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Explore CHAWAUMAVITA's strategic goals, financial implications, and key initiatives to support disabled children in Tanzania. Learn about the organization's mission, vision, and core values.
THE UNITED REPUBLIC OFTANZANIA CHAMA CHA WAZAZI WA WATOTO WENYE ULEMAVU WA MTINDIO WA UBONGO, AKILI NA VIUNGOTANZANIA [CHAWAUMAVITA] FIRST STRATEGIC PLAN2014-2018 C/o CCBRT DisabilityHospital P.O. Box 23310 Kimweri Road,Msasani Kinondoni, Dar es Salaam,TANZANIA Phone: +255 687 384439/+255 719 952 455/+255 716 074040 Email:watotoccbrt@yahoo.com AUGUST2013
TABLE OFCONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................................................................i ACRONYMS………...................................................................................iii SECTION ONE……...................................................................................1 INTRODUCTION…...................................................................................1 1.1 Background...............................................................................1 1.2 Duties and Functions ofCHAWAUMAVITA.............................................1 1.3 Legal and Regulatory Environment oftheOrganization............................2 1.4 Stakeholders of CHAWAUMAVITA......................................................3 1.4.1 Parents and Guardian of DisabledChildren.....................................3 1.4.2 Health Service Providers...........................................................3 1.4.3 Other Regulatory Organs andBodies.............................................3 1.4.4 Government..........................................................................4 1.4.5 Disabled Children...................................................................5 1.5 Organizational Structure and Staffing................................................5 1.6 Layout of the Plan.......................................................................5 SECTION TWO……...................................................................................7 SITUATIONALANALYSIS............................................................................7 2.1 External Environment...................................................................7 2.1.1 Status of Disabled Children inTanzania.........................................7 2.1.2 Stakeholders Concerns.............................................................9 2.2 Internal Environment....................................................................9 2.2.1 Financial Situation..................................................................9 2.2.2 SWOT Analysis .....................................................................10 2.3 Critical Issues and Priority Areas for the Current Strategic Plan...............12 2.3.1 CriticalIssues......................................................................12 2.3.2 Priority Areas for the current Strategic Plan ................................. 12 SECTION THREE…. ............................................................................... 14 MISSION, VISION AND CORE VALUES OF CHAWAUMAVITA...................................14 3.1 Vision ....................................................................................14 CHAWAUMAVITA_ Strategic Plan_2014-2018: Page1
3.2 Mission...................................................................................143.2 Mission...................................................................................14 3.3 Core Values .............................................................................14 SECTION FOUR…..................................................................................15 STRATEGIC GOALS AND STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES............................................15 4.1 Introduction ............................................................................15 4.2 Strategic focus of the Organization .................................................15 4.3 Strategic Goals and Objectives ......................................................15 4.4 Assumptions of the Current StrategicPlan.........................................16 4.5 The Strategic Plan Matrix............................................................. 17 SECTION FIVE……. ................................................................................29 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS .......................................................................29 5.1 FinancialAssumptions.................................................................29 5.2 Financial Resources Requirements ..................................................29 5.3 Estimated Inflows and Outflows .....................................................30 CHAWAUMAVITA_ Strategic Plan_2014-2018: Page2
ACRONYMS CHAWAUMAVITA_ Strategic Plan_2014-2018: Page3
