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Object Oriented Programming in C++

Object Oriented Programming in C++. Chapter 11 STL. S tandard T emplate L ibrary. STL providing generic programming by these three components: Containers Iterators Algorithms. Containers. STL Typical Containers Interfaces Constructors Element access Element insertion Destructor

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Object Oriented Programming in C++

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  1. Object Oriented ProgramminginC++ Chapter 11 STL

  2. Standard Template Library • STL providing generic programming by these three components: • Containers • Iterators • Algorithms

  3. Containers • STL Typical Containers Interfaces • Constructors • Element access • Element insertion • Destructor • Iterators

  4. Iterators • Many algorithms return an identification of an element in a container (list, vector, map, etc.). Such identifications usually have type “iterator”. • iterators know the operator ++ • “sequences” (of elements in a container) are specified by two iterators, pointing to the first and last+1 element, resp. For example: list<int>::iterator p = find(li.begin(),li.end(),42); if (p!=li.end()) { list<int>::iterator q = find(++p,li.end(),42); }

  5. Sequence Containers • Vector • Deque • List

  6. Vector & Deque Example #include <iostream.h> #include <deque> #include <vector> using namespace std; const int SIZE = 100; double sum(const deque<double> &dq) { deque<double>::const_iterator p; double s = 0; for (p=dq.begin(); p != dq.end(); ++p) s += *p ; return s; }

  7. int main() { vector<double> vec(SIZE, 0); deque<double> deq; int i; double sumTotal; // init and output vec for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){ vec[i] = i * 0.6; cout << vec[i] <<"\t"; } deq.push_front(vec.front()); // add an element to the front deq.push_back(vec.back()); // add an element to the back // Insert the remaining elements from the vector between // the first and last deque elements deq.insert(deq.begin()+1, vec.begin()+1, vec.end()-1); sumTotal = sum(deq); cout << "The sum of the deque is : " << sumTotal << endl; }

  8. Stack Example #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <stack> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { stack<string, vector<string> > str_stack; string quote[3] = {"The wheel that squeaks the loudest\n", "Is the one that gets the grease\n", "Josh Billings\n" }; for (int i =0; i < 3; ++i) str_stack.push(quote[i]); while (!str_stack.empty()) { cout << str_stack.top(); str_stack.pop(); } }

  9. Algorithms • Sorting algorithms • Nonmutating sequence algorithms • Mutating sequence algorithms • Numerical algorithms

  10. Quick Sort #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int N = 5; int main() { int d[N], i, *e = d + N; for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) d[i] = rand(); sort(d, e); for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) cout << d[i] << '\t'; }

  11. Nonmutating sequence algorithms #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string words[5] = { "my", "hop", "mop","hope", "cope"}; string* where; where = find(words, words + 5, "hop"); cout << *++where << endl; //mop sort(words, words + 5); where = find(words, words + 5, "hop"); cout << *++where << endl; //hope }

  12. Mutating sequence algorithms #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; int main() { string first_names[5] = {"laura", "nira", "buzz", "debra", "twinkle"}; string last_names[5] = {"peri", "peri","berry", "berry", "star"}; vector<string> names(first_names, first_names + 5); vector<string> names2(10); vector<string>::iterator p; copy(last_names, last_names + 5, names2.begin()); copy(names.begin(), names.end(), names2.begin() + 5); reverse(names2.begin(), names2.end()); for (p = names2.begin(); p != names2.end(); ++p) cout << *p <<'\t'; }

  13. Object Oriented ProgramminginC++ Chapter 12 Input Output

  14. I/O Streams: cin, cout, cerr • cin is an object of class istream and is “tied” to the standard input device, normally the keyboard. • cout is an object of class ostream and is “tied” to the standard output device, normally the screen. • cerr is also an object of class ostream and is linked with the standard error device, normally the screen.

  15. iostream Library Header Files <iostream.h> basic stream input and output operations <iomanip.h> formatted I/O with parametrized stream manipulators <fstream.h> file processing <strstream.h> formatting with character arrays

  16. istream ostream ifstream iostream ofstream fstream Stream Classes ios

  17. Output of Built-in Types class ostream : public virtual ios { ... public: ostream& operator<<(const char*); ostream& operator<<(char); ostream& operator<<(short); ostream& operator<<(int); ostream& operator<<(long); ostream& operator<<(double); ...

  18. The put Member Function main() { char c = ‘X’ ; cout.put(c); cout.put(c).put(‘Y’); }

  19. Input of Built-in Types class istream : public virtual ios { // ... public: istream& operator>>(char *); istream& operator>>(char&); istream& operator>>(short&); istream& operator>>(int&); istream& operator>>(long&); istream& operator>>(float&); ...

  20. The istream::get functions class istream : public virtual ios { ... int get(); istream& get(char& c); istream& get(char* p, int n, char=‘\n’); ... };

  21. get() with no arguments • returns the next input character • reads white space • returns EOF when end of stream is reached

  22. Using get with no arguments main() { char ch; while( (ch = cin.get()) != EOF) cout.put(ch); }

  23. The 3-argument istream::get() • reads at most n-1 characters • stores input into a vector of characters • stores the null character at the end • stops reading when delimeter is encountered • delimeter will be the next character to read

  24. main() { char v[80]; cin.get(v, 80, ‘\n’); char ch; if (cin.get(ch) && ch != ‘\n’) cout << “line is too long\n” ; ...

