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Brandon S. Perelman Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences, Michigan Technological University. A Neural Network Approach to UGV Reconnaissance in MOUT Environments. Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs). Ground-based unmanned systems for transporting items Cargo Sensor packages
Brandon S. Perelman Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences, Michigan Technological University A Neural Network Approach to UGV Reconnaissance in MOUT Environments
Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) • Ground-based unmanned systems for transporting items • Cargo • Sensor packages • Communications packages • Weapons systems • Why UGVs? • “Dull, dirty, and dangerous” jobs • Size / weight constraints • Endurance requirements • Speed • Cost
Sample Domain – Inspection & Assessment, Hazardous Environments iRobot in Fukushima Volcano Exploration Bot
A Way Forward for UGVs • Current State: Nearly all military UGVs are tele-operated. Some autonomous functions. • Goal State: Autonomous UGVs. • Roles for UGVs • Logistics / load carriage • Combat • EOD: Explosive ordinance disposal • RSTA: Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition
Presentation Outline • Brief history of UGV development • Why autonomy in UGVs? • Current approaches to automation • A Way Forward: Neural Networks • Proposed System
Brief History of UGV Development60s and 70s • Shakey (Nilsson, 1969) – DARPA & Stanford • Tele-operated via RF using LISP commands • Automated functions • A* Search algorithm • Sensor package • Video camera • Range finder • Touch sensors
Brief History of UGV Development 70s to 80s • Hans Moravec • Stanford Carnegie Mellon University • “Cart” – autonomous UGV • Movable camera • Locomotion • Navigation & Obstacle Avoidance • Limitations • Incredibly slow (15 minutes per “move”) Source: Gage (1995)
Brief History of UGV Development80s to 90s • DARPA Autonomous Land Vehicle • 8 wheel All-Terrain Vehicle • Road following / obstacle avoidance • RSTA • Ground Surveillance Robot • Automated M114 AFV • TeleOperated Dune Buggy Q: What do these all have in common? A: They’re all huge!
Brief History of UGV Development90s to 2k • Smaller UGVs for RSTA Operations • Surrogate Teleoperated Vehicle • 6-wheeled ATV. Driveable. • Helicopter / HMMWV Transportable • RSTA-specific sensor package • FLIR • Stereo TV • GPS • Laser rangefinder / target designator • Chemical agents detector • Acoustic sensors
Current UGV Systems (all Tele-operated) Afghanistan, 2002- First Use: 2000
Current UGV Systems Outside the United States IDF’s “Guardium” UGV
Why Automation? Hold on bro, I just have to beat this boss
Why Automation? • Reduce human operator burden (Nardi, 2009) and drag on human elements in tactical environments (Lif, Jander, & Borgvall, 2006) • Common to Unmanned Aerial domain • Allow rapid reaction to changing tactical situations (Mills, 2007) without taking a human operator “out of the fight.” • Allow highly aggressive maneuvers beyond human perceptual and control capabilities • Aggressive Quad Rotors (Mellinger, Michael, & Kumar, 2012)
Why Automation? Tele-Operation Interfaces (Fong & Thorpe, 2001) • Direct Interface: UGV controlled from “inside out” • Multimodal / multisensor: Multiple sensors (e.g., instruments like a driver’s cockpit) • Supervisory Control: Partial automation. Operator selects waypoints.
