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BARCA CH 4 data analysis

BARCA CH 4 data analysis. Flight 3 (17/06/2009) during BARCA Phase B in the wet season covering wetland area of Rio Negro and Rio Solimões. BARCA Telecon 04-12-2009 MPI for Biogeochemistry Jena.

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BARCA CH 4 data analysis

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  1. BARCA CH4dataanalysis Flight 3 (17/06/2009) during BARCA Phase B in the wet season covering wetland area of Rio Negro and Rio Solimões BARCA Telecon 04-12-2009 MPI forBiogeochemistry Jena

  2. BARCA CH4dataanalysis Phase A: only CH4flaskmeasurementsareavailable; selectedflaskshavebeensentto Utrecht (Thomas Röckmann) for an isotope analysis Phase B : insituandflaskmeasurements – flasksarecurrentlybeinganalyzedandselectedflasksmight also besentto Utrecht thenfor an isotope analysis Comparisonof CH4datato global model output (TM5, TM3, etc.) Comparisonto regional model output (WRF-chem+VPRM-CH4, STILT) BARCA Telecon 04-12-2009 MPI forBiogeochemistry Jena

  3. Modeling plansfor BARCA Phase A and B Weather Research andForecast Model Transport of CO2, CH4and CO Stochastic Time InvertedLagrangian Transport Model Determination of CH4sourcesandsinks WRF-chem STILT ECMWF Data WRF met fields Running WRF with a newmodulegreenhousegases (chem_opt=98, includes VPRM, wetland-model,plumerise,etc.) for BARCA Phase A and Phase B for CH4, CO2and CO STILT runsfor CH4drivenbyeither WRF meteorologicalfieldsor ECMWF data BARCA Telecon 04-12-2009 MPI forBiogeochemistry Jena

  4. WRF Validation • Participation in evaluationandtestingofthe WRF set-upforthe Amazon region (mostlydoneat INPE) • Precipitation/Convection • Evaluation of WRF precipitationoutputagainst TRMM and GPCP data • Radiation • Aeronetdataavailablefor 2002 (sixstations) and 2008/2009 (only Alta Florestaand Rio Branco) • Validation of WRF Amazon setup (lw 1 & sw 2 options) againstAeronetdatafor BARCA Phase A and Phase B •  also interestingforuseof VPRM Solar radiation Rio Branco May 2009 BARCA Telecon 04-12-2009 MPI forBiogeochemistry Jena

  5. WRF runs Taggedtracer WRF runsfor BARCA Phase A and Phase B for CH4, CO2and CO toscale different sources in comparisonwiththeobservatios Subroutinesfor VPRM, wetland model (Kaplan wetlandinventory) andtermitesarecombinedunderthenewmodule_greenhouse_gases (chem_opt=98) which also usestheplumrisemechanism VPRM parameters & preprocessing Until global fieldsof CH4, CO2and CO areavailablefor 2008 and 2009, 5°x5° fieldsinterpolatedfrom NOAA surfacestationsareusedforinitialandboundaryconditions Couldsomebodyalreadyprovidethe NOAA surfacestationdatafor May 2009? The WRF biomassburningpreprocessorwrf_chem_prep_source was installed in Jena andbiomassburningemissionsestimates (includingtheModissatellitedata) cannowbeprovided on WRF andLat/Lon grid also in netcdfoutput Wewould still needthesatellitedatafor May 2009 (WF_ABBA & DSA) EDGAR 4 dataareusedforanthropogenicsources – CO data? Importanceofvegetation CH4sourceandsoiluptake CH4 still hastobediscussed BARCA Telecon 04-12-2009 MPI forBiogeochemistry Jena

  6. WRF CH4 fluxmaps Termite Wetland 1 Wetland 2 CH4 wetland fluxes 1 CH4 wetland fluxes 2 BARCA Telecon 04-12-2009 MPI forBiogeochemistry Jena

  7. STILT runsfor BARCA STILT toprovideconsistentfootprintinformation -> Source regionidentification Fast forwardtaggedtracerrunsforreceptorsalongflightpath -> hypothesistestingfor different fluxes Inverse analysis (nestedinversion) -> optimal sourceconfiguration BARCA Telecon 04-12-2009 MPI forBiogeochemistry Jena

  8. STILT runsfor BARCA Status Domain setup (-35 -85 Lat Lon south-west, 15 -30 Lat Lon north-east) shouldbeidenticalto VY domain! STILT-ECMWF: ECMWF preprocessingfor Phase A and B running STILT-WRF: waitingfor WRF fields Couplingtofluxes: Biomassburningfields (C. Wiedenmyer (UCAR)) available asncdf EDGAR V4 andothersused in WRF-chemneedpreprocessingtocartesiangrid VPRM parametersandfields -> VY domain? BARCA Telecon 04-12-2009 MPI forBiogeochemistry Jena

  9. STILT runsfor BARCA Status Comparison CO Biomassburningemissions BARCA Telecon 04-12-2009 MPI forBiogeochemistry Jena

  10. STILT runsfor BARCA Status Comparison CO Biomassburningemissions BARCA Telecon 04-12-2009 MPI forBiogeochemistry Jena

  11. STILT runsfor BARCA Status Comparison CO Biomassburningemissions BARCA Telecon 04-12-2009 MPI forBiogeochemistry Jena

  12. O2/N2 from BARCA flasks BARCA A: 145 flasks sucessfully anaylzed for O2/N2 ArN2 values used for correction of fractionation: O2/N2(corr) = O2/N2 – a(ArN2-mean(ArN2)) BARCA Telecon 04-12-2009 MPI forBiogeochemistry Jena

  13. O2/N2 from BARCA flasks - plans • Use STILT to separate contributions to O2/CO2 ratio from different processes • Respiration /Photosynthesis  VPRM fields von VY • Biomass burning (similar signature)  C. Wiedenmyer • Fossil fuel Julia’s COFFEE dataset for different fossil fuel types, 1x1 degree BARCA Telecon 04-12-2009 MPI forBiogeochemistry Jena

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