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Session 3: Secret key cryptography – block ciphers – part 1. Block ciphers - definition. Block cipher encryption provides confidentiality by transforming a plaintext message into a ciphertext message, by means of a special function.
Block ciphers - definition • Block cipher encryption provides confidentiality by transforming a plaintext message into a ciphertext message, by means of a special function. • The precise function implemented by the block cipher is determined by a secret key.
Block ciphers - definition • The principal difference between a stream cipher and a block cipher: • A stream cipher contains memory, embodied in its current state. • A block cipher is memoryless outside its current block and therefore has no current state.
Block ciphers - definition • Block ciphers operation: • A plaintext message is partitioned into a series of blocks. • These blocks are then encrypted one block at a time. • A block cipher can also be used as a component in a stream cipher, message authentication codes (MACs), hash functions, and signature schemes.
Block ciphers - definition • Block cipher encryption is a form of symmetric-key encryption. • Both transmitter and receiver of the ciphertext have knowledge of the secret key. • Example: the substitution cipher, and the transposition cipher are essentially block ciphers.
Block ciphers - definition • A block cipher is a vectorial Boolean function E : {0, 1}K × {0, 1}N→ {0, 1}N that takes two inputs: • a K-bit key k ; • an N-bit plaintext P. • It returns an N-bit ciphertext C = E(k, P).
Block ciphers - definition • For any block cipher, and any key k, the function Ek is a permutation on {0, 1}N. • This means that it is a bijection - a one-to-one mapping of {0, 1}N to {0, 1}N. • Since it is a bijection, it has an inverse, • Since E is invertible, decryption is possible.
Block ciphers - definition • Both the cipher and its inverse E−1 should be easily computable: • Given k, P, we can compute E(k, P). • Given k, C, we can compute E−1(k,C). • The key k should be chosen uniformly at random.
Block ciphers - design • The aim of the block cipher design is to make it practically impossible to retrieve the plaintext from the ciphertext without knowledge of the K-bit secret key. • Since decryption is only possible if the encryption function is invertible (i.e. if it is a bijection) the choice of possible N-bit block ciphers is restricted to one of (2N)! block ciphers.
Block ciphers - design • Of all these (2N)! block ciphers, only 2K are used, because of the parameterization by the key. • In practice, these 2K block ciphers that are actually used constitute an infinitesimally small fraction of (2N)! possible block ciphers.
Example: N=3, K=2 • A 3-bit block cipher with 2 bits of key. • There are (2N)! = 8! = 40320 possible permutations, of which only 2K = 22 = 4 permutations are used. • Let these permutations be: • k=00, p0=(4,6,1,8,5,7,3,2) • k=01, p1=(5,2,7,1,8,6,4,3) • k=10, p2=(8,6,2,1,3,4,5,7) • k=11, p3=(3,8,6,2,4,7,5,1)
Example (cont.) • Let us choose k=00, which means: • k=00, p0=(4,6,1,8,5,7,3,2) • or: • The corresponding block cipher, Ek:
Example (cont.) • The inverse permutation: • P0’=(3,8,7,1,5,2,6,4) • or: • The corresponding inverse block cipher, Ek-1:
Example (cont.) • Let us encipher X=101. • The corresponding address is 5. • Y=Ek(X)=Ek(5)=001. • Deciphering: Y=001. • The corresponding address is 1. • Ek-1(Y)=Ek-1(1)= 101=X.
Block ciphers - design • The problem of block cipher design: • determine which set of 2K block ciphers to choose such that, for an unknown fixed key, it is virtually impossible to say anything about the ciphertext resulting from a known or chosen plaintext; • given prior knowledge of a few plaintext/ciphertext pairs it should be impossible to say anything about the fixed key.
Block ciphers - design • Any effective block cipher scheme must be realized efficiently in time and space, with as little implementation cost as possible. • The practical trade-off is to design a block cipher which is both sufficiently secure, and satisfactorily efficient in terms of hardware/software space and time resources.
Block ciphers - design • A block cipher with a secret key is considered perfect if, for all plaintexts P and ciphertexts C, it holds that Pr(P|C)=Pr(P). • If, for a fixed K-bit key, an N-bit block cipher is used to encrypt K/N plaintexts, then the cipher can always be chosen to be the one-time pad. • In this special case, the encryption is provably secure and the block cipher is perfect.
Block ciphers - design • In most situations the one-time pad is impractical as far too many secret keys must be used. • Therefore it is highly desirable to securely encrypt T plaintexts using the same, fixed K-bit secret key, where T >> K/N .
Block ciphers - design • Most modern block ciphers seek to maximize T, whilst still achieving an acceptable security. • This is achieved via a combination of: • confusion, which makes the relationship between key and ciphertext as complicated as possible, and • diffusion, which seeks to eliminate any redundancy in the plaintext. Diffusion also makes it difficult for any attacker to partially approximate the cipher.