SECTIONONE • INTRODUCTION • Background • Chama cha Wazazi wa Watoto Wenye Ulemavu wa Mtindio wa Ubongo, Akili na Viungo Tanzania (CHAWAUMAVITA) is a locally registered non-governmental organization first established in April, 2012. The idea behind establishment of this organization emerged on 21st April, 2012, after the parents of the disabled students received a seminar on the health care and treatment of disabled children. It is officially and wholly legally registered in March 2013 with a registration number S.A 18732 under Civil Society Act in the Ministry of Home Affairs. The primary objective of the organization (CHAWAUMAVITA) is to protect the interest of the disabled children as well as to increase awareness and sensitization to the general public on the same. In view of this, there is a need of a Strategic Plan (SP) which will guide operations of the organization for the next five (5) years. Therefore, this document presents Strategic Plan for CHAWAUMAVITA in the next five years starting from 2014 to 2018. Apart from examining legal mandate and scope of functions of the organization, the development of this Strategic Plan has also considered, among other things, thefollowing: • i] TanzaniaVision; • ii] The National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP 2005); iii] The Tanzania Five Year Development Plan(2011/12-2015/16); • iv] Millennium Development Goals; v] Tanzania Civil SocietyAct; • vi] Non-Governmental Organization, 2002; vii] National Health Policy;and • viii] National Health Sector Strategic Plan I andII • Duties and Functions ofCHAWAUMAVITA • As provided in the organization constitution, duties and functions of CHAWAUMAVITA are as follows: • i] To bring together parents and guardian of disabled children in order to exchange ideas and experiences on how best to provide health care and treatment to these affected children; • ii] To protect the interest of disabledchildren;
iii] To enhance public knowledge, awareness and understanding on the basic rights and care needed by the disabled children including: • the obligations of various parties such as the parents, guardian, general public, Government and otherorgans. • the ways in which problems related to the disabled children may be amicably resolved. • iv] To educate the general public on the various disability which are prone to thechildren • with the overall aim of minimising its prevalence and thereby reducing its negative impact to the general community; • v]Todisseminateinformationaboutmattersrelevanttothefunctionsof CHAWAUMAVITA; • vi] To consult with other organization or bodies or institutions discharging functions similar to those of CHAWAUMAVITA or related functions in Tanzania or elsewhere with the overall aim of helping Tanzanian disabledchildren; • vii] To act as information centre for all issues related to the children disability and distribute the collected information to the members and general public in forms of radio, newspapers, and other social media;and • viii] To help members of the organization and disabled children to obtain their legal rights like any other Tanzaniancitizen. • 1.3 Legal and Regulatory Environment of theOrganization • The operations of CHAWAUMAVITA are clearly defined in the Article Four of its constitution. In addition, the organization uses various sector policies, Acts, and regulations in order to execute its activities smoothly. These include National Health Policy, Health Sector Strategic Plan I&II, National Package for Health Intervention, and Child Care Policy. In addition, the operational guidelines and strategic plan of CCBRT form important input in the operations of CHAWAUMAVITA. Furthermore, the organization adheres to all laws and regulations related to its legal mandate. Also, in pursuant to its functions, CHAWAUMAVITA shall develop number of regulations, operational guidelines, and working strategies for ease implementation of its activities. In general, successful implementation of the organization’s operations depends on the effective adherence to the legislation and regulations which govern duties and functions as provided in itsconstitution.
Stakeholders of CHAWAUMAVITA • CHAWAUMAVITA interacts with a number of stakeholders. Therefore, effective achievement of its activities depends on the way the organization engages those stakeholders effectively. In general, key stakeholders of CHAWAUMAVITA are divided into five major groups, namely, parents and guardian of disabled children, health service providers, other regulatory organs and bodies, the Government, and the disabled childrenthemselves. • Parents and Guardian of Disabled Children • These are elderly individuals and organization that take care disabled children. This includes include Non-Government Organization (NGOs), religious organization, Community Based Organization (CBOs) and other civil societies which deal with disabled children directly or indirectly. It also includes orphanage centres in which disabled children are cared. CHAWAUMAVITA shall establish strong and harmonious relationships with these individuals and organization in order to perform its duties and functions effectively and efficiently. To facilitate its undertaking, CHAWAUMAVITA shall convince and facilitate for those involved in the caring of disabled children to subscribe for membership in theorganization. • Health ServiceProviders • These are stakeholders who provide health services to the disabled children. They are normally a mixture of health facilities such as hospitals, health centres, and dispensaries owned by individuals, companies, Government, faith based organizations and others. In collaboration with health service providers, particularly CCBRT, CHAWAUMAVITA aims to address health and care challenges facing the disabledchildren. • Other Regulatory Organs and Bodies • In exercising its mandates functions, CHAWAUMAVITA will cooperate with other regulatory organs and bodiesincluding: • i] Ministry of Health and Social Welfare; ii] Registrar of PrivateHospitals; • iii] Medical Council of Tanganyika; iv] PharmacyBoard; • v] KuponaFoundation; • vi] Wanawake na Maendeleo (WAMA) vii] Montero Mining and Exploration;and • viii] Equal Opportunities Trust Fund(EOTF)
