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Network Programming. UBI 510 Chapter 1. 1. Introduction. Fundemental to all Operating Systems is the concept of Process Processes should interact with each other. In UNIX based OS’es at any given time t , multiple processes appear to be executing concurrently.
Network Programming UBI 510 Chapter 1 Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
1. Introduction • Fundemental to all Operating Systems is the concept of Process • Processes should interact with each other. • In UNIX based OS’es at any given time t, multiple processes appear to be executing concurrently. • But only one process is actually being worked on CPU. • The ability of OS to multiplex its resources among multiple processes is called multiprogramming (or multitasking) • Multiple processing units are called multiprocessing • Program is in execution called part of process. Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
Program • Program is an inactive, static entity consisting of a set of instructions and associates data. • Program can be considered as in two basic formats; • Source program: Series of valid statements for a specific programming language (such as C/C++). It is stored in ASCII format. • Executable program: Source program that by way of translating program such as a compiler, or an assembler, has been put into special binary format that the OS can execute (run). It is not ASCII so in most cases it can not displayable. Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
Sample Source Program /* p1.1.cxx- GNU C++ File - Display Hello World 3 times */ #include <iostream> #include <unistd.h> // needed for write #include <cstring> // needed for strcpy #include <cstdlib> // needed for exit using namespace std; char *cptr = "Hello World\n"; // static by placement char buffer1[25]; int main( ){ void showit(char *); // function prototype int i = 0; // automatic variable strcpy(buffer1, "A demonstration\n"); // library function write(1, buffer1, strlen(buffer1)+1); // system call for ( ; i < 3; ++i) showit(cptr); // function call return 0; } void showit( char *p ){ char *buffer2; buffer2= new char[ strlen(p)+1 ]; strcpy(buffer2, p); // copy the string cout << buffer2; // display string delete [] buffer2; // release location } Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
2. Library Functions • Function is a collection of declarations and statements that carries out a specific action and/or returns a value. • They are either defined by user or have been previously defined and made available to the user. • Previously defined functions are stored in object code format in library (archive) files • Object code is a special file format that is generated as intermediate step when an executable program is produced. • Functions stored in library files are often called library functions or runtime library routines • In most UNIX systems, they are in /usr/lib directory. Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
Library Functions (cont) • Two basic types of Libraries: • Static Libraries: Collections of object files that are used during the linking phase of a program. Referenced code is extracted from the library and incorporated in the executable image. • Shared Object Libraries Contain relocatable objects that can be shared by more than one application. During compilation the object code from library is not incorporated in the executable code only a reference to the object is made. When executable using shared object library is loaded into memory, the appropriate shared object library is loaded and attached to the image. If the shared object library is already in memory, this copy is referenced. They are more complex than static libraries. Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
Library Functions (cont) • By convention, “lib” is used to indicate library files. • The extention of lib files is “a” • UNIX archive utility “ar” is used to create/modify/extract/examine library file contents. # ar t /usr/lib/libc.a | pr -4 –t • “libc.a” is for standard C library. • “pr” is utility for displaying output in column format. “-4” is for 4 columns, “-t” is for removing header content. Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
Writing own Library Functions /* ascii.cxx – GNU C++ file*/ char * ascii( int start, int finish ){ char *b = new char(finish-start+1); for (int i=start; i <= finish; ++i) b[i-start]=(char) i; return b; } Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
Writing own Library Functions /* change_case.cxx – GNU C++ file*/ #include <ctype.h> char * change_case( char *s ){ char *t = &s[0]; while ( *t ){ if ( isalpha(*t) ) *t += islower(*t) ? -32 : 32; ++t; } return s; } # g++ -c change_case.cxx # g++ -c ascii.cxx # ar cr libmy_demo.a ascii.o change_case.o Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
Using your own Library Functions /* my_demo.h – GNU Header file*/ /* Prototypes for my_demo library functions */ #ifndef MY_DEMO_H #define MY_DEMO_H char * ascii( int, int ); char * change_case( char * ); #endif Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