Block ciphers - design • Confusion: • The relation between the key and the ciphertext must be as complex as possible. • Thus, the statistics of the ciphertext is not significantly influenced by the plaintext statistics. • Confusion is achieved by means of substitution (through non linear functions, so called S boxes).
Block ciphers - design • Diffusion: • Diffusion annihilates the influence of the redundancy of the plaintext on the ciphertext. • It is achieved by making every letter of the ciphertext dependent on as much plaintext letters as possible (by means of linear transformations such as permutations).
Block ciphers - design • Theoretically, the ideal block cipher, from a security viewpoint, would involve one very large, well-chosen N-bit Substitution Box (S-Box), keyed by K key bits and, • ideally, it would be impossible to decompose this S-box into smaller sub-units. • Such a block cipher would have a huge implementation complexity.
Block ciphers - design • Any practical block cipher combines relatively small sub-units to confuse (S-boxes) and diffuse (linear transformation layers) the plaintext. • These sub-units are applied iteratively as keyed rounds, parameterized by sub-keys, which are derived from the master K-bit key. • This decomposition into practical sub-units constitutes a trade-off between security and acceptable complexity.
Block ciphers - design • A key-schedule is needed to derive round keys from a master key. • It is an accepted design principle that encryption using a block cipher, selected via a randomly-chosen key, should look like encryption by a randomly-chosen invertible function over N bits.
Block ciphers - design • Basic design types of block ciphers: • Feistel ciphers • Substitution-permutation networks. • Both design philosophies have their advantages and disadvantages. • It is possible to combine these design types in a single block cipher (rarely used, e.g. SC2000). • There is no agreement about the best design philosophy for block ciphers.
Feistel ciphers • A basic Feistel cipher takes 2t plaintext bits, and is a permutation, F, which uses m round permutations, Fi: • Where ◦ is a composition of functions, i.e.
Feistel ciphers • Round i acts on t bits, R (right), by means of the keyed nonlinear function, fi, and XORs the result with other t bits, L (left). • The L and R halves are then swapped. • After the i-th round, we have: • [L’ R’] becomes the new input [L,R] to the round i + 1.
Feistel ciphers • F and the Fi must be permutations, but the fi need not be. • It takes two rounds before all plaintext bits have been acted on in a nonlinear way. • In the decryption process, the same functions are used, but with the round keys used in reverse order.
Feistel ciphers • Example of a round:
Feistel ciphers • Examples of Feistel design: • LUCIFER (author: Horst Feistel) • DES (Data Encryption Standard) • MISTY1 • KASUMI (used in UMTS) • CAMELLIA • FEAL • etc.
Substitution-permutation networks • A substitution-permutation network (SPN) separates the role of confusion and diffusion in the cipher. • The cipher is also decomposed into iterative rounds. • Each round comprises a layer of non linear functions (often S-boxes), followed by a linear layer (often a permutation). • The non linear layer provides the confusion. • The linear layer provides the diffusion.
Substitution-permutation networks • The separating of the tasks of confusion and diffusion allows the designer to maximise nonlinearity for the non linear layer, and maximise information spread for the diffusion layer. • Examples of SPN design: • AES (Rijndael) (Advanced Encryption Standard) • IDEA • etc.
Non linear transformations • Non linearity in block ciphers is usually introduced by means of tables, so called S-boxes. • There are also designs without explicit S-boxes. Instead, integer addition and multiplication, discrete logarithm and exponentiation, etc. are used (examples of such ciphers are IDEA, RC6, etc.)
Non linear transformations • S-boxes can be very simple. For example, S-boxes of Rijndael and Camellia are essentially X-1 over GF(28). • Regarding the relation with the key, S-boxes can be • Key dependent • Key independent.
Non linear transformations • Almost perfect non linear functions (APN) – resistant to certain attacks against block ciphers (differential and linear cryptanalysis): • Let f(x) be a mapping: GF(pn)→GF(pn). • Let N(a,b) denote the number of solutions xGF(pn) of the equation f(x+a)–f(x)=b, a,b GF(pn). • Let f = max{N(a,b) | a,bGF(pn), a≠0}.
Non linear transformations • For linear functions, f(x+a)=f(x)+f(a). • So, f(x+a)-f(x)=f(x)+f(a)-f(x)=f(a). • Thus for linear functions b=f(a), which means that every x satisfies the equation. • A completely contrary case: only 1 solution of the equation – the “most nonlinear” function f(x).
Non linear transformations • If f =k , the mapping is called differentially k uniform. • For applications in cryptography, f should be as small as possible. • If p is odd, there exist functions for which f = 1 → perfect nonlinear functions (PN). • Functions of the form f(x)=xd over GF(pn), p prime, are of special interest.
Non linear transformations • Theorem 1: • f(x)=xd is a mapping over GF(pn), p>2. • Then f(x) is 1-uniform (PN) in the following cases: • d=2; • d=pk+1, n/(n,k) is odd; • d=(3k+1)/2, p=3, k odd, (n,k)=1. • Since for the most interesting case, p=2, PN functions do not exist, we use APN.
