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Does Ultrasound Mapping Prior to Epidural Placement Decrease the Number of Attempts and the Duration of Placement?. Single Center Prospective Randomized Controlled Study at PCRMC Rolla, MO Charlie Wilson, SRNA, Shelli Stockton, SRNA. Background.
Does Ultrasound Mapping Prior to Epidural Placement Decrease the Number of Attempts and the Duration of Placement? Single Center Prospective Randomized Controlled Study at PCRMC Rolla, MO Charlie Wilson, SRNA, Shelli Stockton, SRNA
Background • Two-thirds of patients in labor in the United States receive epidural analgesia. • Goal of epidural: To eliminate pain while preserving motor strength and maternal awareness of contractions to ensure adequate pushing during delivery.
Laboring Epidural Indications Contraindications Patient refusal Coagulopathies Infection at insertion site Increased ICP Aortic stenosis Severe hypovolemia • Active labor • Committed to delivery • Experiencing pain • Desire for epidural
Epidural Complications • Backache • Dural sac puncture (“wet tap”) • Total spinal • Neurologic injury • Motor weakness • Persistent parasthesia • Paraplegia • Cauda equina syndrome • Inadequate pain relief • Total Epidural Failure
Purpose • To study the effects of ultrasound mapping prior to epidural placement on the number of attempts and the duration of placement. • Number of attempts • Number of puncture sites • Duration of procedure • Accuracy of epidural depth calculation
Real-time ultrasound guided catheterisation of the internal jugular vein: a prospective comparison with the landmark technique in critical care patients • Journal: Critical Care November 2006 • Authors: Dimitri Karikitsos, Nicholas Labropoulos, Eric De Groot, Alexandros P Patrianakos, Gregorious Kouraklis, John Poularas, George Samonis, Dimothenis A Tsoutsos, Manousus M Konstadoulakis and Andreas Karabinis • Purpose: To identify if real-time ultrasound-guided cannulation of the internal jugular vein is superior to landmark method • Conclusion: The use of real-time ultrasound-guidance is superior to the landmark method in critically ill patients
A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Trial Comparing Ultrasound Versus Nerve Stimulator Guidance for Interscalene Block for Ambulatory Shoulder Surgery for Postoperative Neurological Symptoms • Journal: Regional Anesthesia July 2009 • Authors: Spencer S Liu MD, Victor M Zayas MD, Micael A Gordon MD, Jonathan C Beathe MD, Daniel B Maalouf MD, Leonardo Paroli MD, Gregory A Liguori MD, Jamie Ortiz MD, Valeria Buschiazzo, Justin Ngeow BA, Teena Shetty MD, Jacques T Ya Deau MD PhD • Purpose:To determine if ultrasound guidance reduces the risk of intrneural injection and subsequent neurolocical symptoms • Conclusion: Ultrasound gudiance reduce the number of needle passes but did not how a decrease in the incidence or severity of neurological symptoms
Ultrasound-Guided regional Anesthesia: Current Concepts and Future Trends • Journal: Regional Anesthesia May 2007 • Authors: Peter Marhofer MD, Vincent W S Chan MD FRCPC • Purpose: To increase the understanding of ultrasound equipment, discuss current outcomes and future trends • Conclusion: The time taken to place blocks and the total amount of local anesthetic used can be reduced
Ultrasonographic Measurement of the Ligamentum Flavum Depth; Is It a Reliable Method to Distinguish True and False Loss of Resistance? • Journal: The Korean Journal of Pain. April 2012 • Authors: Michael Haejin Pak, MD, Won Hyung Lee, MD, Young Kwon Ko, MD, Sang Young So, MD, and Hyun Joong Kim, MD • Purpose: Is ultrasound measurement of the ligamentum flavum accurate? • Conclusion: The use of ultrasound to measure the depth of the ligamentum flavum before placing a cervical epidural block was beneficial and increased success rates of cervical epidural blocks.
Real-Time Ultrasound-Guided Spinal Anaesthesia: A Prospective Observational Study of a New Approach • Journal: Anesthesiology Research and Practice, January 2013 • Authors: P. H. Conroy, C. Luyet, C. J. McCartney, P. G. McHardy • Purpose: To investigate the feasibility of performing a systematic method for real-time ultrasound guided paramedian access to the subarachnoid space with a spinal needle inserted in the plan of the ultrasound beam by a single operator. • Conclusion: Use of real-time ultrasound guided anaesthesia is a clinically feasible procedure
Materials and Methods • Materials • Ultrasound: GE Logiq 2012 • Epidural Kit: Braun Custom Kit for PCRMC • Epidural Pump: Hospira Gemstar Epidural basal plus PCA • Methods • Patients randomly assigned to group • Epidural placed with standard technique after either US mapping or palpation, dependent on group
Conclusions • Ultrasound guidance decreased the number of attempts by 40% in a varying range of BMIs and showed the same reduction in patients with BMIs greater than 35 • Ultrasound mapping of the depth to the epidural space is accurate and safe due to the fact that it underestimates the depth • Previous thoughts about the average depth to the epidural space are accurate
Discussion • This technique can be applied to patients with a previous history of difficult epidural placement or a wet tap • Can be used in patients with an increased BMI • Can be used to aid practitioners who are inexperienced at placing epidural catheters
Limitations and Future Research • Limitations • Single center, small sample size, limited number of providers and limited participant variability • Future research • Multiple center, larger sample size, multiple providers and broader patient population
Acknowledgements • Thanks to the Anesthesia Department at Phelps County Regional Medical Center • Special Thanks to Mike Burns, CRNA and Chris Black, CRNA for their assistance in data collection and experimental guidance • Michelle Koons, RN, BSN Phelps County Regional Medical Center Labor and Delivery Department • Todd Daniels Missouri State University Rstats Department for assistance in statistical analysis
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