Why Automation? Problems with Tele-Operation • Sensory / Situation Awareness Limitations • Wide FOV sensors provide better SA but can induce motion sickness in human operators (Coovert, Prewett, Saboe, & Johnson, 2010) • Control Limitations • Operator Workload & Practical Considerations (i.e., touchscreen with gloves; Ögren, Svenmarck, Lif, Norberg, & Söderbäck, 2013) • Information transmission bottlenecks • Lag in video to operator transmission, and operator input to unit transmission (Fong & Thorpe, 2001)
Current Approaches to Automation • Environment Sensation • Long Range - ~200m • Video cameras • LADAR • Short Range ~ < 1m • SONAR • Proprioceptive, touch, and acoustic sensors • Localization • GPS • Compass Easily disrupted by environmental contaminants Requires LOS to satellites Easily disrupted by EM fields and lasers
Current Approaches to Automation Sonar (below) and LADAR (right)
Current Approaches to Automation • Environment Perception & Modeling • Point cloud modeling & path optimization algorithms (similar to A* and Dijkstra’s algorithm; e.g. (Whitty, Cossell, Dang, Guivant, & Katupitiya, 2010) • Road-following (Grey, Karlsen, DiBerardino, Mottern, & Kott, 2012) • Person-tracking (Navarro-Serment, Mertz, & Hebert, 2010) • Tactical Behavior • Rule-based systems (e.g. Advocates and Critics for Tactical Behavior; Hussain, Vidaver, & Berliner, 2005)
Current Approaches to Automation Pathfinding Algorithms • A* • Developed for Shakey (60s) • Based on Dijkstra’s algorithm • Produces heuristic solutions to routing problems
Current Approaches to Automation Pathfinding Algorithms • Spreading Activation (Perelman & Mueller, 2013) • Biologically plausible • Often used in neural networks • Creates a topography navigable via hill-climbing
Current Approaches to Automation Pathfinding Algorithms • Occupancy Grid-based Cost to go functions (Whitty et al., 2010) • Robot generates point cloud using LADAR • Point cloud used to create occupancy grid
Current Approaches to Automation Pathfinding Algorithms • Road-following algorithms (Grey, Karlsen, DiBerardino, Mottern, & Kott, 2012) • Determine (usually using LADAR or video) road location usually based on symmetries • Follow road
Challenges to Automation • Sensor Challenges • GPS & Compass • LOS to satellites required. Unrealistic in urban environments. • Impaired by LADAR and movement (Maxwell, Larkin, & Lowrance, 2013) • Proprioceptive Sensors • Temperature-sensitive (Durst & Goodin, 2012) • LADAR (including other laser and radio rangefinders) • Heavily impaired by environmental contaminants like dust (Yamauchi, 2010)
Challenges to Automation • Environmental Challenges • Stairs • Mud & Water (Rankin & Matthies, 2010; Rankin, Matthies, & Bellutta, 2011) • “Fixes” for these depend upon sky reflections detectable via video camera. Useless at night. HELP!!!
A Way Forward • UGV Design Requirements (Mills, 2007) • Heavily armed & armored • Less-than-lethal options for force escalation • Automated – Manual control exception vs. rule • Navigation independent of GPS • Excellent IFF capability • Obstacle recognition • Quiet • Cheap • Lightweight • Reliable • Modular • Interoperable • Capable of tactical behavior Addressed by proposed system Software problem beyond scope of presentation Not Applicable / addressed
A Way Forward: Neural Networks • Neural networks are: • Biologically plausible data structures • Matrices / arrays • Used to model animal and human behavior • Experiential learners – they learn by doing • Computationally inexpensive
A Way Forward: Neural Networks • Neural networks offer: • Simultaneous Reconnaissance Gathering, Data Representation, and Localization • A single mechanism is used to facilitate navigation and data representation for the operator. • Compatibility with highly robust & cheap short-range sensors • Neural networks are often used to model animal behavior. In these models, the perceptual systems have robust and cheap analogs in machine perception. • Inherent Propensity Toward Tactical Behavior • Since the animals that are often modeled are prey animals, navigation based on neural networks encourages stealthy behavior. • No Reliance on GPS • Neural Networks encode memory for the environment and objects in it. No GPS is required for localization or navigation. Now that I’ve promised you the world, you probably want to know how they work…
Neural Networks: Representing the Environment CornuAmmonisregions of hippocampus (CA1 and CA3) Information enters through dentate gyrus CA3: “Cognitive Map” CA1: Goal site representations (the stuff in particular locations)
Neural Networks: Representing the Environment CA1 and CA3: Interconnected layers of pyramidal cells CA3 encodes possible locations in the environment CA1 encodes the contextual information associated with those locations Exploration increases weight of CA3-CA3 connections (environmental familiarity)
Neural Networks: Purposive Navigation Model search trajectory (left) and spreading activation from goal sites generated then suppressed (right)
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