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  2. BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY • Postgraduate students are those pursuing masters, doctoral and postgraduate diploma degrees. • Postgraduate students should possess certain qualities. • Postgraduate students may enrol for their studies with little or no knowledge about library services and resources for their research, learning and other scholarly activities.

  3. BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY CONT’D... • Research is the most important component of postgraduate studies (Smith, 2006). • Research enables postgraduate students to systematically investigate society’s problems and proffer solutions to them. • For postgraduate students to conduct research, they need the university libraries

  4. BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY CONT’D... • University libraries have the responsibility for providing resources (print and electronic) to meet their research needs. • E-resources as defined by Ekwelem, Okafor and Ukwoma (2009) are information sources that are available and can be accessed electronically through such computer-networked facilities as online library catalogues, the internet and the World Wide Web, CD-ROM databases et cetera. • E-resources are often faster than consulting print indexes, especially when searching retrospectively, and they are straight forward when using combinations of keywords. Ray and Day (1998) and Tenopir (2003) • University libraries invest substantial sums of money on provision of e-resources for improved academic perfomance of postgraduate students.

  5. BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY CONT’D... • postgraduate students have not optimally utilized these enormous resources for their daily scholarly activities (Mutula, 2004 and Ozoemelem, 2009). • Factors that could influence the use of e-resources are: user education, computer literacy (Moskal, Dziuban, Upchurch, Hartman and Truma ,2006), age and library use (Kidd,2002), gender, status, subject discipline and demographics( Tenopir 2003).

  6. BACKGROUNG TO THE STUDY CONT’D... • Cram (2008) defined user education as an attempt to change the behaviour of an individual who will be developing a search strategy to retrieve useful information. • User education is critical for retrieving e-resources for scholarly work. • It is required to afford postgraduate students retrieve accurate and adequate electronic information.

  7. BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY CONT’D... Computer literacy • Idowu, Adagunodo, and Idowu (2004) define computer literacy as the ability to make use of computer system to word process documents, analyse data, and develop small computer programmes, browse the Internet and install software. • postgraduates with adequate computer literacy may be able to access, retrieve and use e-resources.

  8. BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY CONT’D... ICT accessibility • ICT accessibility refers to the ‘how’ and ‘where’ users access e-resources. The ‘how’ refers to the gateways used to access e-resources and the ‘where’ refers to the location where the service could be used (Ismail and Zainab, 2007) • Increased ICT access points may increase the use of e-resources by postgraduate students.

  9. Statement of the Problem • University libraries in Nigeria are now providing resources in electronic formats. • low level usage of e-resources by postgraduates • This may be attributed due to inadequate user education, computer literacy and ICT accessibility • The study seeks, in particular to investigate the influence of user education, computer literacy and ICT accessibility in postgraduate students’ use of e-resources in university libraries in Nigeria

  10. Objectives of the Study • The main objective of this study is to investigate if user education, computer literacy and ICT accessibility will influence the use of e-resources among postgraduate students’ in federal university libraries in Nigeria. The specific objectives are to: • Find out the e-resources available in the federal university libraries; • find out the purpose of using e-resources by postgraduate students; • determine the frequency of use of e-resources by postgraduate students in federal university libraries in Nigeria ;

  11. The specific objectives Cont’d • ascertain the level of library user education possessed by postgraduate students; • measure the computer literacy level of the students; • assess the extent of ICT accessibility for using e-resources by postgraduate students in university libraries Nigeria ; • ascertain the relationship between user education and the use of e-resources by postgraduate students in university libraries in Nigeria; • determine the relationship between computer literacy level of the postgraduate students and their use of e-resources in the libraries; • find out the relationship of ICT accessibility and use of e-resources by postgraduate students in federal university libraries Nigeria; • determine the composite influence of the independent variables (user education, computer literacy and ICT accessibility) on use of e-resources.

