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1835 Beacon Street , Brookline, MA 02445

被忽略的歐洲. The Ignored Europe. 主題講員( Keynote speaker) 王光霞 (Mary Wang) General Director, Chinese Overseas Christian Mission www.cocm.org.uk 專題講員 (Workshop speakers) Betty Tam, Grace May, 呂子峰 (Henry Lu) 蕭俐俐 (Li-Li Hsiao), 林雲達 ( Jay Lam). 日期 (Date): 4/17/2004, 星期六(Saturday)

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1835 Beacon Street , Brookline, MA 02445

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  1. 被忽略的歐洲 The Ignored Europe 主題講員(Keynote speaker) 王光霞(Mary Wang) General Director, Chinese Overseas Christian Mission www.cocm.org.uk 專題講員(Workshop speakers) Betty Tam, Grace May, 呂子峰(Henry Lu) 蕭俐俐(Li-Li Hsiao), 林雲達(Jay Lam) 日期(Date):4/17/2004, 星期六(Saturday) 時間(Time): 2:45PM--5PM 地點(Place):紐英倫中華基督教會(CCCNE) 1835 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02445 聯繫人(Contact): 蕭俐俐(Li-Li Hsiao), (617) 983-0654 Lhsiao@rics.bwh.harvard.edu 贊助者(Sponsors):紐英倫中華基督教會 (Chinese Christian Church of New England) 世界華福美國聯區﹐紐英倫分區 (Chinese Coordination of World Evangelism New England District)

  2. 2:45-3:00:Choir offering Amherst Chinese Christian Church Choir 3:00-4:00: Keynote speaker Mary Wang, General Director, Chinese Overseas Christian Mission 4:00-4:10: break 4:10-4:40: How to prepare for short term mission trips in Europe Betty Tam, Chinese Overseas Christian Mission 4:40-5:15: 1.Short term mission to Italy Jay Lam, Chinese Bible Church of Greater Lowell 2.Short term mission to Ireland Henry Lu, Amherst Chinese Christian Church 3. Explore opportunities of short term mission to UK Grace May/Li-Li Hsiao, Chinese Christian Church of New England Panel for Q and A 5:15-: sharing and refreshments

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