Effective and strong cooperation between CHAWAUMAVITA and these organisations enhances achievement of the organizational objectives. For instance, in 2012, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare helped the organization through the EOTF to obtain a financial sponsor, Montero Mining and Exploration. The sponsor donated about 50 bicycles which were distributed to the disabled children from the different places in the Dar es Salaam. Also, as members’ organization, CHAWAUMAVITA is also influencing other regulatory organs and bodies in addressing the unique needs of the disabled children. In general, effective implementation of this Plan depends on the manner in which CHAWAUMAVITA interacts with other regulatory authorities in the process of discharging its duties and functions. In the next five years of this Strategic Plan, CHAWAUMAVITA is committed to strengthen its relationship with other regulatory organs and bodies involved directly or indirectly with disabled children within and outside thecountry. 1.4.4 Government CHAWAUMAVITA collaborates with various Central Government ministries such as the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW), Ministry of Transport (MoT), Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MoID), Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA), and Prime Minsters’ Office-Regional Administration and Local Governments (PMO-RALGs). As parent Ministry, MOHSW has a primary responsibility of supervising the health delivery system including issuing the relevant health policy, guidelines, and regulations which cater among others, disabled children. The ministry is also responsible for planning and coordination of health related issues in the country as well as oversight of the health facilities such as hospitals, health centres, and dispensaries where, among others, disabled children are cared. The collaboration with the Ministry of Transport (MoT) and Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MoID) ensures, among other things, friendly transport services and structures for disabled children. Also, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) is important stakeholders in assuring safety to the disabled children against any social and legal injustice. Apart from these ministries, CHAWAUMAVITA also shall work closely with Local Government Authorities (LGAs) through PMO-RALG in respect to the following issues: i] Identifying disabled children in the localcommunities; ii] Keeping inventories of number of organization which cares disabled children and number of disabled children at the village, ward, and the councillevel; iii] Helping the disabled children to access essential health services;and
iv] Providing advocacy services to the parents and guardian of the disabledchildren • 1.4.5 DisabledChildren • The effective engagement with disabled children is the overarching objective of CHAWAUMAVITA. As the name suggests, the organization is highly engaged and shall be actively involved in addressing and advocating the rights of the disabled children, mainly in the following three broadareas: • i] Right to theeducation; • ii] Rights to the exercise, mainly physical exercises; and iii] Rights to the health care andlove. • Organizational Structure andStaffing • As members’ organization, CHAWAUMAVITA is wholly owned by the members. They are ultimate decision makers of the organization. Day to day operations of the organization is under the executive committee which consists eight (8) members. These are Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, General Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasury, and other three (3) appointed members. The executive committee is headed by the Chairperson who is selected among the organizational members. Hierarchically, Chairperson is assisted by the Deputy Chairperson. The overall operations of the organization are under the General Secretary who is also assisted by the Deputy Secretary. Apart from Secretary, there is also a Treasury who is responsible to all finance issues related to the organization. The three appointed members, in collaboration with others, are responsible for undertaking the overall functions of the executive committee. The same but condensed structure shall be adopted when the organization open its branches in other parts of thecountry. • Layout of thePlan • Thisdocumenthasfivesections.Thefirstsectiondetailsoutthebackgroundinformation • about the organisation and the plan. The section specifically covers the background of CHAWAUMAVITA, its duties and functions as well as regulatory environment in which the organization operates. Then, detailed discussions on stakeholders, organisation structure and highlight of the plan are provided. Section two discusses situational analysis covering both external environments which affects regulatory roles and functions of CHAWAUMAVITA as well as its internal capacity appraisal. Mission, vision and core values of the next five years’ strategic plan are presented in section three. Section four presents the corporate strategic plan for the organization. The section provides brief explanations on strategic focus,strategic
goals, and assumptions of the plan before presenting the plan itself in the matrix form which comprises five strategic goals and their corresponding strategic objectives. The section concludes with brief explanations on the potential risk associated with the plan and their mitigation measures. Brief summary of the financial implication of the plan is presented in section five.