Non linear transformations • APN functions →f = 2. • For p = 2, if x is a solution of f(x+a)-f(x)=b, so is x+a. • Thus f = 2 is the smallest possible value when p=2. • This means that the restricted meaning of “almost” is not justified in this case.
Non linear transformations • Theorem 2: • f(x)=xd is a mapping over GF(2n). • Then f(x) is APN in the following cases: • n=2m+1: • d=2n-2; • d=2k+1, (n,k)=1, 1km; (Gold’s function) • d=22k-2k+1, (n,k)=1, 2km; (Kasami’s function) • d=2m+3; (Welch’s function) • d=2m + 2m/2 − 1 (even m), 2m + 2(3m+1)/2 − 1 (odd m); (Niho’s function)
Non linear transformations • Theorem 2 (cont.): • n=2m: • d=2k+1, (n,k)=1, 1km; (Gold’s function) • d=22k-2k+1, (n,k)=1, 2km; (Kasami’s function). • An exponent d’ is equivalent to d if there is t such that d’=2td. • An S-box can be obtained by means of a linear transform of a power function xd of this type. • The Hamming weight of d is equal to the non linear order of the S-box obtained from xd.
Non linear transformations • Example: Use the Kasami exponent to design a 7-bit S-box. • n=7, m=3, 2k3. • Let us choose k=2. (2,7)=1. • Then d=22k-2k+1 = 24-22+1=13. • The Hamming weight of d=1310=11012 is 3, so the non linear order of the S-box will be 3. • We now pick an irreducible polynomial of degree n=7, f(x)=x7+x+1.
Non linear transformations • Example (cont.): • We also pick polynomials a(x) and b(x) at random, deg a(x)<n, deg b(x)<n. For example, let a(x)=x5+x4+x+1, b(x)=x4+x. • The general linear function F(x)=ax+b is used to transform xd linearly, i.e. S(x)=F(x)◦xd=F(xd)=axd+b, a,b,xGF(27). • Thus, the S-box is S(x)=a(x)xd+b(x) mod f(x), x=0,…,2n-1.
Non linear transformations • Example (cont.): • For any primitive element , the field elements of GF(27) determined by f(x)=x7+x+1 are: • 0=1→0000001 7= +1 →000011 • 1= →0000010 8= 2+ →0000110 • 2= 2→0000100 9= 3+2→0001100 • 3= 3→0001000 10= 4+3→0011000 • 4= 4→0010000 11= 5+4→0110000 • 5= 5→0100000 12= 6+5→1100000 • 6= 6→1000000 13= 6++1 →1000011 …
Non linear transformations • Example (cont.): • Then (i)13= (i13) mod 127: • (0)13=1→0000001 • (1)13=13= 6++1→1000011 • (2)13=26= 6+5+2+1→1100101 • (3)13=39= 5+4+3+ →0111010 • … • (10)13=130 mod 127=3→0001000 • …
Non linear transformations • Example (cont.): • Every (i)d= (id) mod 127 should now be multiplied by a(x) mod f(x) and b(x) is added to the result. So we finally get: • 0=0000001→a(x)+b(x)→ 5+1→0100001 • 1=0000010→((x5+x4+x+1)(x6+x+1)+(x4+x)) mod (x7+x+1) →5+3+2→0101100 • The addresses should be given in the increasing order, from 0000000 to 1111111, and the corresponding values of S are given for every address → S-box.
Commonly used designs • Feistel ciphers: • DES (triple DES, etc.) • KASUMI • … • Substitution-permutation networks: • Rijndael (AES) • IDEA • …
DES • The block cipher most implemented in practice is (still, as triple DES) DES (Data Encryption Standard), introduced in USA by NBS (National Bureau of Standards) in 1974. • The length of the block in this cipher is 64 bits and the length of the key is 56 bits. • DES works alternatively over two halves of the block to be enciphered.
DES • First, an initial fixed permutation of the input block is performed. • Then the block is divided into two halves. • After that, a modular operation is realized 16 times (“rounds"). • This operation consists of summing modulo 2 the left part with a function of the right part F(Ki), managed by the subkey Ki, i=1,…,16, where i is the ordinal number of the round. • After that, the left and the right parts are interchanged.
DES • The initial permutation is represented in the following way in the standard FIPS 46-3: • 58 50 42 34 26 18 10 2 60 52 44 36 28 20 12 4 • 62 54 46 38 30 22 14 6 64 56 48 40 32 24 16 8 • 57 49 41 33 25 17 9 1 59 51 43 35 27 19 11 3 • 61 53 45 37 29 21 13 5 63 55 47 39 31 23 15 7 • This means that the 58th bit of input becomes the 1st bit of output, 50th bit of input becomes the 2nd bit of output, etc.