampf (Wolken), organischen Verbindungen

  2. PTR-MS O3 H2O CARIBIC II Container

  3. Frankfurt – Guangzhou – Manila – Guangzhou - Frankfurt

  4. Frankfurt – Buenos Aires – Santiago – Buenos Aires – Frankfurt

  5. Frankfurt – Sao Paulo 22. June 2005

  6. Frankfurt – Sao Paulo 5. October 2005

  7. Frankfurt – Sao Paulo 27/28. July 2005 acetaldehyde: too high values (ozone interference) benzol, toluol, xylol, DMS, isopren, MVK: below detection limit

  8. CARIBIC Status since May 2005: one (four) flights per month (~30 hours) • Ozone (UV photometer & chemiluminescence) • reliable (>90% data), accurate (~1 %, ~0.5 ppbv), fast (5 Hz) • Water vapour / cloud (dew point, 2-channel photoacoustic laser spectrometer) • water vapour: start next flight • quite reliable (~80% data), relativ fast (~3 sec), precision (only ~2 ppmv) • photoacoustic sensors: stability problem • Volatile organic compounds (Proton-Transfer-Reaktions-Massenspektrometer) • by far most complex system ! • little reliable (~25% data) • most severe problems: not stable primary ion (H3O+) rate, turbo pump control, ozone interference

  9. Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectrometer (TDLAS) for D/H, 17O/16O, 18O/16O in H2OChristoph Dyroff DFB laser l = 1.37mm R=11 m Mirrors Window Sample Volume ≈ 0.8 l HV Connector Cylindrical Electrodes

  10. single pass cell L ~ 45 cm

  11. mid-IR (2.7 mm): 10-30 times stronger lines

  12. Aerodyne Herriot cell V = ~0.5 l L = ~32 cm 238 reflections

  13. Future (next 6 months) • monthly flights to Sao Paulo/Santiago and Guangzhou/Manila • improvements of instruments • fast CH4 instrument using off-axis cavity output spectroscopy • TDLAS H2O isotope measurements at 2.7 mm • GEOMon (4. call, 6. framework), DFG • publications: H2O isotopologuous in middle atmosphere (ACP) chemical tropopause (ACP) • ventilation of LMS (ACP) • 3 technical papers

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