SECTIONTWO • SITUATIONALANALYSIS • External Environment • Status of Disabled Children inTanzania • In general, disabled children in Tanzania are facing number of problems including poor access to education, appropriate health services, and stigmatization from the general public and their own parents and guardians. In terms of access to education, most of the schools both primary and secondary and even some of the colleges and universities are not environmentally friend to the disabled children. For instance there are no specific structures which cater for the need of these children. As a result, most of the disabled children are staying at home without access toeducation. • Also, most of the parents and guardian who live with disabled children are involved with business dealings. In a study conducted by CHAWAUMAVITA in three municipal councils in Dar es Salaam, revealed that 77.01% of the parents and guardian who live with disabled children are Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (SMEs). Therefore, it can be concluded from this study that most of these parents and guardians don’t have enough time to care their disabled children effectively. • Figure 1: Parents/GuardianOccupation 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Housemaker SMEs Employed
The study also finds that children below 5 years of age were the most vulnerable. In a sample of 48 disabled children visited in Kinondoni, Ilala, and Temeke Municipal Councils, 68.75% were under 5 years of age, as shown in the graphbelow: Figure 2: Age Categories of DisabledChildren 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Under 5years Over 5years 1stQtr 2ndQtr In terms of nature of disability, the main problem is CELEBRAL PALSY (MTINDIO WA UBONGO) which causes for others to have physical disability in areas such as hands, legs, and celebral and others are mentally retarded. It is also important to note that degedege was the main causes of the problem. However, other reasons such as yellow fever are also attributed to the disability. In terms of care, most of the disabled children do not receive effective care from both general public and even from their own parents and guardian. And there are some cases where couples run away from their disabled child (ren) as a bad luck (taboo) and to avoid maintenance costs related to the disability. In a study done by CHAWAUMAVITA in Dar es Salaam Region, 5 out of 48 parents interviewed ran away from the disabled children. It is worth noting here that all parents who run away weremale. In general, disabled children are exposed to the un-conducive environment which threatens their well-being. With the exception, in areas such as Manzese where CCBRT has constructed office and playing grounds for disabled children, other places are still facing the problems of the same. Also, the country in general lacks adequate number of competent supporting staff for disabled children. As a result, most of the parents and guardian are normallyoffer
physical exercises to their disabled children, an attempt which exposes children to the potential healthrisks. • 2.1.2 StakeholdersConcerns • Analysis of the organizational stakeholders shows that they are concerned with the following issues: • i] Technical competence of the members in effectively undertaking the organizational functions; • ii] Low staffing levels to effectively exercise its duties and functions; iii] Too many stakeholdersinvolved; • iv] Nature of their collaboration withCHAWAUMAVITA; • v] It takes too long for the disabled children to be officially recognised as such before enjoying some of theirrights; • vi] Supervision of health service deliveries to ensure they provide quality and appropriate required services to the disabledchildren; • vii] Enforcement mechanisms related to the rights of the disabled children;and • viii] Financial constrains to effectively address the health concerns of the disabled children • Among others, these concerns have been taken into account in this Strategic Plan for the organization. • InternalEnvironment • FinancialSituation • The current major sources of revenue for the organizations are members’ contributions, grants, donations, and fund raising events. These sources are expected to finance in its entirety the organizational operations. The revenues are expected to increase as a result of the extension of the organisational operations to other parts of the country as envisaged in this plan. There is, or there has been a fairly stable financial situation at the organization. However, addition efforts for broadening the revenue base are needed if the organization is to meet the various challenges as identified in this StrategicPlan.
2.2.2 SWOTAnalysis Strengths i] Good management and governance processes ii] Relative stable financial performance and financial position iii] Existence of qualifiedmembers iv] Existence motivate and dedicated organizationalmembers v] A conducive work climate facilitated by availability of most working equipment, appropriate health services, health regulations and development programmes for the disabledchildren vi] The organization is enjoying a relatively high degree of autonomy in itsactivities vii] Existence of well-developed internal policy and systems through well formulated organizational constitution. viii] Existence of various financial and technical sponsors from within and outside the country who are ready to help disabledchildren. ix] Presence of strong medical teams and health deliveries units such as CCBRT which are dedicated to address the unique challenges facing disabledchildren. x] Presence of peace and harmony in the country which creates a platform forthe organization to execute its duties and functionseffectively. Weaknesses i] Insufficient number of staff in the healthdeliveries ii] Inadequate competence of the health professionals especially those dealing with disabledchildren. iii] The quality of existing management of the organization lags behind the pace of modern business dynamics and demand which require full fledge management team to undertake organizational activities on a dailybasis. iv] Limited ability to manage and control agencies and other stakeholders working with them v] Inadequate special equipment and facilities for disabled children. vi] Inadequate office accommodation andequipment
Opportunities i] Government support particularly in facilitating disabled children to access education and health services. ii] Growth in economic activities that create increased revenue to the organizational members. iii] Growth in public and private investment in the health delivery units and the potential for improvement in the provision of child healthcare. iv] Favourable working relationship between CHAWAUMAVITA and other organizations and stakeholders. v] Existence of enabling legal and regulatory environment for execution of mandate and functions of theorganization. vi] Existence of political stability and peace in thecountry. vii] Availability of appropriate National Health Policy, Heath Sector Strategic Plan I andII Threats/Challenges i] Political influence that involve infringement upon the mandate and organization functions ofthe ii] Increased demand for health and advocacy services to the disabled children as compared to the capacity of theCHAWAUMAVITA. iii] Instability in the price of the health delivery services and relatedfacilities. iv] Lack of cooperation among the parents, guardian and other importantstakeholders. v] Existence of multiple organizations offering the related services/functions as that of CHAWAUMAVITA vi] Community stigmatism and inappropriate belief related to the disabled children. vii] Inadequate and poor health services especially in the ruralareas viii] Limited awareness amongst stakeholders on the rights of disabledchildren ix] Limited level of investment in the health delivery units especially those involved with disability of children. x] Limited support from other regulatoryauthorities. xi] High expectations of the parents and guardian on the role of CHAWAUMAVITA in addressing the challenges children withdisability.
