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TintoNegro , meaning black wine in Spanish, is meant to celebrate the essence of Malbec in Mendoza. Known for its dark, blackish color Malbec is definitely a Tinto Negro.
TintoNegro, meaning black wine in Spanish, is meant to celebrate the essence of Malbec in Mendoza. Known for its dark, blackish color Malbec is definitely a Tinto Negro. TintoNegro wines are meant to reflect the heart and soul of Malbec in Mendoza. The portfolio explores the terroirs of Mendoza where Malbec does best, gradually isolating unique vineyard sites and winemaking techniques which can showcase the heights of concentration and complexity to which Malbec can aspire.
TintoNegro was born of the long time friendship and professional collaboration of Alejandro Sejanovich and Jeff Mausbach, colleagues at Bodega Catena Zapata for almost 15 years. As Wine Education Director for Catena, Jeff travelled the world preaching the gospel of the unique character of high altitude Malbec from Mendoza, explaining the character and expression of its many different terroirs. As Vineyard Director at Catena, Alejandro had extensive, first hand experience growing Malbec in all of these terroirs, from the fruit driven, easy drinking style of Lujan de Cuyo to the concentrated, complex profile La Consulta. Hisintimateknowledge of the top vineyards in eachregionmeansTintoNegrowines are madefromonlythebestfruiteacharea has tooffer. Jeff Mausbach Alejandro Sejanovich
Sourced from Mendoza’s PrimeraZona of Maipu and Lujan de Cuyo the Mendoza blend is meant to showcase the exceptional value and approachable profile of Malbec. The wine’s soft, drinkable style is accompanied by light oak aging for additional complexity.
The PrimeraZonaof the Lujan de Cuyo and Maipu areas are located 10 miles to the south, southwest of the city of Mendoza. Altitudes range from 2,600’ to 3,300’ elevation. Average tempratures during the important ripening months of March and April average 68° F. Totheeast of thisUpper Mendoza River Valley are the Cuchillas de Lunlunta, a group of lowerhillsthat block cool air coming off themountainsto produce verycoldnights. Averagethermal amplitudes duringMarch and April are 25° F. Thesecoldnightshelptoretainbright, natural acidity in thewines. Thesetemperatureprofiles produce Malbecswithrichplumflavors and notes of sweetspice.
Lujan de Cuyo and Maipuhave a deepsoilprofilewith a clay – loamtexture. Thisalluvialvalley has some of theheaviersoils in Mendoza withhigherlevels of waterretentionthanmostotherareas in Mendoza. As a resultirrigationregimes, oftenmanagedwiththefurrow, surfacemethod, are administeredevery 14 daysor so. Thissoilprofile produces Malbecwineswithanopulent, softtexture and ripe, sweettannins.
In ordertoshowcasethesoft, suppletexture of MalbectheTintoNegro Mendoza Malbecisvinifiedusinglowtemperature, earlyextractiontechniques. Sincethedrier, astringentseedtannins are more extractable withhigher alcohol levels, theTintoNegro Mendoza Malbecismadewithagressivecapmanagement and extractionduringthefirst 5 - 7 days of fermentation. Anaverage of 2 delestages and threepumpingovers are performedeachday. Thisensuresmaximumpolyophenolicextraction, whileavoidngextraction of thedry, astringentseedtannins. The final 5 – 7 days of fermentation are managedwithsoft, gentlepumpingovers.
Sourced from Mendoza’s high altitude Uco Valley, this blend is meant to showcase the cool climate style of Malbec. Intense floral aromatics, dark fruit flavors, rich texture and a bright, fresh finish – cool climate Malbec. The wine is aged for 9 months in French oak, 10% new.
The UcoValley is located 30 miles to the south, southwest of the city of Mendoza. Altitudes range from 3,700’ to 5,000’ elevation. Average temperatures during the important ripening months of March and April average 64° F to 58° F, depending on the area.. Thehighaltitudelocation of theUco Valley meansverycold, mountainnights. Averagenight time lowsduringMarch and Aprilreach 48° F. Thesecoldnightshelptoretainbright, natural acidity in thewines. Thesetemperatureprofiles produce Malbecswithdarkbalckberry and blackcherryflavors and intense floral aromatics
The Uco Valley has a shallowsoilprofilewith a sandy – silttexture. Thesevery light soilsofferexcellentdrainage. As a resultirrigationregimes, oftenmanagedwiththedripmethod, are administeredevery 7 daysor so. Theareaalso has 10 – 30% surfacestoneswhich are rich in calcium carbonate. Thissoilprofile produces Malbecwineswith a concentratedyetracytexture and a stonymineralityonthefinish.
In ordertoshowcasethecoolclimateprofile of Malbec, theTintoNegroUco Valley Reserve isvinifiedusingextensivecoldmacerations. TheMalbecfruitfortheUco Valley Reserve iscoldmaceratedfor up to 8 days at 46° F. Extensivecapmanagementisperformedduringthis time, beforefermentationbegins, in ordertoextractmaximumaromaticprecursors and retainthefruit’sflintyminerality. Fermentationtemperatures are keptlow, withmaximums of 78° F, in ordertoshowcasetheracytexture of coolclimateMalbec. Thewineisracked off theskinstofinishalcoholicfermentation in barrel in ordertoheightenoakintegration.
Malbec has a wonderful affinity for co-fermentation – vinifying with small amounts of Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot lends additional intensity and structure. Cabernet Franc adds complexity to Malbec’s floral character while Petit Verdot lends finely grained tannins. The wine is aged for 12 months in French oak, 30% new.
Malbec’s aromatic profile is dominated by Carotenoids, which are responsible it’s the dark fruit and floral aromas. Cabernet Franc’saromaticprofileisdominatedbypyrazines, which are responsibleforthecassisfruit and spicy aromas. Co-fermentingthesetwovarietalstogetherincreasesthewine’saromaticintensity and complexity
Malbechas a tannic profile dominated by tannins which are polymerized with polysaccharides (unfermentable sugars) and anthocyanins (color molecules), imparting the signature soft, supple texture. Very ripe Petit Verdot, on the other hand, has tannins which are polymerized with proteins, for finely grained structure. The co-fermentation of these two varietals produces a soft, supple texture with excellent structure.