  25. The ignore Istream Member istream istream::ignore(int n=1, int delim=EOF); • skips the specified number of character the default is 1, or • until the delimiter is reached, the default is EOF.

  26. The putback Istream Member istream& istream::putback(char ch); • places the character argument back onto the input stream #include <iostream.h> istream& skipblanks(istream& s) { char ch; while( (ch=s.get()) == ‘ ‘) ; s.putback(ch); return s; }

  27. Format State class ios { public: enum { skipws=01, //skip white space on input left=02, // padding after value right=04, // padding before value internal=010, //padding between sign/value dec=020, // decimal oct=040, // octal hex=0100, //hexadecimal showbase=0200, // show integer base showpoint=0400, // print trailing zeros uppercase=01000, // ‘E’ ‘X’, not ‘e’ ‘x’ showpos=02000, // explicit ‘+’ for integers scientific=04000, // .dddddd Edd fixed=010000, // dddd.dd unitbuf=020000, //flush after each operation. stdio=040000 //flush after each char. }; // ... };

  28. The flags Member Function • A set of formatting information using the function flags(). int options= ios::right | ios::hex | ios::fixed; cout.flags(options);

  29. flags() (continued) // saving options and setting a new one int old_opt = cout.flags(new_opt); // changing one option without affecting others cout.flags(cout.flags() | ios::showpos ); // restoring old options cout.flags(old_opt);

  30. The setf(long) and unsetf(long) Member Functions • setf(long) sets the options specified by its argument, without changing any of the other options. • unsetf(long) unsets the options specified by its argument.

  31. Formatting Functions class ios { //... public: int width(int w); char fill(char); int precision(int); long setf(long); ... };

  32. The width Member Function • Allows us to specifie the minimum number of characters to be used for the next numeric or string output operations. cout.width(5);

  33. The fill Member function • Allows us to specify the fill character cout.fill(‘#’); (remains in effect until changed)

  34. The precision() Member Function • specifies the floating point precision • the default is 6 • remains set until next call to precision cout.precision(8);

  35. Example cout.width(5); cout.fill(‘*’); cout.setf(ios::left, ios::adjustfield); cout << “x = “ << x ; cout.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield); cout << 1234.56789; output: 1.234568e+03 cout.setprecision(7); cout << 1234.56789 << ‘\n’; output: 1234.569

  36. Manipulators ios& oct(ios&); ios& dec(ios&); ios& hex(ios&); ostream& endl(ostream&); ostream& ends(ostream&); ostream& flush(ostream&); istream& ws(istream&); smanip<int> setbase(int) smanip<int> setfill(int); smanip<int> setprecision(int); smanip<int> setw(int); ...

  37. Example #include <iomanip.h> ... int x = 12; cout << octal << x << endl; ... cin >> octal >> x; … x=123; cout << “x = “ << setw(5) << setfill(‘*’)<< x << endl ;

  38. User-Defined Manipulators main() { cin >> ws >> x; cout << tab << “x = “ << tab << x << endl; }

  39. class ostream : public virtual ios { //... public: ostream& operator<<(ostream& (*f) (ostream&)) { return (*f)(*this); } // ... }; ostream& tab(ostream& os) { return os << ‘\t’ ; }

  40. Files and Streams class ostream : public virtual ios { //... public: ostream& flush(); ostream& seekp(streampos); ostream& seekp(streamoff, seek_dir); streampos tellp(); // ... };

  41. Seek Direction class ios { //... public: enum seek_dir { beg=0, cur=1, end=2 }; //... };

  42. Opening an Output File ofstream of(“data”, ios::out); • in ios::out mode the file is truncated • by default, ofstream implies that the file is opened with the out mode. ofstream of(“data”);

  43. File Open Modes • ios::app Write output to end of file • ios::ate Move to end of file. Allows data to be written anywhere • ios::in Open file for input • ios::out Open file for output • ios::trunc erase file contents • ios::nocreate if file does not exist, the operation fails • ios::noreplace if the file exists, the operation fails

  44. Testing the Success of open if ( ! of ) ... • Possible errors: • opening a non-existent file • attempting to read without permission • attempting to write with no disk space

  45. Closing a File • The file is implicitly closed when the ofstream object is destroyed. • We can explicitly close a file: of.close();

  46. Members of istream class istream : public virtual ios { //... public: int peek(); istream& putback(char c); istream& seekg(streampos); istream& seekg(streamoff, seek_dir); streampos tellg(); //... };

  47. Opening an Input File • By default files are open with in mode: ifstream if(“indata”, ios::in); ifstream if(“indata);

  48. Repositioning a File • Reposition pointer at the beginning: if.seekg(0) • reposition to the nth byte: if.seekg(n); • position y bytes back from end if.seekg(y, ios::end); • position at end of file: if.seekg(0, ios::end);

  49. tellg and tellp • tellg() and telp() return the current position: long pos = if.tellg();

  50. Example - Input #include <iostream.h> #include <fstream.h> #include <iomanip.h> #include <stdlib.h> main() { char name[10]; int quantity; ifstream inf("inventory", ios::in); if( !inf ) { cerr << "Cannot open file\n"; exit(1); } while( inf >> name >> quantity) cout << setiosflags(ios::left) << setw(10) << name << setiosflags(ios::right) << setw(7) << quantity << endl; }

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