Critical Issues and Priority Areas for the Current StrategicPlan • Critical Issues • Several critical issues were derived from the assessment of both the external and internal contexts. These include: • i] Current organization structure and Manpower establishment need to be strengthened. ii]Inadequateheathfacilities,workingtools,andrelatedhealthservicestothedisabled • children. • iii] Increase in number of disabled children which implies additional requirements for the health services and related facilities need to strengthen the capacity of the organization. • iv] Inadequate financial resources for the required improvements in health service deliveries and related facilities and need to scale up activities of interventions to help disabled children especially those living in the vulnerableenvironment. • v] Inadequate provision of appropriate transport facilities and appropriate infrastructure designed for disabledchildren. • vi] Level of human resource capabilities lags behind the requirement for the current and foreseen demand for health services needed by the disabledchildren. • vii] The absence of risk management programme that would be able to provide assurance thatCHAWAUMAVITAshallbeequippedatalltimeswiththeappropriatemitigation • strategies for the significant risks it is exposedto. • viii] Uncoordinated roles between CHAWAUMAVITA and other stakeholders. ix] Current level of governance need to bestrengthened • x] Poor outreach mechanisms for the disabled children especially those located in rural areas. • Priority Areas for the current StrategicPlan • Through situational analysis and discussion with the members of the executive committee, the following were established as the priority issues to be addressed by the current Strategic Plan: • i]Enhancement of the organizational capacity to discharge its duties and functions effectively andefficiently. • ii] Improvement in the health service deliveries and related facilities offered to the disabledchildren.
iii]Enhancing regulation of the health service deliveries and units through improvement in the health regulatory and institutionalframework. iv] Promotion of investment in provision of health services in order to meet the needs of the disabled children in thecountry. v] Promoting awareness among the various stakeholders on the rights of disabled children in thecountry
SECTIONTHREE MISSION, VISION AND CORE VALUES OFCHAWAUMAVITA 3.1Vision Vision describes a desired future state that CHAWAUMAVITA aspires to achieve based on its mandate, the priority issues it has identified and within the confines of the established mission. Based on priority issues identified during the situational analysis as well as the organizational achievements obtained so far, vision that will guide the strategic initiatives during the current strategic periodis: To be a model members’ organization that facilitate availability of quality and sustainable health services to the disabled children inTanzania 3.2 Mission The mission statement of CHAWAUMAVITA is asfollows: To sensitize and influence local communities, private organizations, and the Government to prepare sustainable plans and programs which ensure provision of quality and affordable health services to the disabled children inTanzania 3.3 CoreValues To ensure unity of purpose towards the vision, there is need to have a set of core values that will guide CHAWAUMAVITA as it delivers this strategy. The set of values are expected to contribute in bridging the gap between where CHAWAUMAVITA is now and where it intends to be in the future (vision) in terms of behaviors and conduct. In view of this, all members of CHAWAUMAVITA shall adhere to the following corevalues: i]Equality ii]Honest iii] Transparency iv]Integrity v] Accountability vi]Teamwork vii] Love andCare viii]Fairness
SECTIONFOUR • STRATEGIC GOALS AND STRATEGICOBJECTIVES • Introduction • This section presents the First Strategic Plan for CHAWAUMAVITA which begins from 2014 to 2018. It specifically contains five subsections, namely, descriptions of the strategic focus of the organization, strategic goals and objectives, assumptions of the plan, the strategic plan matrix, and explanations on the strategic risk management related to the plan. Financial implications of the strategic plan presented in this section are generally discussed in the next section. • Strategic focus of theOrganization • The strategic focus of the organization during the period from 2014 to 2018 shall be: i]Enhancement of the organizational capacity to discharge its duties