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University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Faculty of Hudrotechnics. Speciality: Hydraulic Engineering (German language teaching course) Subject: “Water Supply Sewerage, Water and Wastewater Treatment” Lecturer : Prof. D.Sc. Eng. Roumen Arsov Sofia, February - April 2003.
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and GeodesyFaculty of Hudrotechnics Speciality: Hydraulic Engineering (German language teaching course) Subject: “Water Supply Sewerage, Water and Wastewater Treatment” Lecturer: Prof. D.Sc. Eng. Roumen Arsov Sofia, February - April 2003
Subject:“Water Supply, Sewerage, Water and Wastewater Treatment”Teaching language: English Main Chapters: I. Water Supply Networks and Facilities II. Sewer Networks and Facilities III. Water Treatment Technologies IV. Wastewater Treatment Technologies
“Water Supply, Sewerage, Water and Wastewater Treatment” RECCOMMENDABLE LITERATURE: 1. Arsov, R., Lecture Notes (Power Point slides), UACEG, Sofia, 2003 2. Tchobanoglous, G., Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal and Reuse, Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., Mc Graw-Hill, Inc., N.Y., 1991 3. Walker, R., Water Supply, Treatment and Distribution, Prentice-Hill, Engl. Cliffs, 1978 4. Fair, G., J. Geyer and D. Ocun, Water and Wastewater Engineering, vol. I and vol. II, John Wiley, N.Y., 1966 5. Babbit, H., J. Doland and J. Cleasly, Water Supply Engineering, Mc Graw-Hill, N.Y., 1962
I. Water Supply Networks and FacilitiesTopic I.1. Basic Water Supply Systems and Schemes Water Supply Systems Definition: A complex of engineering works and measures aimed at catch, transportation, purification, storage and deliver of water to the consumers with necessary quantity, quality and pressure in a compliance with the best technical and economical practice. Basic elements: • Water intakes - from surface waters and groundwater • Pumping stations • External pipelines (conduits) - gravity and (pumping) pressurised • Reservoirs - collecting, service (distribution), storage, (artificial) lakes • Distribution(water supply) networks • Pipelines and distribution networks facilities - chambers, valves, fittings
Water Supply Systems Classifications: I. According to the objects they serve • Potable water supply - settlements, industrial enterprises • Industrial water supply - industrial processes • Fire water supply - fire fighting • Combine water supply - multipurpose use II. According to the scale • Local - separate buildings, farms, etc. • Centralised - all consumers in a settlement • Separate - one settlement with one/several sources • Group - several settlements in a network with several sources • Multipurpose - for combined water supply, electric power generation and/or irrigation
Water Supply Schemes General definition: A complex of the elements of the water supply system, interconnected in a definite order and according to the technological requirements and terrain topography. Additional explanations: • The water supply system include the number and the kind of the elements of the system and differ according to the way of the elements connections. • Any water supply system could be realised through different water supply schemes.
Scheme of aGroup Water Supply System 1 - reservoir (lake) 2 - lake water intake 3 - water treatment plant 4, 8 - gravity pipelines 5, 6, 12 - service reservoirs 7 - distribution chamber 9 - receiving reservoir 10 - pumping station 11 - pressurised pipeline Water Supply Systems and Schemes
Scheme of a Multipurpose (Complex) Water Supply System 1 - dam water intake 2 - reservoir (lake) 3, 8, 10 - gravity pipeline 4 - upper reservoir 5 - pressurised gravity pipeline 6 - electric power plant 7 - downstream reservoir 9 - water treatment plant 11 - service (distribution) reservoir 12 - feeding pipeline 13 - settlement 14 - water intake for irrigation Water Supply Systems and Schemes
Water Supply Systems III. According to the way of water transportation • Gravity • Pumping • Combine IV. According to kind of the source • From surface water • From ground water • Combined
Scheme of a Gravity Water Supply System (with spring water intake) 1 - spring water intake 2 - gravity conduit 3 - service (distribution) reservoir 4 - feeding pipe (feeder) 5 - distribution network Water Supply Systems and Schemes
Scheme of a Pumping Water Supply System (with groundwater intake) 1 -drilled well (water intake) 2 - well head 3 - receiving reservoir 4 - pumping station 5 - pressurised pipeline 6 - service (distribution) reservoir 7 - feeding pipeline 8 - distribution network Water Supply Systems and Schemes
Scheme of a Pumping Water Supply System (with river water intake) 1 - water source (river) 2 - water intake (WI) 3 - pumping station (PS) Ist stage 4 - water treatment plant (WTP) 5 - reservoir (R) 6 - pumping station IInd stage 7 - pressurised pipe (conduit) 8 - service (distribution) reservoir 9 - main conduit (feeding pipeline) 10 - settlement Water Supply Systems and Schemes
Water Supply Systems V. According to the stages of water use • Single • Recycling • Consecutive • Combine
Scheme of a Recycling Water Supply System 1 - water intake 2 - pumping station for raw water 3, 6 - pressurised pipeline 4 - water treatment plant 5 - pumping station for purified water 7 - industrial enterprise 8 - conduit for recycling water 9 - pipe for potable (tape) water Water Supply Systems and Schemes
Water Supply Systems VI. According to the water supply security • I category - 30 % water quantity reduction for 72 hours, with 95% security in respect to the mean daily flowrate; • II category - 30 % water quantity reduction for 10 days and water supply break for 6 hours, with 90 % security in respect to the mean daily flowrate; • III category - 30 % water quantity reduction for 10 days and water supply break for 6 hours, with 85 % security in respect to the mean daily flowrate;