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Recent Results in Hadronic Charm Decays

Recent Results in Hadronic Charm Decays. Mats Selen, University of Illinois 2003 CIPANP, May 19-24, New York, NY. I will NOT talk about D s p 0.

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Recent Results in Hadronic Charm Decays

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  1. Recent Results in Hadronic Charm Decays Mats Selen, University of Illinois2003 CIPANP, May 19-24, New York, NY

  2. I will NOT talk about Dsp0 Stay tuned for detailed experimental presentations:BaBar (Ray Cowan)CLEO (Jon Urheim)Belle (Tom Browder)plus a theoretical perspective from Harry Lipkin

  3. E791 The usual suspects CDF CLEO Belle FOCUS BaBar BES

  4. Charmed Baryons

  5. Phys.Lett.B523:53-59,2001 Charm Baryon Lifetimes Phys.Rev.Lett.88:161801,2002 Phys.Lett.B541:211-218,2002 Phys.Lett.B561:41-48,2003 Thanks to Kevin Stenson for summary figure

  6. L+cgLp+p+p-p0(Steve Blusk) CLEO-III Phys. Rev.D67:012001,2003 First Observation

  7. X0cg pK-K-p+(Basit Athar) 0cpKK 148 ± 18 ** Preliminary ** CLEO-III First branching ratio measurement of this mode. (Made possible by CLEO-III RICH) pKKp Mass (GeV/c2) 0c  77 ± 13 ** Preliminary ** p Mass (GeV/c2)

  8.  -0K- ; 0pp- 4291±93events previous 456±23events c0  -+ ** Preliminary ** New cMass Measurement mass scale 80.5±10.8events ** Preliminary **

  9. c0  -+ Production cross-section & xp spectrum: ** Preliminary ** From fit to Petersonfragmentation function ** Preliminary **

  10. Charmed Mesons

  11. Charm Meson Lifetimes Phys.Lett.B537:192-200,2002 Thanks to Kevin Stenson for summary figure

  12. Reconstructed withonline SVT tracks CDF: Huge charm physics potential • Charm potential • Trigger important • Huge future potential • Enormous production cross-section • Secondary Vertex Trigger is working well! 450,000events 78,000events

  13. DS+ - D+ Mass Difference FERMILAB-PUB-03/048-E • Charm potential • Trigger important • Huge future potential CDF

  14. D0  K+K-, +- ** Preliminary ** • Charm potential • Trigger important • Huge future potential ** Preliminary **

  15. 3453 ± 111 D0  K+K-, +- p-p+ hep-ex/0212058 10830 ± 148 K-K+ 105030 ± 372 K-p+

  16. D+ +0 , K+0, K+Ks(Chul Gwon) ** Preliminary ** CLEO-II.V • Unbinned maximum likelihood fit using FELIX. • Fit variables: M(D+), xpD, cosqhelicity • PDF’s obtained from MC & data D+p+p0 D+K+KS D+K+p0 171±22 34±21 278±21 M(D+) GeV M(D+) GeV M(D+) GeV < 0.0046 @ 90% CL ** Preliminary **

  17. Isospin analyses using new D0pp, KK numbers CLEO-II.V hep-ex/0212058 ** Preliminary ** pp KK New FOCUS p+p- , K+K-+old FOCUS K+K0+ PDG New CLEO p+p0+ PDG

  18. D0 K-K-K++, K-K+-+, -+-+ ** Preliminary ** FOCUS Preliminary PDG2002

  19. D+, DS 5-body Decays(Branching Ratios) fp+p+p- hep-ex/0211056 1st obs. p-p+p+p+p- K+K-p+p+p- (inclusive ratios) K-p+p+p+p- K+K-p+p+p- FOCUS also has new resultson D  6-body decays !

  20. K+K-p+p+p- K-p+p+p+p- 5-body Decays(Substructure) (7 ± 5 ± 1)% (10 ± 6 ± 5)% NR NR hep-ex/0211056 (21 ± 4 ± 6)% (21 ± 5 ± 6)% Consistent with hypothesis that structure dominated by quasi 2-body decays: K*0p-p+p+ fp-p+p+ Lipkin: Phys. Let. B 515, 81 (2001) (30 ± 4 ± 1)% < 3% @ 90%CL K-p+r0p+ K-K+r0p+ Central value of a1 mass is outside phase-space, but it’s wide (~400 MeV). (40 ± 3 ± 6)% (75 ± 6 ± 4)% K*0r0p+ fr0p+ sum sum (corrected for unseen modes)

