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FAMILY LIFE IN FRANCE. Yunus Emre KARAPINAR A.Cem ŞANAP. I s the re a difference between family life in France and family life elsewhere ?. much less than you would think. Eating habits and mealtimes more formal more common to eat together for families
Is therea difference between family life in France and family life elsewhere? • much less than you would think
Eating habits and mealtimes more formal • more common to eat together for families • a television to be on in the corner is also common, so the notion of quality time and family bonding is not quite convincing
Extended familiesare extremely common(in rural France). • families occupy same property for generations and those that have left home have only managed to stagger a few hundred metres down the road. • Grandmas, aunties and godparents are all close to hand.
more discipline in the home whencompared with UK • generally well-behaved children at school • Children help their parents (for cleaning, cooking and so on…)
French Family Values • each member has certain duties and responsibilities • extended family ------emotional and financial support • Despite their reputation as romantics, the French have a practical approach towards marriage.
few children • parents take their role as guardians and providers very seriously • friends greeting by lightly kissing on the cheeks • first names reserved for family and close friends
“traditional" family structure evolved (extended families --nuclear families. • Marriages decreased and divorces have increased • divorce law and legal family status evolved accordingtosocial changes.
household and family composition in metropolitan France continues to evolve • single parent families have increased (from 3.6% to 7.4%) • number of unmarried couples, childless couples, and single men (from 8.5% to 12.5) and women (from 16.0% to 18.5%) increased too
"one in three dwellings are occupied by a person living alone; one in four dwellings are occupied by a childless couple..“ • same-sex marriage is not legally recognized in France.
generally polite in all dealings, • it is only with their close friends and family that they are free to be themselves
Dining • If invited for a dinner; • Arrive on time. Do not arrive more than 10 minutes later than invited • For a large dinner party, • send flowers in the morning so that they may be displayed that evening. • Dress well
American Family Vs. French Family • French familyhas lower disposable income. • Which means;a smaller car, a smaller house, less eating out. • doesn't have to worryabout • getting its children into a good school district • losing health insurance
lower income with much more time together • working fewer hours makes Europeans happier, despite the loss of potential income
as you see… …there is no great difference between family life in France and family life in other countries.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_France • http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/29/opinion/29krugman.html • http://learnfrenchvideo.com/vocabulary/family-members.html • http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/global-etiquette/france-country-profile.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France_family