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T he effects of mobile phone radiation on the nervous system disturbances Oleh: Kartika k. (020810040) AULIA NAUFAL (020810041) NANDYA ANGGININGTYAS (020810042) SHABRINA (020810043) MAKKU n RAI EKA K. (020810044) RATNA MUSTRIANA (020810045) DYAH SELVIA PUTRI (020810046)
The effects of mobile phone radiation on the nervous system disturbances Oleh: Kartika k. (020810040) AULIA NAUFAL (020810041) NANDYA ANGGININGTYAS (020810042) SHABRINA (020810043) MAKKUnRAI EKA K. (020810044) RATNA MUSTRIANA (020810045) DYAH SELVIA PUTRI (020810046) BRINNA LISTIANI (020810047) ERLISA SARASWATI H. (020810049) FATIMAH SARASWATI (020810050) Seminar Ilmu Faal IDepartemenBiologi OralSemester Genap 2008/2009
Keywords • Cell Phone Cellular • Radiation • Dysfunction Nervous System
Nervous System • One of the systems in the body that can act as : • media for communication between cells and organs • to control various other systems • The coordination system that delivered the stimulus from the receptor to detected and responded by the body
Nervous System • Central Nervous System • Brain • Spinal Cord - Sensoric Nervous nerve cells that function to receive the stimulus from the sense of organ receptor - Motoric Nervous nerve cells that function to deliver the stimulus effector as a muscle and gland - Contact Nervous nerve cells that connect the function of nerve cells with other nerve cells
Nervous System • Pheripheral Nervous System • Somatic Nervous System • Autonomic Nervous System
Radiation of mobile phone is the electromagnet wave that can move in a space through on a light. Electromagnet waves on the mobile phone can caused the bad effects on the human. A MECHANISM OF MOBILE PHONE RADIATION ON BRAIN