  21. BaBar D0 K0K-+,K0K+-and K0K+K- hep-ex/0207089 Normalizing mode 11659 ± 40 15279 ± 129 805 ± 35 2109 ± 48 Errors are ~ 3-5 times smallerthan previous measurements A Dalitz analysis was also done for each mode…

  22. BaBar D0 K0K-+Dalitz Analysis hep-ex/0207089

  23. BaBar D0 K0K+-Dalitz Analysis hep-ex/0207089

  24. BaBar D0 K0K+K- Dalitz Analysis hep-ex/0207089

  25. D0Ks (Mikhail Dubrovin) ** Preliminary ** CLEO-II.V • Motivated by interest in KSp-p+ and KSK-K+ analyses. • KSa0(980) seen in KSK-K+ • but a0(980) is dominant • First measurement of this BR ** Preliminary **

  26. D0Ks (Mikhail Dubrovin) ** Preliminary ** CLEO-II.V KSa0(980) is dominant K*(892)h is seen Something else needed for good CL(but exactly what hard to sort out): NR, KSa2(1320), KSa0(1450)kh, K0(1430)h, K1(1410)h … Under investigation: stay tuned !

  27. 2 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 m2(KSp-) (GeV2) m2(KSp+) (GeV2) m2(p-p+) (GeV2) D0 Ks-+(David Asner) S/(S+B) ~ 98% S ~ 5300 Phys. Rev. Lett.89:251802,2002 CLEO-II.V m2(p-p+) (GeV2) 1 0 0 3 2 1 m2(KSp)RS (GeV2)

  28. BaBar D0 KSp-p+ From Brian Meadows, Moriond/03 • BaBar has incredible statistics! • Unprecedented sensitivity ! • Will the standard approach work ? • There are hint of “problems” in many lower statistics Dalitz analyses. • Will have to confront these!

  29. 0 1 2 3 m2pp(GeV2) D+ p+p-+ Dalitz E791 Phys.Rev.Lett.86:770-774,2001 Phase motion consistent with s:(Method discussed inPLB 550:135-139,2002) 0 1 2 3 m2pp(GeV2)

  30. 0 1 2 3 m2(p+p0) (GeV2) D0-+0(Charles Plager) S/(S+B) ~ 80% S ~ 1100 ** Preliminary ** CLEO-II.V m2(p+p0) (GeV2) No contribution from s(500) at ~1% level m2(p+p-) (GeV2) 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 m2(p+p-) (GeV2) m2(p-p0) (GeV2)

  31. 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 m2Kp(GeV2) m2Kp(GeV2) D+ K-p++Dalitz Phys.Rev.Lett.89:121801,2002 E791 CLEO Dalitz analysisof D0 K-p+0 seesno evidence for k.Phys. Rev.D63:092001,2001

  32. D+ K+K-+, +-+Dalitz Stay TunedNew results expected later this year

  33. BES s & k from J/ decays Preliminary BES results indicate significant contributionfrom s and k in J/ and J/K*Krespectively Ning Wu (IHEP, Beijing) from talk given at “Hadron Spectroscopy….” Tokyo, Feb/03

  34. K*(890) + K0(1430) + f0 + NR K*(890) + K0(1430) + f0 + NR + s 0 1 2 0 1 2 m2(p0p0) (GeV2) m2(p0p0) (GeV2) D0 Ks00(Scott Davis)(Just a peek…stay tuned) S/(S+B) ~ 70% S ~ 700 CLEO-II.V+III m2(p0p0) (GeV2) • Complement KSp-p+ analyses • Good place to search for low mass pp • No r00 to get in the way! • Fit seems to prefer presence of a broad scalar pp resonance (?) • No unique solution using BW’s. • Also trying K-matrix approach. m2(KSp0)RS (GeV2) Not the only way to get a good fit…more work needed

  35. D0K-K+0(Paras Naik)(Just a peek…stay tuned) S/(S+B) ~ 55% S ~ 400 CLEO-III • Made possible by CLEO-III RICH • Motivated by method for measuring “g” using B±→ D0K; D0→K*K[Grossman, Ligeti, Sopher & others] • Ingredient: Strong phase between D0→K*+K-and D0→K*+K- •  Exactly what this analysis measures • Stay Tuned 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 m2(K-p0) (GeV2) m2(K+p0) (GeV2) m2(K-K+) (GeV2)

  36. CLEO-c Summing Up Too many new charm results to do them all justice in 30 minutes !! c etc. D** • There are many more on the way. • The next few years should be very exciting for those of us interested in charm physics!

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