Using your own Library Functions /* main.cxx – GNU C++ file*/ #include <iostream> #include "my_demo.h" using namespace std; int main( ) { int start, stop; char b[20]; // temp string buffer cout << "Enter start and stop value for string: "; cin >> start >> stop; cout << "Created string : " << ascii(start, stop) << endl; cin.ignore(80,'\n'); cout << "Enter a string : "; cin.getline(b,20); cout << "Converted string: " << change_case( b ) << endl; return 0; } Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
Using your own Library Functions # g++ -o main main.cxx –L. –lmy_demo -L is for indicating current directory. -l is for importing our library. Notice that not “libmy_demo” Execution result is something like; Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
3. System Calls Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
3. System Calls (cont) • System calls are requests done by either functions or programs that ask the OS directly perform some work. When a system call is issued, an executing program switches from user mode to kernel mode. • User mode: with user privilidges and access permissions • Kernel mode: with root/system privilidges and access permissions. • The switching from user mode to kernel mode causes a certain amount of overhead and in some cases makes a system call less efficient than a library function. Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
4. Linking Object Code • Code library files, predifined or user-defined, is combined with object code from the source program at compile time on an as-needed basis. • In C/C++ additional library functions can be specified at compile time by “-l” compiler option. #gcc prgm.c –lm • -lm; means additional math library functions are linked. Math library functions are not at standart library location.(i.e. Libc.a) Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
5. Managing Failures • If a system call or a library function is unsuccessful, it returns a value –1 and assigns a value to an external variable called errno to indicate what the actual error is. • <sys/errno.h> header file contains the defined constants for all error codes. • The library function perrorcan be used to produce an error message. Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
Sample Code of Failures (cont) /* p1.2.cxx – GNU C++ file- Checking errno and using perror */ #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> // needed for perror #include <cstdlib> // needed for exit #include <unistd.h> // needed for read and write using namespace std;extern int errno; Intmain(int argc, char *argv[ ]) { int n_char = 0, // # of chars read buffer[10]; // temporary buffer // Initially n_char is set to 0 and errno is 0 by default cout << "n_char = " << n_char << "\t errno = " << errno << endl; // Display a prompt to stdout n_char = write(1, "Enter a word: ", 15); // Use the read system call to obtain 10 characters from stdin n_char = read(0, buffer, 10); cout << "n_char = " << n_char << "\t errno = " << errno << endl; if (n_char == -1) { // If the read has failed perror(argv[0]); exit(1); } n_char = write(1, buffer, n_char); // Display the characters read return 0; } Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
Sample Code of Failures (cont) • P1.2.cxx program execution result for normal run • P1.2.cxx program execution result for erronous run • Change read(3,buffer,10) See the errno and related msg. Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
6. Executable File Format • In a Linux environment, source files that have been compiled into an executable form to be run by the system are put into a special format calledELF • Files in ELF format contain; • Header entry (specifying HW/Program characteristics) • Program text • Data • Relocation info • Symbol table • String table • Old UNIX executable files in a.out format (Assembler OUtpuT Format) It is still used as default output from C/C++ compiled executables. Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
7. System Memory • In Unix, when an executable program is read into system memory by kernel it becomes a process. The system memory is divided into two regions: • User space: the space where the user processes will run (in user mode) All users spaces are prevented to interfere each other. • Kernel space: the space where the kernel executes and provides its services • User spaces can only access kernel space through the system calls. In this case the process is said to be in the kernel mode and the change in mode is called a context switch. Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
