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FP 6 Integrated Project: FUETRA Proposal

FP 6 Integrated Project: FUETRA Proposal. Background. TWG-ADS Roadmap, Fuel Cycle sub-group report recommendations, Fuel Cycle studies (CEA, ITU, NEA...) EFTTRA collaboration FP5 projects: FUTURE (Oxides), CONFIRM (Nitrides), THORIUM (Thorium Oxides)

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FP 6 Integrated Project: FUETRA Proposal

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  1. FP 6 Integrated Project: FUETRA Proposal Background • TWG-ADS Roadmap, Fuel Cycle sub-group report recommendations, Fuel Cycle studies (CEA, ITU, NEA...) • EFTTRA collaboration • FP5 projects: FUTURE (Oxides), CONFIRM (Nitrides), THORIUM (Thorium Oxides) • National programmes and international collaborations: ECRIX, CAMIX/COCHIX, DOE-CEA, FZK-CEA-ITU... • FUETRA and ADOPT meetings ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

  2. Actinides Radiotoxicity • Ingestion radiotoxicity for one ton of spent PWR fuel • Common data base: FZK, CEA, ITU • ICRP72, 50 GWd/tHM burnup • Reference radiotoxicity level: Unat needed to fabricate 1 ton fuel ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

  3. Fuel Cycle Strategies • Full multi-recycling: - Pu: 99.5 % P&T efficiency - Am, Cm: 95 - 99% • Partial multi-recycling: - Pu: 99. 5 % P&T efficiency • - Am, Cm: 90 % • Reference level reached after 500 - 1500 years • Fuels and targets studies must be coherent with these strategies ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

  4. FP 6 Integrated Project: FUETRA Proposal Recommended work directions • Specialise work in Europe on oxide (alt. nitrides) fuels: design, fabrication, irradiation; relate fuel types to P&T strategy • Keep expertise on nitrides and metals by completing existing projects and enhancing international collaboration • Integrating the various projects to better coordinate the work programmes and concentrate on main objectives • Review the whole fuel cycle including fuel safety, licensing, reprocessing aspects • Concerning reprocessing, prepare FP6 project in coordination with PARTITION cluster; define available irradiated fuels ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

  5. FP 6 Integrated Project: FUETRA Proposal Objectives • In-pile behaviour demonstration of selected oxide fuels for MA transmutation • In particular, study of Helium formation and release mechanisms • Comparison with other fuel types through FP5 PIE and enhanced collaboration • Determination of materials properties, and development of models and calculation tools (thermomechanical, safety) • Address the particular case of Curium • Definition of work to be completed for fuel selection and licensing ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

  6. FP 6 Integrated Project: FUETRA Work Packages Proposal • WP1: Coordination (including integration of US and JPN partners) • WP2 : Oxide fuels (including composites) • - Fabrication, irradiation and PIE (2004-2007) of 4 zirconia-based Am/Pu pins in HFR (study of Helium) • - Boron-doped experiment in HFR (2004-2005) (study of He ) • - Fabrication, irradiation in Phenix of 4 fuel pins (2003-2007): 2 (Pu,Am)O2+MgO pins, 1 (U,Pu,Am)O2 as link with Superfact and 1 CERMET (Zr,Pu,Am)O2 + metal • - Fuel property determination and fuel behaviour modelling • - PIE of one KWO Th-MOX segment • WP3 : Nitride fuels • - PIE on FP5 fuels (CONFIRM)- Reprocessing tests by Partitioning Cluster • - Fabrication and Irradiation in Phenix of 2 LANL Am,Pu,Zr nitride pins • - Introduction of nitride matrices in Boron experiment • - Out-of-pile temperature stability tests • - Results of PIE of US LANL and JAERI experiments on nitrides • - Fuel property determination and fuel behaviour modelling (incl. Core safety) ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

  7. FP 6 Integrated Project: FUETRA Work Packages Proposal • WP4: Metallic fuels • - Fabrication and Irradiation in Phenix of 2 ANL Am/Pu metal pins • - Results of PIE of US ANL experiments on metals • - Fuel property determination and fuel behaviour modelling • WP5: Curium management • - Study of Curium management (separation, fuel form, transmutation rate) as a function of P&T strategy • - Feasibility of Cm fuel fabrication • WP 6: Fuel cycle roadmap • - Comparison of fuel types vs strategy • - Core safety calculations • - Definition of further steps to implement a large scale demonstration, and of fuel design and licensing requirements ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

  8. WP1: Coordination (including integration of US and JPN partners) • Est. Budget: 1000kE RTD/FP6: 500kE • WP2: Oxide fuels (including composites) • Est. Budget: 11800 kE RTD/FP6: 5700 kE • WP3: Nitride fuels • Est. Budget: 5900 kE RTD/FP6: 950 kE • WP4: Metallic fuels Est. Budget: 3900 kE RTD/FP6: 150 kE • WP5: Curium management Est. Budget: 600 kE RTD/FP6: 300 kE • WP6: Fuel cycle roadmap Est. Budget: 1600 kE RTD/FP6: 400 kE Total: 24800 kE RTD/FP6: 8000 kE FP 6 Integrated Project: FUETRA Work Packages Proposal Very Preliminary Budget Estimate (Dec 02) ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

  9. FP 6 Integrated Project: Fuels and Targets for Transmutation Partnership • Coordinator:To be determined • Research institutes :NRG, CEA, FZK, SCK/CEN, ITU, IE... • Industry:BNFL, EDF,... • Universities, consultants:KTH, SERCO, ... • Non-EU partnership:PSI, DOE+Labs, JAERI? ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

  10. FP 6 Integrated Project: Fuels and Targets for Transmutation Planning • Design of HFR and Phenix experiments must start in 2003; • fabrication planned 2004-2005 • To meet irradiation targets, FP6 Contracts should be decided by early • 2004 at the latest • FP5 results (FUTURE, in 2003-2004) will be used for • irradiation design work; CONFIRM results (2006-07) used for fuels • comparison study; THORIUM as well • HFR irradiation (HELIOS): 2005-2006 • HFR Boron experiment (BOREX): 2004 • FUTURIX irradiation: 2006-2007 (PIE in FP7) • Modelling: Oxides (2004-2006); nitrides+metals (2005-2007) • Curium: 2005-2007 • Fuel cycle roadmap and safety studies: 2006-2007 ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

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