andfunctions • effectively andefficiently. • ii] Improvement in the health service deliveries and related facilities offered to the disabledchildren. • iii]Enhancing regulation of the health service deliveries and units such as hospitals, health centres and dispensaries through improvement in the health regulatory and institutional framework. • iv] Promotion of investment in provision of health services in order to meet the needs of the disabled children in thecountry. • Strategic Goals andObjectives • In pursuit of its vision and mission, CHAWAUMAVITA shall be guided by four strategic goals in the 2014-2018 planning period. These four strategic goalsare: • i]Enhanced organizational capacity to discharge its duties and functions effectively and efficiently. • ii] Improved health service deliveries and related facilities offered to the disabled children. • iii]Enhanced regulation of the health service deliveries and units through improvement in the health regulatory and institutionalframework. • iv] Improved investment in provision of health services in order to meet the needs of the disabled children in thecountry.
4.4 Assumptions of the Current StrategicPlan The main assumptions of this Strategic Plan are as follows: i]Availability of financial and non-financialresources; ii] Continued existence of appropriate and favourable legislative and regulatory environment; iii]Existence of stable and harmonious relationship between the organization and other regulatory institutions as well as other keystakeholders; iv] Existence of social, political and economic stability in thecountry; v] Effective internal arrangement and mechanisms for the implementation of the Plan; vi] The envisaged strategic outcomes reflect the anticipated developments in thehealth services deliveries;and vii] Positive response of stakeholders in addressing health related issues facing the disabledchildren.
4.5 The Strategic PlanMatrix Goal # 1: Enhanced organizational capacity to discharge its duties and functions effectively andefficiently. CHAWAUMAVITA_ Strategic Plan_2014-2018: Page17
Goal # 2: Improved health service deliveries and related facilities offered to the disabledchildren. CHAWAUMAVITA_ Strategic Plan_2014-2018: Page20
Goal # 3: Enhanced regulation of the health service deliveries and units through improvement in the health regulatory and institutional framework. CHAWAUMAVITA_ Strategic Plan_2014-2018: Page23
Goal # 4: Improved investment in provision of health services in order to meet the needs of the disabled children in the country. CHAWAUMAVITA_ Strategic Plan_2014-2018: Page27
SECTION FIVE FINANCIALIMPLICATIONS • Financial Assumptions • This Strategic Plan is prepared under the following financialassumptions: • i] Planned expenditures and revenues are based on the estimatedfigures • ii] The revenues of the organisations are expected to be derived mainly from the following sources: • Members donations andsubscriptions; • Grants from donors and other sponsors;and • Fund raisingevents • iii] Number of members will increase and so the expected revenue from the members donations andcontributions. • iv] Contributions from other bodies as well as grants from sponsors are expected to increase tremendously following the launching of theorganization. • v] Revenues are expected to increase at annual rate of 20% owing to increased number of members and the rate per member. This based on the current rate whereeach • member is required to pay Tshs 1000 per month. And as at the time of preparing this plan, there are about 150 active member ofCHAWAUMAVITA. • vi] During the life span of this Second Strategic Plan, various assets and officefurniture • and fittings are expected to beprocured. • Financial ResourcesRequirements • The successful implementation of this Strategic Plan requires effective mobilization of sufficient financial and non-financial resources. Financially, with the exception of the recurrent budget, the implementation of this Plan will require a total of TZS 519.721 million as detailed below. • Table 1: PlannedBudget
5.3 Estimated Inflows andOutflows The implementation of the Plan requires mobilization of sufficient revenues that will be able to meet the organizational expenditure. The table below shows expected inflows and outflows of the organizational in the next five years of its strategiclife. Table 2: Strategic Cash FlowEstimates As evidenced above, the projected cash flow statement shows that there will be sufficient cash and cash equivalents to meet requirements of the plan in the next fiveyears.