  12. Research Questions The study will answer the following research questions: • What are the e-resources available for use to postgraduate students? • What is the purpose of e-resources use by postgraduate students in federal university libraries Nigeria? • What is the frequency of use of e-resources by postgraduate students in federal university libraries Nigeria? • What is the level of user education possessed by the postgraduate students? • What is the computer literacy level of the postgraduate students? • How accessible are ICT facilities to postgraduate students to use e-resources in federal university libraries Nigeria?

  13. Hypotheses The following null hypotheses will be tested in the study at 0.05 level of significance: • There is no significant relationship between user education provision and use of e-resources by postgraduate students in university libraries in Nigeria. • There is no significant relationship between postgraduate students’ computer literacy and their use of e-resources. • There is no significant relationship between ICT accessibility in university libraries in Nigeria and use of e-resources by postgraduate students. • There is no significant composite influence of user education, computer literacy and ICT accessibility on postgraduate students’ use of e-resources.

  14. Scope of the study • The postgraduate students include those pursuing Master, Mphil/PhD and PhD degrees only, postgraduate diploma students are excluded. • Various e-resources such as e-journal, e- manuscript, e-maps, e-books, e-research reports, e-bibliographic databases, e- theses e-newspapers etcetera.

  15. Significance of the study • Influence postgraduate students to use e-resources • Development of the nation (Nigeria) • University librarians will benefit: • setting a conducive e-resources policy use and designing effective products and services in university libraries • designing a better user education method for PGS • The university libraries would benefit by conserving space meant to place print materials and thereby utilizing these spaces to create more access points for e-resources use and this also will translate into better ergonomics • Addition of literature on librarianship in the area of user studies

  16. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter reviews related existing literature under the following headings: • Research needs of postgraduate students and university libraries in Africa. • ICT use for research and its application by postgraduate students in university libraries • E-resources and their use by postgraduate students in university libraries • User education and use of e-resources by postgraduate students in university libraries • Computer literacy and use of e-resources by postgraduate students in university libraries • ICT Accessibility and use of e-resources by postgraduate students in university libraries • Theoretical framework • Conceptual model • Appraisal of literature reviewed

  17. Research needs of postgraduate students and university libraries in Africa • Urgent research needs of postgraduate students (PGS) in African university libraries: • Internet Access (Agboola, 2010), • New emerging research methods (Musoke, 2008), • Computer literacy (Blignant and Els 2010), • User education (Tsai and Tsai,2003), • Suitable space (Rempel,Chritian and Mellinger 2011). Etc.

  18. ICT use for research and its application by postgraduate students in university libraries: • Types of ICT in most university libraries world over include: • Computers, • Internet connectivity, • Printers, • Scanners, and • Video Recorders etc.(Islam & Islam 2007 and Ozoemelem, 2009) • ICT use and its application has advantages to both university libraries and PGS • University libraries in Nigeria are showcasing different stages of ICT applications.

  19. E-resources and their use by postgraduate students in university libraries • E –resources use by PGS in university libraries saves their time, meets their information needs and has broken geographical barriers to information sources (Sharma, 2009). • Many African University libraries have introduced e-resources because of their benefits to PGS academic performance. • E-resources use in university libraries in Nigeria shows that an update is desirable, especially for PG research students (Akintunde, 2006).

  20. User education and use of e-resources by postgraduate students in university libraries • User education programme in university libraries provide course related instruction and other interventions to support students develop their information skills (Klaid, 2009). • Previous studies have argued that user education is necessary for effective search and use of e-resources by PGS in university libraries (Busayo, 2003; Adeleke & Olorunsola, 2010; Islam & Tsuji, 2010). • Considering that university libraries is one of the sophisticated information systems, PGS can derive maximum benefits from it, only if they are thought how to retrieve needed electronic information through user education (Popoola & Zaid, 2007).

  21. Computer literacy and use of e-resources by postgraduate students in university libraries • In an automated library environment, PGS cannot find books by searching in a card catalogue, but they must use computerised database (Hall, 2005). • However, most PGS possessed ordinary computer literacy skills (Dange, 2010). • Nevertheless, computer literacy can be a tremendous asset for retrieving e-resources in university libraries by PGS.