8. Process Memory • When residing in memory, a user process is divided into three segments: • Text segment: contains the executable program code and constant data. This segment is marked by OS as read-only.If the processes share the same text segment, then system references the previously loaded text segment rahter than then reloading a duplicate. (In program 1.1 “main” and “showit” would be found in text segment.) • Data segment: contains the initialized data and uninitialized data segments (In program 1.1, cptr would be found in initialized area and the buffer1 in the uninitialized area. The call to the library routine “new” in the showit function is a request for additional data segment space. So new, malloc, calloc in turn make use of system calls brk/sbrk to extend size of data segment. This extended area is sometimes called as heap ) • Stack segment: used by the process for storage of variables. (The identifier “i”, buffer2 and for loop are stored in stack segment) Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
8. Process Memory (cont) The address information is available to the process via referencing the external variables etext, edata, end. Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
9. “u” Area • In addition to the text, data and stack segments, the OS also maintains a region called u-area (user area). • This u area contains information specific to the process such as open files, current directory, signal actions etc and a system stack segmentfor process use. • If the process makes a system call(i.e. İn Program 1.1. system call to “write”), the stack frame information for the system call would be stored in the system stack segment. • Processes(itself) normally do not have access to this area and • They have to use system calls to receive information from this area. Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
10. Process Memory Addresses /* p1.3.cxx – GNU C++ File */ /* Displaying process segment addresses */ #include <iostream> extern int etext, edata, end; using namespace std; // Special Thanks to my student Durmus Celeb for the correction belov typedef int cinsint; //If 32bit compiler is used typedef long int cinsint; //If 64 bit compiler is used int main( ){ cout << "Adr etext: " << hex << cinsint(&etext) << "\t "; cout << "Adr edata: " << hex << cinsint(&edata) << "\t "; cout << "Adr end: " << hex << cinsint(&end ) << "\n"; return 0; } The address information is available to the process via referencing the external variables etext, edata, end. Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
Process Memory Addresses(cont) /* p1.4.cxx – GNU C++- Program 1.1 modified to display identifier addresses*/ #include <iostream> #include <unistd.h> // needed for write #include <cstring> // needed for strcpy #include <cstdlib> // needed for exit // Special Thanks to my student Durmus Celeb for the correction belov typedef int cinsint; //If 32bit compiler is used typedef long int cinsint; //If 64 bit compiler is used using namespace std; char *cptr = "Hello World\n";// static by placement char buffer1[25]; inline void SHW_ADR(char *ID, cinsint address){ cout << "The id " << ID << "\t is at : " << hex << address << endl; } extern int etext, edata, end; int main( ){ void showit(char *); // function prototype int i = 0; // automatic variable // display addresses cout << "Adr etext: " << hex << cinsint(&etext) << "\t "; cout << "Adr edata: " << hex << cinsint(&edata) << "\t "; cout << "Adr end: " << hex << cinsint(&end ) << "\n"; Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
Process Memory Addresses(cont) SHW_ADR("main", cinsint(main)); // function addresses SHW_ADR("showit", cinsint(showit)); SHW_ADR("cptr", cinsint(&cptr)); // static SHW_ADR("buffer1", cinsint(&buffer1)); SHW_ADR("i", cinsint(&i)); // automatic strcpy(buffer1, "A demonstration\n");// library function write(1, buffer1, strlen(buffer1)+1);// system call showit(cptr); // function call return 0; } void showit( char *p ){ char *buffer2; SHW_ADR("buffer2", cinsint(&buffer2)); // display address if ((buffer2= new char[ strlen(p)+1 ]) != NULL){ strcpy(buffer2, p); // copy the string cout << buffer2; // display string delete [] buffer2; // release location } else { cerr << "Allocation error.\n"; exit(1); } } Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
Process Memory Addresses(cont) The Output of the p1.4.cxx program... Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
Processes are created by forksystem call. If the call fails, it returns “–1” and set errno to one of the error conditions. The failure might be due to system limit for number of processes exceeded there is no enough swap space (errno = 11 EAGAIN Resource temporarily unavailable, errno=12 ENOMEM cannot allocate memory) • If successful, the fork returns the process ID of the child process in the parent process and it returns a 0 in the child process. This allows a process to check if it is a parent or child process. 11. Creating a Process Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici
11. Creating a Process (cont) /*p1.5.cxx – GNU C++ File*/ /* First example of a fork system call (no error check) */ #include <iostream> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> using namespace std; int main( ) { cout << "Hello\n"; fork( ); cout << "bye\n"; return 0; } Asst.Prof.Muhammed Cinsdikici