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EDW Informatica Standards & Guidelines Version 1.0

EDW Informatica Standards & Guidelines Version 1.0. Naming Standards. 1. Source and Target Naming standards 2. Mapping and Mapplet Naming standards 3. Transformation Naming standards 4. Session and Batch Naming standards. 1. Source and Target Naming Standards. Object : Source

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EDW Informatica Standards & Guidelines Version 1.0

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  1. EDW Informatica Standards & Guidelines Version 1.0

  2. Naming Standards 1. Source and Target Naming standards 2. Mapping and Mapplet Naming standards 3. Transformation Naming standards 4. Session and Batch Naming standards

  3. 1. Source and Target Naming Standards Object : Source Prefix : src_<Project_Name> Optional Suffix : Project Name, Mostly Source Tables will have Source System name prefix to it. If there is no prefix to the Table Name then its mandatory. <instance#>I : Add instance number only if there are more then one instance of same source. Example : src_CLARIFY_CASE_TABLE_2i

  4. Flat File as a Source Oracle Table as a Source

  5. 1. Source and Target Naming Standards (Contd ..) Object : Target Prefix : tgt_<Project_Name> Optional Suffix : DM/DW Name, Mostly Target Tables will have DM/DW Name prefix to it. If there is no prefix to the Table Name then its mandatory <instance#>I : Add instance number only if there are more then one instance of same target. Example : tgt_CLARIFY_CASE_D_5i

  6. 1. Source and Target Naming Standards (Contd ..) Object : Flat Files Prefix : <File Name> filename should be in lower case Optional Suffix : A .dat or .ebcdic suffix to filename, depending on the type of file Example : srctpoi_i2.dat, custmast_i10.ebcdic <instance#>I : Add instance number only if there are more then one instance of same file coming from legacy/source server. Example : srctpoi_i2.dat

  7. 2. Mapping and Mapplet Naming standards Object : Mapping Prefix : m_<ProjectName> Optional Suffix : Mapping Functionality Example : m_CLARIFY_LOAD_CASE_D Object : Mapplet Prefix : mplt_<ProjectName> Optional Suffix : Mapplet Functionality Example : mplt_BEAM_FUNCTION

  8. 2. Mapping and Mapplet Naming standards (Contd ..) Object : Input for Mapplet Prefix : inp_<MappletName> Object : Output for Mapplet Prefix : out_<MappletName>

  9. 3. Transformation Naming standards Object : Source Qualifier Prefix : sq_<ProjectName> Optional Suffix : Same as Source

  10. 3. Transformation Naming standards (Contd ..) Object : Expression Prefix : exp_<ProjectName> Optional Suffix : Expression Uses Explained. Example : exp_CALC_IANDI_RATE

  11. S O U R C E S O U R C E Q U A L I F I E R E X P R E S S I O N T A R G E t

  12. 3. Transformation Naming standards (Contd ..) Object : Filter Prefix : fil_<ProjectName> Optional Suffix : Filter Condition Explained. Example : fil_CLARIFY_NEW_CUSTOMERS fil_HR_SALARY_MORETHEN50K

  13. 3. Transformation Naming standards (Contd ..) Object : Lookup Prefix : lkp_<ProjectName> Optional Suffix : Lookup Uses Explained Example : lkp_CLARIFY_CUSTOMER_NAME

  14. 3. Transformation Naming standards (Contd ..) Object : Update Strategy Prefix : upd_<ProjectName> Optional Suffix : Name must tell whether its Updating, Inserting, Deleting or Rejecting Example : upd_EHS_UPDATE_CUSTOMER upd_RSPNS_INSERT_CUST

  15. 3. Transformation Naming standards (Contd ..) Object : Stored Procedure Prefix : spt_<ProjectName> Optional Suffix : Name of stored procedure, and uses in the map Example : spt_EHS_TRUNCATE_TABLE_CASE

  16. 3. Transformation Naming standards (Contd ..) Object : Aggregator Prefix : agg_<ProjectName> Optional Suffix : Group Name, or Aggregated column name Example : agg_EHS_CONTRACT_HRS

  17. 3. Transformation Naming standards (Contd ..) Object : Joiner Prefix : jnr_<ProjectName> Optional Suffix : Join Type, Master and Detail table names Example : jnr_EFM_CUST_SALES_OUTER

  18. 3. Transformation Naming standards (Contd ..) Object : Normalizer Prefix : nrm_<ProjectName> Optional Suffix : Column being normalized Example : nrm_EFM_SALES_FLAG

  19. 3. Transformation Naming standards (Contd ..) Object : Rank Prefix : rnk_<ProjectName> Optional Suffix : Column being ranked Example : rnk_CLARIFY_ACTIVITY_COUNT

  20. 3. Transformation Naming standards (Contd ..) Object : Sequence Generator Prefix : seq_<ProjectName> Optional Suffix : Primary column for which sequence is being generated Example : seq_CLARIFY_CASE_D_KEY

  21. 3. Transformation Naming standards (Contd ..) Object : External Procedure Prefix : extproc_<ProjectName> Optional Suffix : Procedure Name being called. Example : extproc_CLARIFY_CAL_PERCENT

  22. 3. Transformation Naming standards (Contd ..) Object : Advanced External Procedure Prefix : advextproc_<ProjectName> Optional Suffix : Procedure Name being called. Example : advextproc_CAL_SALARY

  23. 4. Session and Batch Naming standards Object : Session Prefix : s_<MappingName> Example : s_RSPNS_RESPONSE_S Object : Batches (Sequential) Prefix : bs_<ProjectName> Example : bs_CLARIFY_DAILY_LOADS Object : Batches (Concurrent) Prefix : bc_<ProjectName> Example : bc_EFM_WEEKLY_LOADS

  24. 4. Session and Batch Naming standards (Contd .. ) Session Name Batch Name

  25. 4. Database Connection Object : Database Connection Prefix : s_ for Source or t_ for Target and <UserName>@<DBName> <instance#>I : Add instance number only if there are more then one instance of same database user Example : t_guptaad@atlord21_i2, s_prod@prod_i5

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