  22. ICT Accessibility and use of e-resources by postgraduate students in university libraries • Accessibility is a significant theme in library science. • University libraries provides access to e-resources through such means as: e-book readers, Sony Reader, Computers, Internet connectivity, WebPages and E-reserves etc(Behler, 2009;Muswazi, 2009 & Vasich, 2010) • There are inadequate ICT facilities in university libraries in Nigeria (Oduwole, 2005;Ozoemelem, 2009).

  23. Theoretical Framework • The theoretical framework of this study is based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). • The ultimate goal of TAM is “use” • This has relationship with the dependent variable which is “use of e-resources” For the independent variables (user education and computer literacy, the end goal is “use”. Also, ICT accessibility has relationship with this theory on the basis of “Acceptance "and “use”

  24. Conceptual Model User Education Use of e-resources Computer Literacy ICT Accessibility Conceptual model for user education, computer literacy, ICT accessibility and use of library e-resources (Self constructed).

  25. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY • Research design: descriptive survey research design of the expost facto type. It is correlational . • Study population: comprises Masters, Mphil/PhD and Ph.D, totalling 68,827 in the 16 Federal conventional universities in Nigeria (Table 3.1). And also all the system librarians in the sixteen universities.

  26. Table 3.1 Federal Conventional Universities in Nigeria as at 2011/2012 (Source: The Postgraduate School of the Universities through personal contacts)

  27. Sampling Technique and Sample Size • Multi-stage sampling technique will be adapted for this study. • 10 universities were randomly selected through balloting method (Table 3.2). • four faculties (Arts, Education, Science and Social Sciences) were purposively selected. • Two departments will be selected purposively from each of the selected faculties. • proportionate random sampling technique will be used to select 50% masters’(M) students, 30% Mphil/Ph.D (MP/P) students and 20% Ph.D (P) students (Table 3.2).

  28. Sampling Technique and sample Size Cont’d • A sampling fraction of 5% given a sample size of 2,726 which is adequate because Thomas (2003) recommended sample size of 500 for a population of 9,000. • To have equitable distribution of the postgraduate students in the four faculties selected from each university, 25% of the postgraduate students will be selected from each faculty.

  29. Table 3.2 Samples Selected Based of Faculties/Depts in Each University (Source: The Postgraduate School of the selected Federal Conventional Universities through personal contacts)

  30. Data Collection Instruments • Five instruments were developed by the researcher: • postgraduate students’ questionnaire on library user education (PGQLUE), • postgraduate students’ computer literacy test (PGSCLT), • questionnaire on postgraduate students’ ICT accessibility (QPSIA), • postgraduate students’ questionnaire on use of library e-resources(PGSQULER), • interview checklist for system librarians(ICSL) information not included in the other four instruments.

  31. Validity and Reliability of the Instruments • Face validity • the main instruments were subjected to pilot study, • Instruments PGQLUE, QPSIA and PGSQULER were analyzed with the Cronbach alpha method to determine their reliabilities while instrument PGSCLT was analysed using Split-half method to determine its reliability. • The reliability Coefficient for instrument on: • PGQLUE=0.84, • PGSCLT( Part one=0.77 and Part two=0.72), • QPSIA=0.77 and • PGSQUER=0.79

  32. Method of Data Collection • 40 research assistants will be recruited and trained. • The four major instruments will be administered at once with the aid of the four research assistants per each university to making the administration less cumbersome. • An appeal will be made to postgraduate students lecturers so that the postgraduate student’s computer literacy test be achieved within the stipulated 30 minutes. The researcher will be there physically to facilitate the process. • the researcher will personally conduct the interview exercise on the Systems librarians, after collection of the four major instruments. In all, a total of 10 weeks will be required for data collection.

  33. Method of Data Analysis • Data collected will be analyzed using descriptive statistics viz: frequency counts, percentage, mean standard deviation and weighted average. • Also, Pearson Product Moment Correlation will be used to test for bivariate relationships for hypotheses 1, 2, and 3 and Multiple Regression analysis will be used to test for multiple variables (the combined influence of user education, computer literacy and ICT accessibility) or (composite influence) on one variable (use of e-resources) i.e for hypothesis 4.


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