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Thanks for joining us. Whilst we wait for everyone to login, grab a cuppa & we’ll start as close to 10am as possible. Pre-app web chat February 2014. dan.sutch@nominettrust.org.uk @ nominettrust @ dansutch. Our mission.

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  1. Thanks for joining us... Whilst we wait for everyone to login, grab a cuppa & we’ll start as close to 10am as possible

  2. Pre-app web chat • February 2014 dan.sutch@nominettrust.org.uk @nominettrust @dansutch

  3. Our mission We believe that the use of digital technology can transform the way we address big social challenges, so we bring together, invest in and support people and organisations to do this. • Social investments and grants of c£5m per year • Aim to demonstrate how digital technology can be used to redesign the way we address persistent social challenges • Aim to support (in addition to funding) to scale the social and economic impact • Foundation charity of Nominet – the .UK domain registry (10m+ .uk websites) • Direct relationship with Nominet’s public purpose & strength of their membership

  4. Research and Insight (Knowledge Centre)

  5. Grant making and social investment

  6. ‘Make Things Do Stuff’ Encouraging young people to become digital makers ‘Discoverables’ Helping young people discover, develop and demonstrate skills for employability Carers UK ‘Jointly’ Supporting time-poor carers to manage caring responsibilities with busy lives Podnosh ‘Recording Real Lives’ Capturing voices of disconnected people for social policy makers Futuregov ‘Patchwork’ Supporting and improving communication between key local authority workers around the family ‘Memory Box’ Collecting digital memories for recollection activities for people suffering from dementia

  7. Many examples of significant tech-driven/tech-enabled changes – where for social-tech? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Transistor_Count_and_Moore%27s_Law_-_2011.svg

  8. It’s not just a lack of space suits... The use of digital technology provides remarkable opportunities to redesign how we address persistent social challenges • This requires: • Creativity and imagination for how else we might address these issues • Risk taking and testing of these new approaches • Entrepreneurship and willingness • Aspiration, persistence and tenacity • (openness, collaboration...)

  9. Redesigning our approach to social innovation Consider together, the: Affordances of digital technology The values & energy of social entrepreneurship and social business Look again at the challenges and redesign approaches

  10. Social Tech Seed To discover, to help demonstrate and test the potential of a new approach that uses digital technology to address a persistent social challenge.  Discover by bfishadowccFlickr

  11. http://www.nominettrust.org.uk/how-to-apply/our-investment-programmes/social-tech-seedhttp://www.nominettrust.org.uk/how-to-apply/our-investment-programmes/social-tech-seed

  12. Social Tech Seed is looking to address Put simply, this funding programme has been developed to help demonstrate the potential of a new approach that uses digital technology to address a persistent social challenge.  The fund aims to help develop and test these early-stage ideas

  13. What do you need? • Team with an idea that has already (in some way) been tested • Previous seed funding/development to have tested a basic digital prototype • An aspiration to address a social challenge through the use of digital technology beyond this funding • An understanding of how this approach is different from (and builds upon) existing ways of addressing the social challenge • Commitment to testing and developing your approach • Openness – are you willing to share your progress, failures and (if appropriate) resources widely? • A clear way of developing the product/activity within a year

  14. What we’re offering • Up to £50k investment – budget based on need • Grants as lowest form of risk, but with investment approach • Support to develop, test and demonstrate your work • Personal/professional development links through our Funder+ activities – allocation of further £10k investment • Links to our network of social-tech innovators • Potential further support and development if the approach tests well (further investment, links etc) • An opportunity to build experience and a case for your idea that can be presented for further development

  15. Demonstrating the Triple Helix of Social Tech innovation Demonstrating the Social, User and Economic value of your approach Developing and testing your technology/product/service Strengthening and developing your organisation

  16. By the end of the funding period, you will: • Value creation • Have piloted your approach and gained early evidence of the social and user value • Be able to demonstrate the potential of your approach focussing on the user, social and economic value of your work. • Have developed and tested your intended business model • Tech development • Have moved from MVP to beta prototype able to be used by larger number of people. Co-design and feedback continues • Organisational development • Stronger organisation with more developed network and ‘product’

  17. Current deadlines

  18. Dan Sutch dan.sutch@nominettrust.org.uk

  19. Thanks for joining us... Hope it was useful – more info at www.nominettrust.org.uk

  20. Social Innovation The successful application of new ideas generated at the intersection of insight and invention, which leads to the creation of social or economic value Insight understanding the context, histories and work of others Invention finding and developing the best ideas Application putting ideas into practice Value capturing outcomes, impact and learning

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